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Bulletin Board Ðàçäåë ñ òåìàìè î ïîêóïêå/ïðîäàæå îäåæäû, ìåð÷à, òåõíèêè, äèñêîâ è äðóãèìè îáúÿâëåíèÿìè (áàðàõîëêà ñ ìóçûêàëüíûìè èíñòðóìåíòàìè çäåñü) |
Îïöèè òåìû | Ïîèñê â ýòîé òåìå |
19.01.2013, 16:35 | #1 |
mp3 56 kbps
Ðåïóòàöèÿ: 0
Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 21 ÿíâàðÿ
Äèñêè íàõîäÿòñÿ â Äíåïðîïåòðîâñêå. Âûñûëàþ ïî Óêðàèíå.
Ïî÷òîâûå ðàñõîäû îãîâàðèâàþòñÿ îòäåëüíî. Ïðè ïîêóïêå òðåõ ïîçèöèé, äîñòàâêà ïî Óêðàèíå áåñïëàòíàÿ (òîëüêî Óêðïî÷òîé) Ïðè ïîêóïêå ïÿòè ïîçèöèé, îäèí äèñê â ïîäàðîê (øåñòîé, ñàìûé äåøåâûé èç âûáðàííûõ) è áåñïëàòíàÿ äîñòàâêà ïî Óêðàèíå (òîëüêî Óêðïî÷òîé) Íå âñå äèñêè àáñîëþòíî íîâûå. Ïåðåä ïîêóïêîé ïîèíòåðåñóéòåñü ñîñòîÿíèåì äèñêà. CD: 7000$ (Russia) 30ãðí “True Èëè Òðóï” (A One Records, 2007) Alternative 7000$ (Russia) 30ãðí “/210401/ + Xlam” (KDK Records, 2003) Alternative 7000$ (Russia) 30ãðí “Òû” (KDK Records, 2003) Alternative 7H. TARGET (Russia) 30ãðí “Electric tools for electric human” (Imbecil entertainment, 2011) Technical brutal death metal 7 H.TARGET (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò “Psy Slam Damage” (Coyote Records, 2013) Technical Brutal Death Metal 7 H.TARGET (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Fast-Slow Demolition” (Coyote Records, 2012) Technical Brutal Death 1917 (Argentina) 30ãðí 2øò “Brutal miserable drama” (Self release, 2010) Death metal ÂÐÀÒÀ ÒÜÌÛ (Russia) 30ãðí “Âîéíû Ñåâåðíîé Çåìëè” (More Hate Productions, 2004) Pagan / Black metal ÃÎÂÍÈËÈÓÌ (Russia) 30ãðí ”Âñå â äåðüìå” (Mercy despise, 2011) Epic doom metal ÃÐÀÉ (Russia) 30ãðí “Ïîëûíü-òðàâà” (Volh records, 2009) Pagan / Folk metal ÄÇßÄÛ (Belarus) 30ãðí ”Êðûâåþ ïî ñíåçå” (Volh records, 2008 Pagan / Black metal ÄÐÓÆÈÍÀ (Russia) 30ãðí “Îïðè÷íèê” (Sound Age Productions, 2011) Folk / Black metal ÈÇÌÎÐÎÇÜ (Russia) 30ãðí “Öåðêîâü ×òî Ãîðèò Ïîä Ãîðîé” (Sound Age Productions, 2007) Folk / Black / Pagan ÈÇÌÎÐÎÇÜ (Russia) 30ãðí “Êîñìîðîçü 3000” (Sound Age Productions, 2011) Folk / Black / Pagan ÊÐÛËÜß (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Â êðàþ ïîòåðÿííûõ äóø” (CD-Maximum, 2009) Heavy metal ËÈÕÎËÅÑÜÅ (Russia) 30ãðí “Èçâå÷íîå êîëîâðàùåíèå” (Stygian crypt productions, Neofolk ÍÅÂÈÄÜ (Russia) 30ãðí “Çîâ Íîâîé Ãèïåðáîðåè” (Irond, 2005) Pagan Metal ÎÃÍÅÍÍÛÉ ØÒÎÐÌ (Russia) 30ãðí “Âåëèêà ñèëà” (Yar productions, 2010) Pagan / Thrash metal ÎÏÐÈ×Ü (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Íåáî Áåç Ïòèö” (Casus Belli Musica, 2013) Folk metal ÑÈÂÛÉ ßÐ (Russia) 30ãðí ”Íîùü” (Gardarika music, 2009) Pagan black metal ÑÈÂÛÉ ßÐ (Russia) 20ãðí ”Äâîåâåðñòâî” (More hate productions, 2011) Pagan black metal ÑËÅÏÀß ÅËÀÍÜ (Russia) 30ãðí “Íåèçáåæíîñòü” (Nihil Art Records, 2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí “Ãåðàè÷íû ýïàñ” (Sound Age Productions, 2008 Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Êåëèõ Êîëà” (Sound Age Productions, 2008 Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Ñÿðýäíÿâý÷íàÿ äûñêàòýêà” (Sound Age Productions, 2008 Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Verbum” (Sound Age Productions, 2008 Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Bip” (Sound Age Productions, 2008 Folk ÒÅÌÍÎÂÐÀÒ (Russia) 30ãðí ”Â ìîë÷àíèè ñåâåðíûõ ëåñîâ” (Margin art records, 2010) Pagan black metal ÒÅÌÍÎÇÎÐÜ (Russia) 30ãðí “Horizons...” (Hollehammer Propaganda, 2009) Folk / Black ÒÈÐÀÍ (Russia) 30ãðí ”Reborn chaos” (Wing of destruction prods, dead center prods, 2011) Old school thrash metal / Heavy metal ßÐÍÚ (Russia) 30ãðí ”Îñòûâøèé Áîã” (Nihil art records, 2011) Noise / Industrial dark ambient ßÐÎÂÈÒ (Russia) 30ãðí ”Çîâ Ñèìàðãëà” (Nihil art records, 2010) Folk / Ambient ...OF CELESTIAL (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Virgin blood” (More hate productions, 2011) Extreme metal / Symphonic metal A A TRIBUTE TO METALLICA DIGI 2CD (çàïå÷àòàí) 60ãðí “Phantom lords” (Adrenaline records) ABADDON INCARNATE (Ireland) 30ãðí “Nadir” (Sentinel Records, 2001) Grind ABISMO (Brazil) 30ãðí “Ultimo Canto Ciclico Do Sol” (Nihil Art Records, 2010) Industrial / Dark Ambient ABNORMAL (Russia) 30ãðí ”Shifted the shape” (SFC records, 2007) Brutal death metal ABORTED FETUS (Russia) 30ãðí “Goresoaked Clinical Accidents” (Coyote Records, 2008) Brutal Death ABSENTH (Russia) 30ãðí “Erotica 69” (Artificial Sun Records, 2012) Cyber Metal ABSURD THULE (Russia) 30ãðí “00 Antimusic” (Nihil Art Records, 2013) Industrial / Dark Ambient ABYSMAL DEPTHS (Mexico) 30ãðí “The pain shows in dead woods” (Metallic media, 2013) Depressive black metal ABYSSPHERE (Russia) 30ãðí “Òåíè è ñíû” (Endless desperation productions, 2010) Melodic doom / Death ACEPHALA (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Infraction cerebral occupation” (More hate records, 2008 Brutal death metal ACEPHALA (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Division by zero” (SFC records, 2010) Brutal death metal ACETONIZER (Russia) 15ãðí ”Don’t be a menace to 6th hood / Plastilin” (Coyote records, 2008 Guttural grind ACETONIZER (Russia) 15ãðí ”On change / The dark blue way” (Coyote records, 2008 Guttural grind ACRANIA (Mexico) 30ãðí ”Unbreakable fury” (Self released, 2010) Avantgarde death metal AD HOMINEM (France) 30ãðí “Dictator – A Monument Of Glory” (Hollehammer, 2010) Black AFFLICTIVE EMASCULATION (Spain) 30ãðí “Obscure slam vomition” (Coyote records, 2012) Brutal death metal AGATHOCLES (Belgium) 30ãðí “Senseless Trip” (Coyote Records, 2007) Grindcore AGGRAVATOR (USA) 30ãðí “Age Of Combat” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Thrash ALASTOR (Portugal) 30ãðí “Demon Attack” (War Productions, 2011) Black / Thrash ALL TOO HUMAN (USA) 30ãðí “Entropy” (Steelheart records, 2004) Progressive metal / Power metal AMBIVALENCE (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Silicone magic” (Gormageddon productions, 2010) Death metal / Grind AMENTIA (Belarus) 30ãðí ”Incurable disease” (More hate productions, 2011) Technical brutal death metal AMPUTATED (United Kingdom) 40ãðí “Gargling With Infected Semen” (Sevared Records, 2006) Brutal Death ANAL GRIND (Belarus) 30ãðí “Born To Porn” (Coyote Records, 2010) Porno Grind ANAL GRIND (Belarus) 30ãðí “Chronic Pornoholic” (Coyote Records, 2012) Porno Grind ANAL NOSOROG (Russia) 30ãðí ”Condom of hate” (AN prod records, 2007) Grind ANAL NOSOROG (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Gazavat” (Coyote Records, 2009) Grind ANARKHON (Brazil) 30ãðí “Into The Autopsy” (Sevared Records, 2010) Death metal ANCESTRAL VOLKHVES (Slovakia) 30ãðí “Perun do vas!!!” (Sound age productions, 2008 Folk black metal ANCIENT NECROPSY (Colombia) 30ãðí “Sanctuary Beyond The Infinite...” (Nice To Eat You Records, 2011) Brutal Death ANDRALLS (Brazil) 30ãðí “Breakness” (NitroAtmosfericum Records, 2013) Thrash Metal ANGEL BUTCHER (Brazil) 30ãðí “25 Years Bleeding Ears” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Thrash / Crossover ANGEL OF DISEASE (Georgia) 30ãðí “Hypercube” (Coyote Records, 2009) Progressive Death APHOOM ZHAH (Belarus) 20ãðí ”Symbols of new aeon” (Possession productions, 2005) Black metal APOKALYPTIC RAIDS (Brazil) 30ãðí 2øò “The Third Storm” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Black / Death / Thrash APOKEFALE (Russia) DIGI 40ãðí "Revelation: procreating abhorrent depths" (Headxplode records, 2011) Black metal / Death metal / Blackcore APOSTATE (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Trapped In A Sleep” (Metallic Media, 2011) Death / Doom APOSTLES OF PERVERSION (Spain) 30ãðí “Meeting Of Atrocities” (Pathologically Explicit Recordings, 2011) Brutal Death ARSIS (USA) 30ãðí “As Regret Becomes Guilt” (Negative Existence Records, 2007) Technical Melodic Death ARTERY ERUPTION (USA) 30ãðí “Driving my fist through her chest” (Sevared records, 2009) Brutal death A.S.S. (Russia) 30ãðí “Anal Supersonic Sex” (More Hate Productions, 2013) Porno Grind ASTARIUM (Russia) 30ãðí ”Dethroned of impostor” (Margin art records, 2011) Black metal ASTARIUM (Russia) 30ãðí “Wyrm of melancholy” (Metallic media, 2012) Symphonic black metal ASTAROT (Mexico) 30ãðí “Raw sensation of nostalgia and nihilistic” (Metallic media, 2012) Black metal ATOLL NERAT (Russia) 30ãðí “Two Pipes To Heaven” (More Hate Productions, 2009) Gothic / Black ATRA HORA (Russia) 30ãðí ”Lost in the depths” (Darknagar records, 2009) Melodic death metal/ Black metal AUTHORITY OF HATE (Russia) 30ãðí ”Crackdown” (Metal scrap records, 2010) Death metal AUTUMN (Russia) 30ãðí «Îñåíü – âå÷íà...» (Stygian crypt productions, 2003) Gothic / Doom metal AVULSED (Spain) DIGI 50ãðí “Stabwound Orgasm” (Coyote Records, 2007) Death AVULSED (Spain) Digi çàïå÷àòàí 50ãðí “Nullo” (Coyote records, 2009) Death AZTEC JADE (USA) DIGI (çàïå÷àòàí) 40ãðí “Paradise lost” (Adrenaline records, 2000) Progressive metal B BALANCE INTERRUPTION (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Nuclear war for rescue” (Possessed productions, 2007) Black metal BARBARITY (Russia) 30ãðí ”Grotesque contradiction” (Coyote records, 2008 Death metal/ Grind BEHEADING MACHINE (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò Stillbirth civilisation (Eclectic productions, A productions, 2010) Technical death metal BESTIAL SUMMONING (Netherlands) 50ãðí “The Dark War Has Begun” (Supremacy Through Intolerance, 2011) Black metal BEYOND TERROR BEYOND GRACE (Australia) 30ãðí “Still human, still humane?” (Grindhead records, 2005) Death metal / grind BEYOND TERROR BEYOND GRACE (Australia) 30ãðí “Extinction/salvation” (Grindhead records, 2007) Death metal / grind BISON B.S. (Canada) 30ãðí “Lovelessness” (Fono Ltd., 2012) Stoner / Sludge BLACK ANGEL (Peru) 30 ãðí “The Black Truth” (Warhemic Productions, 2012) Black BLACK ANGEL (Peru) 30 ãðí “From The Darkness” (Nyarlathotep Records, Violent Records, Impaled Records, Obskure Chaos., 2011) Black BLACK SOUL BLADE (Russia) 30ãðí “Voodoo” (Fono Ltd., 2012) Thrash / Groove BLOODRAIN (Russia) 30ãðí “IV: Hostis Humani Generis” (Volh Records, 2011) Black Metal BOG MOROK (Russia) 30ãðí “Syn.Thesis” (Sound Age Productions, 2007) Industrial Metal BOUND AND GAGGED (USA) 30ãðí. “Fornicate The Gutted” (United Guttural Records, 2002) Brutal Death BOWEL STEW (Italy) 30ãðí “Necrocoital Amputorgy” (Coyote Records, 2010) Brutal Death BURIAL (USA) 30ãðí “Divinity through eradication” (MWA records, 2009) Death metal C CANDERO (Germany) 30ãðí êàðòîííûé êîíâåðò “Human Disease” (Rising Nemesis Records, 2011) Brutal Death CANNIBE (Italy) 30ãðí “The mind is collapsed” (Goressimo records, 2012) Death metal / Grind CAPITOLLIUM (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Engraved Fear” (More Hate Productions, 2005) Symphonic black metal CARNAL DECAY (Switzerland) 30ãðí “On top of the food chain” (Sevared records, 2011) Death metal / Grind CEMETERIAL (Russia) 30ãðí “Ñàäû Áåñïðîãëÿäíîãî Ìðàêà” (Musica Productions, 2011) Symphonic Black metal CENOTAPH (Turkey) 30ãðí “Reincarnation In Gorextasy” (Coyote Records, 2008) Brutal Death CENOTAPH (Turkey) 30ãðí “Putrescent Infectious Rabidity” (Coyote Records, 2010) Brutal Death CEREBRAL TURBULENCY (Czech republic) 30ãðí ”Forces closing down” (Coyote records, 2007) Death metal / Grind CHERNOBOG (Russia) 30ãðí “Vlidoxfato” (Sound Age productions, 2004) Black metal CHRIST DENIED (Spain) 30ãðí “... Got What He Deserved” (Coyote Records, 2006) Death CLEAVER (Norway) 30ãðí “When There’s No More Room In Hell” (Dead Center Productions, 2013) Thrash / Death COLD DESIGN (Russia) DIGI 40ãðí “Ñêîðî Ëåòî” (Electrica Caelestis, 2012) Electro Goth CONVENT (Poland) DIGI 40ãðí “Abandon your lord” (Old Temple records, 2009) Death metal COPROBAPTIZED CUNTHUNTER (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Failure Prosthesis” (Coyote Records, 2010) Grind CORRUPTED (Japan) 50ãðí “Garten Der Unbewusstheit“ (Nostalgia Blackrain, 2011) Sludge / Doom CRIMINAL VAGINA (Indonesia) 30ãðí ”In cunt we trust” (No label records, 2010) Brutal death metal / Grind CRIMSON AEON (Germany) 40ãðí “Eternal murder” (Stunde des ideals produktionen, 2010) Black CRUADALACH (Czech republic) 30ãðí “Agni – unveil what’s burning inside” (Parat magazine, 2011) Folk metal CRUSHER (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Endless torment” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Thrash metal CRYOGENIC IMPLOSION (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Creation of the new world” (Metal scrap records, 2011) Death metal CRYPTIC (Poland) 30ãðí ”Infinite torment” (Metal scrap records, 2010) Death metal CULT OF VAMPYRISM (Italy) 30ãðí 2øò “Aporia” (Mercy Despise, 2013) Black / Doom CUTTERRED FLESH (Czech Republic) 30ãðí ”Cause the apocalypse” (Nice to eat you records, 2010) Brutal death metal CYDIA (Russia) 30ãðí ”Evil sun” (Metal scrap records, 2011) Groove / Death metal D D.E.R. (Brazil) 30 ãðí “Quando A Esperanca Desaba” (EveryDayHate, Goressimo Records, 2011) Grindcore D.HATE (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Game with ghosts” (Metal scrap records, 2011) Thrash metal / Groove DAMMERUNG (Ukraine) 20ãðí ”Dark poetry” (Metal scrap records, 2010) Black metal DARK COVENANT (Canada) 30ãðí “Eulogies For The Fallen” (Emanes Metal Records, 2011) Doom DEAD THEORY (Indonesia) 30ãðí 2øò ”Teriak Siksa Bathin” (Coyote records, 2008 Brutal death metal DEADLY CARRION (Belarus) 15ãðí 2øò ”Êàê ïðåêðàñåí ýòîò ìèð” (Fantazone sound, 2009) Death metal DEATH ABOVE (Spain) 30ãðí “The attack of the Soul Eatern” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Thrash / Crossover DEATH HEAVEN (Italy) 20ãðí “Viral apocalypse” (Punishment 18 records, 2007) Death metal DEATH SOUND (Indonesia) 30ãðí ”A story of my western Borneo” (No label records, 2010) Brutal death metal DEATHLUST (Poland) 30ãðí “Deathlust” (Old Temple records, 2011) Black / Death metal DECOMPOSED (Indonesia) 30ãðí ”Putrid stench purulency” (Coyote records, 2008 Brutal death metal DECOMPOSING SERENITY (Australia) 30ãðí “Vintage Melodies And Lacerated Tendous” (Vibex Productions, 2012) Goregrind DECONFORMITY (USA) 30ãðí “From the end to inseminate” (Nice to eat you records, 2007) Death metal DEFECT DESIGNER (Russia) 30ãðí "Wax" (My kingdom music, 2009) Schyzoid death metal DEHYDRATED (Russia) 30ãðí ”Duality of existence” (More hate productions, 2010) Death metal DEHYDRATED GOAT (Latvia) 30ãðí 2øò ”Genocide against the brain cells” (Coyote records) Brutal death metal / Grind DEMENTED (Spain) 30ãðí ”Psychoanalysis of eternal pain” (Coyote records, 2008 Brutal death metal / Grind DEMENTED RETARDED (Czech Republic) 30ãðí ”Secretion phase / Irony of violent death” (Coyote records, 2007) Guttural gore grind DEMENTED RETARDED (Czech Republic) 30ãðí ”Sister’s menstruation” (Coyote records, 2009) Guttural gore grind DEMENTED RETARDED (Czech Republic) 30ãðí ”Perverse spiele fotzendose” (Coyote records, 2011) Guttural gore grind DEMENTIA AD VITAM (France) 40ãðí “De Gaia, Le Poison...” (Naturmacht Productions, 2010) Dark Ambient / Neofolk DEMONIC RESURRECTION (India) 30ãðí “The return to darkness” (Demonstealer records, 2010) Progressive death / black metal DENIS ÒÝ (Russia) 30ãðí ”Merk” (Differences of mind, 2011) Electro / Ambient DENSE VISION SHRINE 60ãðí CD + DVD in DVD case “Time Lost In Oblivion” (First Fallen Star) Dark Ambient DER GALGEN (Russia) 30ãðí “Willkommen Auf Die Todesstrafe” (Sound Age productions, 2008 Folk metal DEVIATOR (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Voice Of The Native Blood” (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black / Death DICTATOR (Russia) 30ãðí “Stay brutal, baby” (More hate productions, 2012) Modern death black industrial DIGIMORTAL (Russia) 30ãðí “Íåîáðàòèìîñòü” (Sound Age Productions, 2007) Industrial DIORAMA (Germany) 30ãðí “Pale” (Irond, 2004) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth DIORAMA (Germany) 30ãðí “The Art Of Creating Confusing Spirits” (Irond, 2004) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth DIORAMA (Germany) 30ãðí “Repale” (Irond, 2005) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth DIORAMA (Germany) 30ãðí “Amaroid” (Irond, 2005) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth DISARTICULATING EXTINGUISHMENT (Russia) 30ãðí ”Psalms of wrath” (Imbecil entertainment, 2011) Brutal death metal DISGUST (Japan) 30ãðí “War Deterrent” (Grind Freaks, 2007) Grind / Punk / hardcore DISINFECT (Germany) 30ãðí “Screams of Pleasure” (Vomit In Silence, 2011) Death DISSECTOR (Russia) 30ãðí “Not like before” (Worldlessness records, 2012) Melodic death metal DISTORTED WORLD (Russia) 30ãðí “Between The Strophes” (Artificial Sun Records, 2012) Harsh EBM / Darkwave DOMINANCE (Italy) 30ãðí “Echoes of human decay” (Kolony records, 2009) Death metal DRAUGURINN (France) 40ãðí “Móðuharðindin” (Le Crepuscule Du Soir, 2012) Black / Ambient DRUKNROLL (Russia) 30ãðí "Íà ëåçâèè íîæà" (Metal scrap records, 2012) Modern heavy metal DUODILDO VIBRATOR (Russia) 30ãðí “Acockalypse Now” (Coyote Records, 2013) Grind E EA (Russia) 30ãðí “Ea Taesse” (Solitude Productions, 2006) Funeral Doom EA (Russia) 30ãðí “Ea II” (Solitude Productions, 2009) Funeral Doom EA (Russia) 30ãðí “Au Ellai ” (Solitude Productions, 2010) Funeral Doom EA (Russia) 30ãðí “Ea” (Solitude Productions, 2012) Funeral Doom EARTH INCUBATOR (Russia) 30ãðí ”Covers & remixes” (Nihil art records, 2011) Experimental IDM EBANATH (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Amoral glamour” (Coyote records, 2009) Porno grind EBANATH (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Fot Those Who Still Believe... In Nothing” (Coyote Records, 2013) Grindcore EBONYLAKE (United Kingdom) 50ãðí “In Swathes of brooding light” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2011) Avant-Garde Black / Gothic metal EDAIN (Czech republic) 20ãðí ”Through thought and time” (Parat magazine, 2009) Progressive death metal EDENSHADE (Italy) 30ãðí "The Lesson Betrayed"(My kingdom music, 2006) Melodic death metal EDUCATED SCUM (Russia) 30ãðí “React” (Musica productions, 2011) Death metal / Grind EDVIAN (Russia) 30ãðí “2012” (Metal Scrap records, 2012) Progressive metal EGEMONY (Italy) 30ãðí “Baptism of the unborn” (Nice to eat you records, 2009) Brutal death metal / Grind EIBON (France) Êàðòîííûé êîíâåðò 30ãðí “II” (Aesthetic Death Records, 2013) Progressive Blackened Doom ELBOW DROP (Colombia) 30ãðí ”I love tupa-tupa GxCx” (Gore and blood productions, 2007) Death metal / Grind EMPTINESS (Russia) 30ãðí “Emptiness” (Deleting Soul Records, 2010) Depressive Black ENDOVEIN (Italy) 30ãðí ”Waiting for disaster” (Punishment 18 records, 2010) Thrash metal ENGORGED (USA) 30ãðí “Engorged” (Deathvomit Records, 2002) Death / Grind ENGORGEMENT (United Kingdom) 40ãðí “Excruciating Intestinal Lacerations” (Comatose Music, 2012) Brutal Death Metal ENTHRALLMENT (Bulgaria) 30ãðí “People From The Lands Of Vit” (United Guttural Records, 2012) Brutal Death EVIL ENTOURAGE (Mexico) 30ãðí ”Dominion” (Ablaze productions, 2007) Brutal death metal EXHUMATION (Russia) 30ãðí ”I cumshot in a womb of mother / ...and blood will prevail” (Coyote records, 2006) Brutal death metal EXTERMINAS (Italy) 20ãðí “Seventh demoniacal hierarchy” (Metallic media, 2012) Black metal EXTREME VAGINAL (Indonesia) 30ãðí ”Anthem for Every Kill Moments” (Coyote records, 2009) Brutal death metal EXUMER (Germany) 40ãðí “Fire & Damnation” (Fono, A5 Prod, Metal Scrap Records, 2013) Thrash metal EXVENTER (Russia) 15ãðí ”Procederum finic” (Coyote records, 2005) Death metal / Grind F FATAL ERROR (Russia) 30ãðí “God Of Endless Madness” (Fono Ltd., 2013) Death / Hardcore FATAL NUNCHAKU (France) 30ãðí “Paving Stone Under The Beach” (Suffering Jesus Productions, 2011) Grind FATE (Denmark) 30ãðí “V” (Replica records, 2006) Hard rock / Heavy metal FECUND BETRAYAL (USA) 30ãðí “Depths that buried the sea” (Metallic media, 2012) Funeral doom FERMENTO (Spain) 30ãðí “Recipe for cremation” (Brute! Productions, 2009) Brutal death / Grind FETO IN FETUS (Poland) DIGI 40ãðí 2øò. “Condemned To The Torture” (Black Team Media Records, 2013) Death / Grind FILIVS MACROCOSMI & CHARIDRIIFORM (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Ex. Vivo” (A5 Productions, 2012) Dark Ambient FLEGETHON (Russia) 30ãðí “The Art Of Regeneration” (Self Release, 2013) Black / Funeral Doom FLYING (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Graceful murder” (Moon records, 2010) Melodic death metal FROM THE VASTLAND (Iran) 30ãðí “Darkness vs. light, The perpetual battle” (Arx records, 2011) Black metal FROZEN OCEAN (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò. “Oneiric In Geocentricism” (Nihil Art Records, 2011) Dark Ambient FROZEN OCEAN (Russia) 30ãðí “Vestigial Existence” (Deleting Soul Records, 2011) Black FUCK OATH (Australia) 30ãðí “Fuck Oath” (Grindhead Records, 2009) Hardcore FUCK YOUR DEPRESSION (Russia) 30ãðí “Total Conception Of Human Madness” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death Metal FUNERAL (Norway) DIGIBOOK 50ãðí 2øò. “To Mourn Is A Virtue” (Solitude Productions, 2011) Funeral / Doom / Death FUNERAL DEPRESSION (Poland) 30ãðí “Pure Depression” (Deleting Soul Records, 2010) Black / Ambient FUNGOID STREAM (Argentina) 30ãðí “Celaenus Fragments” (Furias Records, Orion Music Entertainment, 2004) Funeral Doom G GAKTUNGAR (Russia) 30ãðí “Gisturgh” (Margin art records, 2012) Black metal GARROTER (Poland) 20ãðí “Corporal punishment” (The spew records, 2009) Brutal death GASTRORREXIS (Equador) 30ãðí “The Taste Of Putrefaction” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death GERIHT (Russia) 30ãðí 3øò ”Ruins of humanity” (Rigorism productions, 2010) Black metal THE GIALLOS FLAME 30ãðí “The Giallos Flame” (Baphomet Records, 2005) Funk, Jazz, Prog. Rock GLUT! (Spain) 30ãðí ”Trastorno depresivo perpetuo” (Coyote records, 2009) Gore grind GOAT THRON (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò. “Ultra Humiliate’ (A5 Productions, 2012) Dark ambient / Noise GODLESS CRUELTY (Germany) 30ãðí “Gott....Im Chaos Gestorven” (Nordsturm Productions, 2007) Black metal GODS TOWER (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Abandon All Hope” (Eternal Art, 2001) Folk / Doom / Pagan GOL (Australia) 30ãðí “Appaller” (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black / Death :GOLGATHA: (Germany) 30ãðí “Icarus E.P.” (:Ikonen: Media, 2006) Dark Ambient GORE INHALER (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Welcome to zombieland” (Coyote records, 2012) Brutal death metal GORMENGHAST (Russia) 30ãðí “Resist or serve” (Stygian crypt productions, 2012) Death metal GRIND BASTARDS (Various Artists) 30ãðí “Compilation 4” (Grind Freaks, 2010) Grind GRIND BASTARDS (Various Artists) 30ãðí “Compilation 5” (Grind Freaks, 2011) Grind GROSS GROLLAND (Russia) 30ãðí “What doesn’t kill me makes a big mistake” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Thrash metal / Groove THE GROWL FAMILY (Uruguay) 30ãðí “Putrefixion” (Extreme zone records, 2009) Brutal death GRUNT (France) DIGI 40ãðí “Someone Is Watching” (Force Majeure, 2011) Noise / Industrial GRUNT (France) 30ãðí “Europe After Storm” (Force Majeure, 2011) Noise / Industrial GUTSLIT (Indian) 30ãðí “Skewered In The Sewer” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death H HAG-HAG-HAGAL (Russia) DIGI 40ãðí “Hag-Hag-Hagal” (Valgriind, Martial Dark Ambient HAGL (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “In The Heart” (Casus Belli Musica, 2013) Pagan / Black HARMONY IN GROTESQUE (Russia) 30ãðí ”Painted by pain” (Arx productions, 2011) Dark metal / Death metal HARZA (Russia) 30ãðí “War” (Lower silesian stronghold, 2010) NS Black metal HATESTORM (Russia) 30ãðí ”Cursed rituals” (Rigorism productions, 2010) Black metal HEAD CLEANER (Greece) 30ãðí “Of Worms And Man” (United Guttural Records, 2013) Death Metal / Grind HEAVY ROACH ACTIVITY (USA) 30ãðí 2øò. “Good For Nothing” (United Guttural Records, 2013) Thrash / Punk HELCARAXE (USA) 20ãðí ”Triumph and revenge” (Regimental records, 2007) Death metal HELL:ON (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Strong enough” (Moon records, 2006) Thrash metal / Death metal HELL:ON (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Re:born” (Metal scrap records, 2011) Thrash metal / Death metal HELL:ON (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Age of oblivion” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Modern Thrash metal HELL:ON (Ukraine) Digi çàïå÷àòàí 40ãðí “Age Of Oblivion” (MSR Productions, 2012) Modern thrash / Groove HELLSKUAD (Indonesia) 30ãðí “Knife of perfect mutilation” (Coyote records, 2012) Brutal death metal HINDRANCE (Spain) 30ãðí ”Rebirth” (Hecatombe records, 2009) Death metal / Grind HOLOCAUST (Spain) 20ãðí “Demoniac bible” (Hecatombe records, 2001) Brutal death HORDE CASKET (USA) 30ãðí “Landscape of cadavers” (Pathologically explicit records, 2008 Brutal death HRIMTHURSEN (Germany) 80ãðí 3øò. Limited 250 copy!!! “Bestie Mensch” (Stunde Des Ideals Productions, 2007) Black HYDROPHOBIA (Japan) 30ãðí ”Human shredder” (Worldchaos production, 2008 Death metal / Grind I ILLNESS (Poland / Norway) 30ãðí ”Planet paranoja” (Margin art records, 2011) Black metal ILLNESS (International) 30ãðí “Psychopath” (Margin Art Records, 2013) Black Metal IMMORTAL REMAINS (Germany) 30ãðí "Everlasting Night" (My kingdom music, 2009) Black metal IN ARTICULO MORTIS (Czech republic) 30ãðí “The day after the darkest day” (Nice to eat you records, 2009) Death metal INFECTED (Ukraine) 40ãðí “Infected Creation” (A5 Prod, Metal Scrap Records, 2012) Brutal Death metal INFERIA (Finland) 20ãðí ”No Sperm Shall Be Spared” (Coyote records, 2010) Death metal / Grind INFERIUS TORMENT (Russia) 30ãðí “Your god liar” (Black death production, 2011) Black metal INFERNAL ANGELS (Italy) 30ãðí "Midwinter Blood" (My kingdom music, 2009) Melodic black metal INHEIN (Russia) 30ãðí “Pestrapture” (Antichristian front records, 2010) Black metal INITIAL CHAOS (Russia) 30ãðí “Ego splitting” (Nihil Art Records, 2010) Synth / Darkwave INOPEXIA (Russia) 30ãðí “Myocardical Biopsy Hada Lethal Outcome” (Coyote Records, 2012) Grindcore INTERIOR DISPOSITION (Russia) 30ãðí “Taedium Vitae” (Nihil art records, 2010) Dark Drone Ambient INTERIOR WRATH (Belarus) 30ãðí ”Âîë÷üÿ êðîâü ïðîòèâîñòîÿíèÿ” (Volh records, 2010) Pagan / Black metal INTRACRANIAL BUTCHERY (USA) 30ãðí ”Keepin’ it grind” (Coyote records, 2010) Brutal death metal J JANE AIR (Russia) DIGI 40ãðí “Sex & Violence” (A One Records, 2007) Emo, Alternative JOIN THE CIRCLE (South Korea) 30ãðí “Join The Circle” (Townhall Records, 2007) Hardcore K KADAVAR (Italy) 30ãðí “Kadavar” (Punishment 18 records, 2009) Death metal KAMAEDZITCA (Belarus) 20ãðí “Äçåöi ëåñà” (Strong Music Productions, 2004) Pagan / Folk / Black KAMAEDZITCA (Belarus) Digisleeve çàïå÷àòàí 40ãðí “Äçåöi ëåñà” (Lesskog, 2010) Pagan Folk Black KAMAEDZITCA (Belarus) Digisleeve çàïå÷àòàí 40ãðí “Ïÿðóíå” (Lesskog, 2010) Pagan Folk Black KARBONIZED TRAITOR (Luxembourg) 30ãðí “Hell.Fire.Sex” (Bestial Invasion Records, 2010) Black / Thrash KIJU (Italy) 30ãðí “Ignite The Revolt” (Controtempo Produzioni, 2011) Thrash / groove metal KILLHUMANITY (Russia) 20ãðí ”Killing” (Coyote records, 2005) Brutal death metal KOREA (Russia) 30ãðí “Ïóëüñ” (Mazzar Records, 2007) Nu Metal / Hardcore KRADA (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Íà Òðåáó – Æèçíü!” (Volh Records, 2011) Pagan Black Metal L LASCOWIEC (USA) 30ãðí “Asgard Mysteries” (Dark Hidden Productions, 2008 Black Metal LEASH LAW (USA) 20ãðí “Dogface” (Black lotus records, 2004) Heavy metal LEHMANN (Italy) 30ãðí “Lehmanized” (Fono Ltd., 2013) Heavy LEVEL ABOVE HUMAN (Sweden) 30ãðí ”Final anthropic principle” (Imbecil entertainment, 2009) Technical death metal / Grind LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH (USA) 30ãðí “Baphometic Chaosivm” (Fono Ltd., 2013) Black / Death LIKE DRONE RAZORS THROUGH FLESH SPHERE (Spain) 30ãðí “Ex Nihilo Nihil, Ad Nihilum Nihil Posse Reverti” (GoatowaRex, 2007) Drone / Doom / Ambient LIVIDITY (USA) 30ãðí “... ‘til Only The Sick Remain” (Epitomite Productions, 2008) Brutal Death LONG PIG (Hungary) 30ãðí “Barren” (Grindhead Records, 2007) Death / Grind LORD FUCK (USA) 30ãðí ”Exquisite gutteral” (Coyote records, 2009) Goregrind LUGUBRIOUS (Spain) 30ãðí “In Nomine Domini Nostri, Jesus Christi” (Pathologically Explicit Recordings / Spain Death Metal Records, 2012) Death LYCANTHROPY (Russia) 30ãðí “Cerberus Werewolves II” (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black M MAGGOT SHOES (Germany) 30ãðí ”[F]ear terrorism” (FDA rekotz, 2008 Death metal / Grind MAGISTRAL FLATULENCES (France) 15ãðí 2øò ”Pussyfist” (Eclectic productions, 2010) Porno grind MAJESTY OF REVIVAL (Ukraine) 20ãðí “Through reality” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Progressive power metal MAKATTOPSY (Turkey) 30ãðí “Purified Zombie Cadaver” (Nice To Eat You Records, 2012) Brutal Death Metal / Grind MALAMOR (USA) 30ãðí “Dead to the world” (Amputated vein records, 2004) Death metal MALVEILLANCE (Canada) 30ãðí “Consentir A L’absurde” (Suffering Jesus Productions, 2010) Black Metal MARGG (Iran) 30ãðí “Balkhorno Horn” (Margin Art Records, 2011) Black MASS MASSACRE (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Repentance in gangrene” (Coyote records, 2010) Brutal death metal / Grind MEMBRO GENITALI BEFURCATOR (Russia) 30ãðí ”Total war” (Coyote records, 2006) Brutal death metal / Grind MEMBRO GENITALI BEFURCATOR (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò ”Human destruction” (Coyote records, 2010) Brutal death metal / Grind MEMORIAL (Netherland) 20ãðí “Enter my megaron” (Baphomet records, 2000) Black metal MENTAL APRAXIA (Colombia) 15ãðí 2øò ”Cinical – hypocritical existence” (Coyote records, 2006) Brutal death metal / Gore grind MENTAL DEMISE (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Psycho-penetration / Credo quia absurdum&” (Imbecil intertainment, 2007) Brutal death metal MINAMATA 40ãðí DIGI çàïå÷àòàí “Nigata” (Zone De Confusion, 2007) Noise, Industrial MINDLY ROTTEN (Colombia) 30ãðí “Proliferation Of Disaster” (Coyote Records, 2011) Technical Brutal Death MINDVOID (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Crime against” (Nihil art records, 2011) Ambient / Dark electro MINERVA (Poland) 30ãðí ”Dead for a lifetime” (Self release, 2010) Groove / Hardcore / Metal MOLOCH (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Nur die Berge erinnern sich der Winde die hier ihren Anfang fanden vor so langer Zeit„ (Nihil Art Records, 2010) Dark Ambient MORGUE’S CHILD (Russia) 30ãðí ”…from the cunt to the grave” (Coyote records, 2010) Brutal death metal / Grind MORIA (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Pain shreds” (More hate productions, 2010) Groove / Thrash metal MORTAL AGONY (Germany) 30ãðí ”Dobermann” (Rising nemesis records, 2009) Death metal / Grind MORTAL TORMENT (Greece) 30ãðí “Resuscitation” (Coyote Records, 2011) Brutal Death MORTIFER RAGE (Brazil) 30ãðí “Murderous ritual” (Misanthropic records, 2008 Brutal death metal MOTOR (Germany) 30ãðí “Motor” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Heavy / Speed / Thrash MOULDED FLESH (Poland) 20ãðí ”In the hands of evil” (Deus mortuus productions, 2006) Death metal / Thrash metal MUCOPUS (USA) 30ãðí “Mulch!?!” (Amputated vein records, 2005) Brutal death / Grind MUNRUTHEL (Ukraine) DIGI (çàïå÷àòàí) 50ãðí ”Epoch of aquarius” (Svarga music, 2012) Symphonic black metal / folk metal MUNRUTHEL (Ukraine) 40ãðí “CREEDamage” (Svarga music, 2012) Folk symphonic black metal MUNRUTHEL (Ukraine) Digi 40ãðí “ÂÅÐÎëîìñòâî” (Casus Belli Musica, 2012) Black / Folk MYRKVIDS DRAUMAR (Ukraine) 30ãðí 2øò ”Êðîâü çåìëè ìîåé” (Vacula productions, 2010) Pagan / Black metal MYRON’S INVENTION (Russia) 30ãðí “Nine Stories” (Differences Of Mind, 2013) Dance metal / Gothic metal MYSTERIA MORTIS (Russia) 30ãðí “Âîäû Òóíä” (More Hate Productions, 2013) Pagan / Folk Metal N NARCOLEPTIC (Czech Republic) 30ãðí “Choked By Own Vomits” (Nice To Eat You Records, 2013) Death Metal NAZGHOR (Sweden) 30ãðí “Life Impaled” (Dead Center Productions, 2013) Black NECROGRIND (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò ”The bloody way” (Coyote records, 2007) Brutal death metal / Grind NEOPHYTE (Ukraine) 15ãðí 3øò ”Fictional god” (Nocturnus records, 2010) Death metal with progressive elements NERVE (Italy) Digi 40ãðí “Fracture” (Buil2Kill Records, 2013) Thrash / Groove NEURONIA (Poland) 20ãðí ”Follow the white mouse” (Metal scrap records, 2011) Melodic death metal / Punk / Heavy metal NEVERMORE (USA) 30ãðí “Nevermore” (Fono Ltd., 2005) Thrash / Groove THE NEW BLACK (Germany) 30ãðí “III: CUT LOOSE” (Fono Ltd., 2013) Southern / Groove NOMENMORTIS (Slovakia) 30ãðí “Forget Arcadia” (Darzamadicus records, 2011) Brutal death / Grind NOTHINGNESS (Mexico) 30ãðí ”Among the nebula” (Ablaze productions, 2007) Death metal NOX INTERITUS (Italy) 30ãðí “Embrace Of No Return” (Margin Art Records, 2013) Black Metal NRYY (Japan) 30ãðí “Life” (Nihil Art Records, 2011) Ambient noise NULLDB (Germany) 30ãðí “Endzeit” (Fono Ltd., 2013) Nu Metal NYCTICORAX (Latvia) 30ãðí “Black Raven...Dark Night” (Musica productions, 2006) Black Metal O “O QUAM TRISTIS...” (France) 30ãðí “Les Chants Funestes” (Place Of Worms Records, 2008) Modern Classical / Electro OBLOMOV (Czech republic) 15ãðí ”Wishing the renaissance” (Radiation noise productions, 2003) Black metal / Death metal OBOZDUR (Russia) 15ãðí ”Winter canabinol essence” (Nihil art records, 2010) Noise ODAR (Bosnia and Gerzegovina) 20ãðí “Zavjet dalekom snu” (Sonic Temple records, 2009) Black metal OERJGRINDER (Belgium) 30ãðí ”Grind my bitch up” (Coyote records, 2008 Brutal death metal / Grind OFFALMINCER (Russia) 30ãðí ”Filicide at feretory” (Coyote records, 2008 Brutal death metal OLDROS (Italy) 20ãðí ”Domotic alert (The 1/0 ambulance)” (Nihil art records, 2010) Industrial noise ON HORNS IMPALED (Germany) 30ãðí “Total world domination” (Deathbringer records, 2009) Black metal ONICECTOMY (Italy) 30ãðí 2øò. "Drowning for salvation" (Coyote records, 2011) Brutal death metal OPAQUE LUCIDITY (Russia) 20ãðí “Opaque lucidity” (Bad mood man music, 2008 Funeral / Ambient ORANGE BLOSSOM JAM (Italy) 30ãðí “Mystic Jar Of Doom” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Doom ORÄER OÔ VICTORY (Russia) Digisleeve 40ãðí “Nemo Oblivioni Tradita Est Nihil Oblivioni Tradita Est” (Casus Belli Musica, 2013) Martial / Neo Folk ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (Belarus) 30ãðí “The distances of cold” (Kasla distribution, 2010) Depressive black metal P PATHOGEN (Philippines) 20ãðí “Forged in the crucible of death” (Old Temple records, 2012) Death metal PERVERSE MOLESTATION (Philippines) 30ãðí ”Sadistic way of intense perversion” (Coyote records, 2010) Brutal death metal / Grind PERVERSUS STIGMATA (Russia) 30ãðí “Interstellar Hatred Void” (More Hate Productions, 2008 Black metal PIAREVARACIEN (Belarus) DIGI 40ãðí (çàïå÷àòàí) “If no sun” (Crush the desert, 2011) Folk / Black metal PIAREVARACIEN (Belarus) 30ãðí “Spoviedz Kryvi” (Volh Records, 2011) Black Metal / Folk POLYMORPH (Germany) 30ãðí “Disgraceful supper” (G.U.S., 2005) Death PORNOISE (Italy) 30ãðí ”69 squirts (10 years of wastecore)” (Vomit in silence, 2011) Porno gore grind POSTHUMOUS BLASPHEMER (Belarus) 30ãðí “Fracture The Worship” (Coyote Records, 2008) Technical Death POSTMORTEM (Estonia) 15ãðí ”Bloody justice comes...” (Blacksmith productions, 2010) Melodic death metal / Thrash metal PRINCESS ARMY WEDDING COMBAT (USA) 30ãðí “Collection” (Fecal-Matter Discorporated, 2011) Grind / Noise PROFETUS (Finland) DIGI çàïå÷àòàí 50ãðí “...To Open The Passages In Dusk” (Weird Truth Productions, 2012) Funeral Doom PROPAGANDA (Italy) 30ãðí “Corri alle armi...” (Azermedoth records, 2008 NS Black metal PSYCHO INJECTED (Indonesia) 30ãðí ”Screaming jiwa” (No label records, 2009) Death metal / Grind PSYCHOFAGIST (Italy) DIGI 30ãðí “The optician” (The spew records, 2009) Technical death metal / Grind PULVERIZER (Indonesia) 30ãðí ”Feasting on diabolical” (No label records, 2009) Death metal PURULENT JACUZZI (Russia) 20ãðí ”Vanished in the cosmic futility” (Coyote records, 2010) Brutal death metal / Grind PUTRID PILE (USA) 30ãðí 2øò. “Collection of Butchery” (United Guttural Records, 2003) Brutal Death Q R RABID DOGS (Italy) 30ãðí “Rabid dogs” (Hecatombe records, 2011) Grind RAHVIRA (Armenia) 30ãðí “Part I” (Pure nation, 2011) NS black metal RAM-PAGE (Russia) 30ãðí “Blooming rust” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Blackened thrash death metal RAVENTALE (Ukraine) 40ãðí “Transcendence” (BadMoodMan Music, 2012) Black / Doom RAXA (Russia) 20ãðí “Oxlahun ti Ku” (Stygian crypt productions, 2006) Folk / Ambient / Doom metal RAXA (Russia) 20ãðí “Rabinal Achi” (Musica productions, 2007) Folk / Ambient / Doom metal RAXA (Russia) 30ãðí “Mezovedic” (Mazzar records, 2008 Folk / Ambient / Doom metal REDRUM (Russia) 30ãðí “War, Blood & Honour” (Circle Of Blood, 2007) Death REDRUM (Russia) 20ãðí ”Mephisto oppressor” (PaS records, 2007) Death metal REPULSIVE DISSECTION (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Murder-suicide” (Imbecil entertainment, 2008 Technical brutal death metal REQUISITIO SENSUS AETERNUM (Ukraine) CD in DVD Box 15 ãðí 2øò. (âûñûëàåòñÿ áåç êîðîáîê, òîëüêî CD è ïîëèãðàôèÿ) “The only one is dead, who...” (A5 productions, 2011) Ambient REVILEMENT (Taiwan) 30ãðí “Pillars of Balance” (Coyote records, 2011) Brutal death metal ROSSOMAHAAR (Russia) 30ãðí “Regnum Somni” (Sound Age Productions, 2005) Black Metal / Folk ROSSOMAHAAR (Russia) 30ãðí “Imperium Tenebrarum” (Sound Age Productions, 2003) Black Metal / Folk ROSSOMETILE (Italy) 20ãðí "Terrenica" (My kingdom music, 2009) Progressive gothic metal S S.C.A.L.P. (Russia) 20ãðí ”×óæàÿ âîéíà” (Wroth Emitter, Bad mood man, Fantazone, 2009) Doom metal / Death metal / Gothic metal S.C.A.T. (Russia) 30ãðí “Apopatophobia” (Coyote Records, 2011) Goregrind SAGRADO (Philippines) 30ãðí “Mass sufferings of a human being” (Morbid generation records, 2012) Brutal death metal SANATORIUM (Slovakia) 30ãðí “Celebration Of Exhumation / Internal Womb Cannibalism” (Coyote Records, 2007) Brutal Death SANHEIM (Russia) 30ãðí ”Bringer of death” (Dead center prods, 2010) Old school thrash metal SAPANAKITH (Laos) 30ãðí “Collapsing Of Immortal Traditions” (Coyote Records, 2012) Brutal Death SARISSA (Greece) 30ãðí “Masters of sins” (Black lotus records, 2004) Proggressive power metal SCREAMING FOREST (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Black Kingdom Of Lust” (More Hate Productions, 2008 Black metal SECRET DRUID SOCIETY (Australia) 40ãðí DIGI çàïå÷àòàí “Restless” (First Fallen Star, 2010) Dark Ambient SEETYCA (Germany) 40ãðí “Bleakscapes” (Essentia Mundi, 2011) Dark Ambient SEKHMET (Czech republic) 30ãðí “Okularis infernum” (Murderous production, 2007) Black metal SEMARGL (Ukraine) 30ãðí „Satanogenesis“ (More hate productions, Sound age productions, 2006) Black metal SENTENCED (Finland) 30ãðí “Amok” (Fono Ltd., 2002) Melodic Death SEPTICOPYEMIA (Russia) 30ãðí ”Vomiting swamp” (Sound age productions, 2006) Grind SEPTORY (Russia) 20ãðí ”World war chaos” (Coyote records, 2008 Death metal SEPTORY (Russia) Digi çàïå÷àòàí 40ãðí “Seductive Art Profane” (Coyote Records, 2011) Death SEVERANCE (USA) 30ãðí “The truth in question” (Sevared records, 2011) Death metal SEXUAL SICKNESS (Indonesia) 30ãðí ”My fucking nurse” (No label records, 2009) Death metal / Grind SHADES OF DUSK (Canada) 30ãðí “Quiescence” (Profusion, 2009) Death metal / Metalcore SHADOWDREAM (Serbia) 30ãðí 2øò “Part of the infinity” (Nordsturm productions, 2009) Dark ambient SHATTENSPIEL (Germany) 30ãðí “Follow The White Rabbit” (Nihil Art Records, 2010) Dark Ambient SICKCUNT (Russia) 30ãðí ”Kicoz” (Imbecil entertainment, 2009) Grind SIEG (Russia) 15ãðí “Der weg zum polarstern / Sonnenkreus“ (Cyber Borea, 2009) NS Dark ambient SIRS (Poland) 20ãðí “Existential nihilism” (Nihil art records, 2011) Dark ambient SKINNED (USA) 30ãðí ”Contortion of reality’ (Imbecil entertainment, 2010) Brutal death metal SKINNED (USA) 30ãðí ”Morbid tokens of perversion and homicide” (Imbecil entertainment, 2011) Brutal death metal SLAUGHTER BRUTE (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Excellent meat” (Coyote records, 2008 Technical brutal death metal SLUNOVRAT (Czech republic) 20ãðí “Sword & iron cross” (Ravenheart productions, 2010) Black metal Thrash metal SMASHED FACE (Czech republic) DIGI 40ãðí “Virulent procreation” (Werewolf productions, 2010) Brutal death metal SMASHING DUMPLINGS (Czech rebublic) 30ãðí ”Gastrogrind” (Coyote records, 2011) Grind SMIRNOFF (Germany) 30ãðí ”The deadly return” (More hate productions, 2003) Death metal / Grind SOLARWARD (Belarus) 30ãðí “How to surwive a rainout” (More hate productions, 2012) Black metal / Death metal SOLID GREY (Germany) 30ãðí “Pull The Strings Tighter” (Runenstein Records, 2012) Goth Rock SONNEILLON (Poland) 30ãðí “Polymorphous” (Let Them Come Productions, 2008) Symphonic Extreme Metal SPERMBLOODSHIT (Italy) 30ãðí ”Polar torsion syndrome” (Coyote records, 2008 Death metal / Grind SPERMBLOODSHIT (Italy) 30ãðí “The Tourette’s Syndrome” (Coyote Records, 2013) Grind SPLATTERED ORGASM (Thailand) 30ãðí “Death Of Several Punishment” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death Metal STAHLMANN (Germany) 30ãðí “Adamant” (Fono Ltd., 2013) Industrial metal STALINO (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Conflict” (Eclectic productions, 2010) Technical death metal STALINO (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Seven Voices” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death SUFFERATORY (Russia) 30ãðí ”Compulsory martyrdom” (Coyote records, 2005) Brutal death metal SUHRIM (Belgium) CD+DVD 50ãðí “Old scars fresh wound” (Pulsar light records, 2004) Old school brutal death metal SUHRIM (Belgium) DIGI 30ãðí “The cunt collector” (Pulsar light records, 2005) Old school brutal death metal SUPERBIA (Italy) 30ãðí "Overcoming The Pain" (My kingdom music, 2010) Progressive death metal / Deathcore SVARTSTORM (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò. “Øðàìû Âìåñòî Êðûëüåâ” (NitroAtmosfericum Records, 2013) Melodic Death Metal SVYATOGOR (Ukraine) (çàïå÷àòàí) 40ãðí "Doctor veritas" (Svarga music, 2012) Black / death metal / Folk SVIN KILLER (Ukraine) 15ãðí ”Drowning into the green mass” (Eclectic productions, 2011) Brutal death metal / Goregrind SYMPHONY OF SYMBOLS (Hungary) 20ãðí “Stupefying beliefs” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Death metal / Black metal SYNAXARIA (Belarus) 30ãðí “Âîéíà” (Angriff Records, 2013) Industrial Metal SYNERGISM OF HUMANITY (Russia) 30ãðí “Incantated Self Destruction” (Coyote Records, 2011) Death / Grind T TARANTULO (Russia) 30ãðí “Tarantulo” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Groove / Hardcore TATTERED SOUL (Germany) 40ãðí “ Die Zerstörung des menschlichen Seins” (Naturmacht Productions, 2010) Black TEAR THE SHADOW (South Korea) 30ãðí “Revive Through The Broken Heart” (GMC Records, 2008) Metalcore TENSION PROPHESY (Iran) 30ãðí ”Riot of sacrificers” (Coyote records, 2010) Death metal TENTACLES (USA) 30ãðí “Tentacles” (MWA records, 2010) Death metal / Grind TERDOR (Netherland) 40ãðí “Levi” (Stunde des ideals produktionen, 2011) Black THUNDERKRAFT (Ukraine) (çàïå÷àòàí) 40ãðí "Totentanz" (Svarga music, 2012) Death / Industrial / Groove TIMESCAPE (Sweden) DIGI (çàïå÷àòàí) 40ãðí “Strange” (Adrenaline records, 2000) Progressive metal TINNER (Finland) 30ãðí “In League With Satan” (Mierdas Productions, Punk / Crust TJOLGTJAR (USA) 20ãðí “Holnijimnjok” (Baphomet records, 2007) Black metal TJOLGTJAR (USA) 20ãðí “Midnight mindtrip” (Suffering Jesus productions, 2007) Black metal TJOLGTJAR (USA) 20ãðí 2øò “Ikarikitomidun, lord of the forest” (Suffering Jesus productions, 2008 Black metal TOOLS OF TORTURE (Italy) 30ãðí “Faith – Purification – Execution” (Despise the sun records, 2009) Brutal death TORTURER (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Infinity of illusions” (More hate productions, 2011) Black metal / Death metal :TREMOR (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Chantera Pas” (Coyote Records, 2012) Grind TSUBO (Italy) 30ãðí “ ... con cognizione di causa” (Eclectic productions, 2012) Brutal death metal / Grind TU CARNE (Spain) 30ãðí “Desmembrados” (Coyote Records, 2013) Goregrind TUMOUR (Netherlands) 30ãðí ”Goreaholic” (Klyzma records, 2006) Gore grind TWO WITCHES (Finland) 40ãðí “The Singles Collection” (Shadowplay, 2005) Goth Rock TYPE V BLOOD (Russia) 30ãðí “Penta” (Artificial Sun Records, 2012) Industrial Metal / Hybrid Metal TYRANT (Japan) 30ãðí 2øò. “Grimoires” (Musica productions, 2006) Symphonic Black metal U ULFSDALIR (Germany) 3 CD 100ãðí 2øò “Bilsteinfeuer“ (Stunde Des Ideals Produktionen, 2010) Black UNDINA (Ukraine) 15ãðí “Die funfwindstrasse” (Nocturnus records, 2008 Gothic / Death / Doom UNFIT ASSOCIATION (Hungary) 20ãðí ”Absurd reality / Flagging water” (Neverheard distro, 2011) Old school death metal UNITED MIND CLUB (Russia) 30ãðí ”World blood history” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Dark symphonic industrial UNLUCKY BURIED (Belarus) 30ãðí ”Blast from the underground” (More hate productions, 2008 Death metal V V / A 30ãðí “Goregrind Cafe” (Moon records, 2004) Grind VADIKAN (Russia) 30ãðí “Hydrargyrum” (Metal scrap records, 2013) Gothic metal VAETTIR (USA) DIGI CD-R 40ãðí “Heathen Will” (Honour And Hate, 2012) Black Metal VAGINAL DIARRHOEA (Czech Republic) 30ãðí “Well Fuck Me Dead” (Coyote Records, 2009) Goregrind VALEFOR (Turkey) 30ãðí “Hidden In The Arms Of Death” (Sabbathid Records, 2012) Depressive black VEHEMENT (Italy) 30ãðí "All That's Behind"(My kingdom music, 2009) Thrash metal VENEREAL MESSIAH (USA) 30ãðí 2øò ”Decorations of decapitation” (Imbecil entertainment, 2008 Brutal Goregrind VENEREAL MESSIAH (USA) 30ãðí ”Bleeding the humans” (Imbecil entertainment, 2011) Brutal goregrind VIKE TARE (Germany) 40ãðí “The Tide Of Revelation” (Stunde Des Ideals Produktionen, 2005) Black / Pagan VLADOVSKI (Russia) 30ãðí ”Melody for you” (Differences of mind, 2011) Lounge / Chillout / Fusion VOICE OF MIDNIGHT (Russia) 20ãðí “Bifrost” (Metal scrap records, 2011) Viking / Folk / Black metal VULVULATOR (Ukraine) 20ãðí ”Obscenario” (Rotten roll rex, Show me your tits records, 2007) Grind W WARHAMMER (Germany) 30ãðí “The Winter Of Our Discontent” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Death / Thrash / Doom WARSPITE (Germany) 30ãðí “Confrontation course” (G.U.S. records, 2006) Death metal WARTHA (Belarus) 30ãðí “Paustan” (Stygian Crypt Productions, 2013) Pagan / Folk Metal WEWELSBURG (Russia) 30ãðí “Ultima intolerance” (Othal productions, 2007) NS death / thrash metal WHO DIES IN SIBERIAN SLUSH (Russia) 30ãðí “We Have Been Dead Since Long Ago...” (Solitude Productions, 2012) Doom / Death WITCHER (Hungary) 30ãðí “Witchdance” (Mercy Despise, 2013) Atmospheric black Metal WOLFKRIEG (Russia) 30ãðí “Jedem Das Seine” (Self Release, 2012) NS Black / Death Metal WRATHFUL PLAGUE (USA) 40ãðí “Thee within the shadows” (Metallic media, 2013) Black metal WULFGAR (Germany) 30ãðí “ Ewigkeit Des Ubels“ (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black X Y YELLOW SWANS WITH JOHN WIESE (USA) 30ãðí “Portable Dunes” (Helicopter, 2009) Noise / Drone Z ZOEBEAST (Russia) 30ãðí “Gore Dancefloor” (Coyote Records, 2013) Death / Grind Split CD INTESTINAL DISGORGE (USA) / SMALLPOX AROMA 30ãðí “The Abysmal Morgue” (Coyote Records, 2012) Brutal Death / Noise SIKFUK (USA) / KRETAN (USA) 30ãðí Brutal death / Grind (Comatose music, 2006) VIRUS (Australia) / KEVLAR SKIN (Spain) 30ãðí Brutal death metal / Grind (Life fluid productions, 2003) SPERMSWAMP (Canada) / RIGOR MORTIS (Russia) 30ãðí Cyber grind / Gore grind (Not like most records, 2005) ALTAR OF GIALLO (Spain) / PROCTALGIA (Philippines) 30ãðí Cyber gore grind (Coyote records, 2009) FLESHRIPPER (Ukraine) / GARROTER (Poland) / MUTILATION (Cerbia) 30ãðí Brutal death metal (Imbecil entertainment, Eclectic productions, 2007) VX (Russia) / ABNORMYN DEFFECT (Moldova) 30ãðí 2øò Brutal death metal / Grind (Imbecil entertainment, 2007) EPICRISE (Ukraine) / VULVULATOR (Ukraine) 30ãðí Grind (Imbecil entertainment, 2009) EPICRISE (Ukraine) / SELFHATE (Poland) / HYBRID VISCERY (Belgium) 30ãðí 2øò Grind (Imbecil entertainment, 2011) FUCK U ALL (USA) / COVENANCE (USA) / SEVERED HEAD (USA) 30ãðí Hardcore / Grind / Brutal death metal (Imbecil entertainment, 2011) BOMBEROS (Italy) / INBREEDING SICK (Colombia) 20ãðí Noise grind / Brutal death metal (Grind syndrome records, 2006) SEPTICOPYEMIA (Russia) / EBANATH (Ukraine) / STICKOXYDAL (Belarus) 20ãðí Brutal death / Grind (Eclectic productions, 2009) DRAUGGARD (Russia) / VIOLENT OMEN (Ukraine) 30ãðí 2øò Black metal / Thrash metal (Yar productions, Dark front, 2011) INFECTED GUTS (Russia) / TAMAKERI (Finland) / SADISTIC BUTCHERING (USA) / SOAKING IN ENTRAILS (Netherlands) 30ãðí Brutal death metal / Grind (Coyote records, 2007) SCUMFUCK (Germany) / EVIL ANUS (Spain) / VASECTOMIA (Italy-Russia) 30ãðí Porno grind (Coyote records, 2006) CEREBRAL EFFUSION (Spain) / OFFALMINCER (Russia) 30ãðí Brutal death metal (Coyote records, 2007) MORTAL TORMENT (Greece) / SUFFERATORY (Russia) / DEMISE (Philippines) / UNBURIED (USA) 30ãðí Brutal death metal (Coyote records, 2009) PUREFILTH (Russia) / REDRUM (Russia) / GRACE DISGRACED (Russia) / DEHYDRATED (Russia) 30ãðí Death metal / Brutal death metal (More hate productions, 2011) SIEGHETNAR (Germany) / URUK HAI (Austria) 30ãðí 2øò (Nordsturm productions, 2010) Black metal / Ambient REGICIDE DECEASE (Poland) / CALCINED (Switzerland) 30ãðí “Death illumination” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Death metal NERVE ABSCESS (Ukraine) / AFFINITY HYPOTHESIS (Ukraine) 30ãðí (Imbecil entertainment, 2012) Brutal death metal AFFINITY HYPOTHESIS (Ukraine) / INTOXICATED (Ukraine) 2pcs. 30ãðí (Imbecil entertainment, 2012) Brutal death metal NEUROPATHIA (Poland) / EPICRISE (Ukraine) 30ãðí (Imbecil entertainment, 2010) Death metal / Hardcore / Grind PSYCHOFAGIST (Italy) / HYBRID VISCERY (Belgium) 30ãðí “Selfless spite” (Amputated vein records, 2003) Brutal death / Grind EISENWINTER (Switzerland) / HOLOCAUSTUS (Germany) 50ãðí “Teutsch – Helvetischer Kampfbund“ (NS Propaganda, 2006) Black WAFFENTRAGER LUZIFERS (Germany) / BLACK ANGEL (Peru) 40ãðí “Satan is power” (Stunde des ideals produktionen, 2012) Black CANNIBE (Italy) / GUTALAX (Czech republic) 30ãðí “Mondo cadavere / Telecockies” (Human discount records, 2010) Death metal / Grind TUMOUR / CANNIBE (Italy) 30ãðí “Diary of the deranged / Files of a mental disturbed” (Goressimo records, 2011) Death metal / Grind MOLOCH (Ukraine) / BEGOTTEN (Ukraine) / DEVIATOR (Ukraine) 30ãðí “On the stab of fate new life will not grow” (Deleting soul records, 2011) Black metal LUNA DOPA (Italy) / EMME YA (Columbia) 30ãðí “The Hidden Walker / Apotheosis Psychoerotica” (Nihil Art Records, 2011) Dark Ambient PUTREFY (United Kingdom) / Blasphtized (United Kingdom) / VOMITOUS RECTUM (USA) 30ãðí “Vomiting Putrid Blasphemy” (Grindetic records, 2008 Brutal Death Metal PAGANIZER (Sweden) / DEPRESSION (Germany) 20ãðí “Split Wide Open / Unglaube” (Suffer Productions, 2008 Death metal / Grind FLESHRIPPER (Germany) / OBLITERATION (Germany) 30ãðí (Suffer Productions, 2006) Death metal / Grind TASTE OF FEAR (USA) / VOICE OF HATE (Spain) 30ãðí “Split CD” (Trauma Records, 2007) Death metal / Grind PISTONS (Italy) / BESTHOVEN 30ãðí “Split CD” (Suffering Jesus Productions, 2010) Punk / Speed / Heavy MOLOCH LETALIS (Poland) / HATE THEM ALL (Poland) 30ãðí “Czara Smierci” (Old Temple Records, 2013) Death / Black ANKSUNAMOON (Russia) / ESPHARES (France) / DOR FEAFAROTH (Russia) 30ãðí “The Mist” (Margin Art Records, 2013) Black Metal FECALIZER (Mexico) / PARACOCCIDIOIDOMICOSISPROCTITISSARCOMUCOSIS (Mexico) 30ãðí 2øò. “The House of the Dead / Coito Emetico por Ingestion Adiposa y Fecal” (United Guttural Records, 2012) Goregrind OXIDISED RAZOR (Mexico) / OLOCAUSTO (Italy) 30ãðí 2øò. “Rotteness Live 2012 / Necrobsessive Neurosis” (United guttural Records, 2013) Goregrind INQUISITOR (Portugal) / VIRGIN KILLER (Colombia) 30ãðí “Speed Metal Soldier” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Speed / Thrash HRIMTHURSEN (Germany) / FLAMMENTOD (Germany) 60ãðí “ Auf Silbernen Schwingen / Eisnacht“ (F.P.T., 2005) Black BILSKIRNIR (Germany) / EVIL (Brazil) 70ãðí “German-Southern Brotherhood” (Tanhu Records, 2008) Black CUMBEAST (Finland) / DEFLESHUARY (USA) / DECREPIT WOMB (United Kingdom) / DOWN FROM THE WOUND (Philippines) / HEINOUS KILLINGS (USA) 30 ãðí “Fermenting In Five-Wave Filth” (Pathologically Explicit Recordings, 2009) Brutal Death MIXOMATOSIS (Spain) / CANNIBE (Italy) 30ãðí “Split CD” (Goressimo Records, 2011) Death / Grind GROG (Portugal) / ROADSIDE BURIAL (Australia) / PUSSYVIBES (Portugal) 30ãðí “Split CD” (Grindhead Records, 2010) Death / Grind CUNT GRINDER (Germany) / SATAN’S REVENGE ON MINKIND / HYMEN HOLOCAUST 30ãðí “3-Way Penetration” (CDN Records, 2007) Brutal Death / Grind ÎÏÐÈ×Ü (Russia) / ÏßÐÝÂÀÐÀÖÝÍÜ (Belarus) / ×ÓÐ (Ukraine) DIGI 40ãðí “Òðèåäèíñòâî” (Casus Belli Musica, 2012) Pagan / Folk MORTAL TORMET (Greece) / DEMONIACAL GENUFLECTION (USA) / HATRED (Italy) / CENOTAPH (Turkey) 30ãðí “The Quadrum Plague Split” (Coyote Records, 2013) Death / Brutal Death ILLNESS (Poland) / SIRS (Poland) 30ãðí “Drowning In Schizophrenic Depression” (Nihil Art Records, 2011) Dark Ambient / Schizophrenic metal DEPICTING ABYSM (Russia) / WINDBRUCH (Russia) / GMORK (Russia) 30ãðí “Silentium!” (Deleting Soul Records, 2013) Atmospheric Black ÕËÀÄÍÎÂÇÎÐ (Russia) / ×ÅÐÍÛÅ ÎÇÅÐÀ (Russia) / ETERNAL APATHY (Russia) 30ãðí “O” (Deleting Soul Records, 2013) Depressive Black DVD LITTLE DEAD BERTHA (Russia) 40ãðí “Dead Years Of...Live” (MSR Productions, 2009) Symphonic Death / Black ASTROFAES (Ukraine) 40ãðí “Live Hate” (Negative Existence, 2009) Black Ïîñëåäíèé ðàç ðåäàêòèðîâàëîñü Atmosfear; 21.01.2014 â 14:27. Ïðè÷èíà: èçìåíåíèå |
26.01.2013, 20:50 | #2 |
mp3 56 kbps
Ðåïóòàöèÿ: 0
Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 19 ÿíâàðÿ
AVULSED (Spain) DIGI (sealed) 50ãðí “Nullo” (Coyote records, 2009) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/avulsed ZNICH (Belarus) 30ãðí “Mroya” (Volh records, 2011) Pagan / Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/znich PIAREVARACIEN (Belarus) 30ãðí “Òîðíû øëÿõ” (Volh records, 2008) Folk / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/piarevaracien/music PIAREVARACIEN (Belarus) 30ãðí “Spoviedz kryvi” (Volh records, 2011) Folk / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/piarevaracien/music BLOODRAIN (Russia) 30ãðí “IV: Hostis Humani Generis” (Volh records, 2011) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/bloodrainmetal ÃÐÀÉ (Russia) 30ãðí “Ïîëûíü-òðàâà” (Volh records, 2009) Pagan / Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/graifolk KRADA (Russia) 30ãðí “Steps” (Volh records, 2007) Pagan / Black metal http://vk.com/warpaganblackmetal KRADA (Russia) 30ãðí “Àç åñüì îãîíü” (Volh records, 2009) Pagan / Black metal http://vk.com/warpaganblackmetal JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) 40ãðí “Heaven in flames” (Red stream records, 1999) Black metal JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) 40ãðí “Dethroned, Conquered and Forgotten”” (Red stream records, 2000) Black metal JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) 40ãðí “To Embrace the Corpses Bleeding” (Red stream records, 2002) Black metal NORTT (Denmark) 40ãðí “Graven” (Red stream records, 2007) Black metal / Funeral doom http://www.nortt.dk/ MUNRUTHEL (Ukraine) 40ãðí “Epoch of Aquarius” (Gardarika musikk, 2012) Symphonic black metal / Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/slavamunruthel ZAKLON (Belarus) DIGI file (sealed) 40ãðí “Øåïò ÷îðíàãà ëiñüöÿ” (Gardarika musikk, 2012) Black metal ÓØËÎ: ABBEY OV THELEMA (Slovakia) “A fragment ov the great work” (Sonic temple records, 2011) Avant-garde black metal http://www.abbeyovthelema.com/media.php ZNICH (Belarus) DIGI ”Zapaviety aposzniaha starca” (Volh records, 2007) Pagan folk metal http://www.myspace.com/znich TESTAMENT (USA) Second hand, good condition “Demonic” (Spitfire records, 2000) Thrash metal http://www.myspace.com/testamentlegions ÑÈÂÛÉ ßÐ (Russia) ”Êðàé íåïóãàííûõ ïòèö” (Irii-sad productions, 2010) Pagan black metal http://www.myspace.com/sivyiyar ASTROFAES (Ukraine) DVD “Live hate” (Negative existence, 2009) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/astrofaesmusic KHORS (Ukraine) DVD ”Winter stronghold” (Eclectic prods, A5 prods, Ñâàðîãîâî êîëî, 2011) Dark black metal http://www.myspace.com/khorspagan DEVADATA (Indonesia) ”Emotional breakdown” (No label records, 2009) Hardcore metal http://www.myspace.com/devadata FATAL ERROR (Russia) ”Conglomerate” (Metal scrap records, 2011) Death metal / Hardcore http://www.myspace.com/fatalerrormachine HEDONISTIC EXILITY (Ukraine) ”Deevolutional stasis” (Eclectic productions, 2010) Technical brutal death metal / Deathcore http://www.myspace.com/hedonisticexility PERISHING HUMANITY (Ukraine) “The monument of human lies and hypocrisy” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Death metal / Deathcore http://www.myspace.com/perishinghumanity POWER FROM HELL (Brazil) “Lust and violence” (Soul erazer distribution, 2011) Black metal / Thrash metal / Power metal http://www.myspace.com/dayoflust CRYFEMAL (Spain) “With the help of the devil” (Black saw records, 2003) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/cryfemal FETAL DECAY (Russia) DIGI ”You have no choice” (SFC records, 2011) Brutal death metal http://www.myspace.com/fetaldecaysaratov |
22.02.2013, 14:09 | #3 |
mp3 56 kbps
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 19 ÿíâàðÿ
ÒÅÌÍÎÂÐÀÒ (Russia) 30ãðí “Ãðàíü Áåñêîíå÷íîñòè” (More hate productions, 2012) Pagan / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/temnovrat TJOLGTJAR (USA) 30ãðí “Midnight mindtrip” (Suffering Jesus productions, 2007) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/tjolgtjar SIEG (Russia) 30ãðí “Der weg zum polarstern / Sonnenkreus“ (Cyber Borea, 2009) NS Dark ambient SLAYER (USA) 40ãðí ñýêîíä õýíä íåìíîãî ïîöàðàïàííûé, íî èãðàåò õîðîøî. “Undisputed attutude” (American recordings, 1996) Made in Canada Thrash metal http://www.myspace.com/slayer RHAPSODY (Italy) 30ãðí ñýêîíä õýíä â äîñòàòî÷íî ïîòðåïàííîì ñîñòîÿíèè íî èãðàåò, öàðàïèíû ïîâåðõíîñòíûå “Power of the Dragonflame” (Limb music productions, 2002) Power metal http://www.myspace.com/rhapsodyoffire BASTARTH (Russia) 30ãðí “Ãëàñ ñóìåðå÷íûõ îçåð” (Yar productions, 2012) Pagan black metal http://www.myspace.com/bastarth WELTKRIEG (Slovakia) 30ãðí “Final death” (Armour get down productions, 2008) Black metal THE CHOSEN (Netherland) 30ãðí “For the glory of the empire” (Blazing productions, 2004) Black / Death / Thrash DETERIORATE (USA) 40ãðí “The senectuous entrance” (Pulverizer records, 1996) Black metal ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (Belarus) 30ãðí “The distances of cold” (Kasla distribution, 2010) Depressive black metal http://waargothwitchery.narod.ru/News.html ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (Belarus) 30ãðí “Dysphory (Part One)” (Cyber Borea, Rigorism productions, 2009) Depressive black metal http://waargothwitchery.narod.ru/News.html YOLWOLF (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò “Thorns-horns” (Nihil art records, Yar productions, 2012) Pagan black metal / Ambient ÎÃÍÅÍÍÛÉ ØÒÎÐÌ (Russia) 30ãðí “Âåëèêà ñèëà” (Yar productions, 2010) Pagan / Thrash metal http://www.myspace.com/shtormmetal GAKTUNGAR (Russia) 30ãðí “Gisturgh” (Margin art records, 2012) Black metal http://vk.com/gaktungar GORE INHALER (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Welcome to zombieland” (Coyote records, 2012) Brutal death metal http://www.myspace.com/goreinhaler AFFLICTIVE EMASCULATION (Spain) 30ãðí “Obscure slam vomition” (Coyote records, 2012) Brutal death metal http://www.reverbnation.com/afflictiveemasculation VADIKAN (Russia) 30ãðí “Hydrargyrum” (Metal scrap records, 2013) Gothic metal http://www.myspace.com/vadikan ÝÒÎÃÎ ÁÎËÜØÅ ÍÅÒ: FUNERAL (Norway) “To mourn is a virtue” (Solitude productions, 2011) Doom metal http://www.myspace.com/doomfuneral AEON NOCTIS (Belarus) DIGI ”Between thorns and silence” (Grailight records, 2010) Dark metal http://www.myspace.com/aeonnoctis DRAWERS (France) “All is one” (Slow burn records, 2011) Stoner / Sludge http://www.myspace.com/drawerskvlt DIMICANDUM (Ukraine) “The legacy of gaia” (Metal scrap records, 2012) Atmospheric gothic metal http://www.myspace.com/dimicandummetal HEAVY LORD (Netherland) ”The holy grail” (Solitude productions, 2009) Sludge / Doom / Stoner http://www.myspace.com/heavylord ËÅÒÀÐÃÈß ( Ukraine) «Áîæåñòâåííîå áåçóìèå» (Metal scrap records, 2012) Atmospheric death / doom metal http://www.myspace.com/lethargyua PIAREVARACIEN (Belarus) “Òîðíû øëÿõ” (Volh records, 2008) Folk / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/piarevaracien/music PIAREVARACIEN (Belarus) “Spoviedz kryvi” (Volh records, 2011) Folk / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/piarevaracien/music ZAKLON (Belarus) DIGI file “Øåïò ÷îðíàãà ëiñüöÿ” (Gardarika musikk, 2012) Black metal JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) “Heaven in flames” (Red stream records, 1999) Black metal JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) “Dethroned, Conquered and Forgotten”” (Red stream records, 2000) Black metal JUDAS ISCARIOT (USA) “To Embrace the Corpses Bleeding” (Red stream records, 2002) Black metal KRADA (Russia) “Steps” (Volh records, 2007) Pagan / Black metal http://vk.com/warpaganblackmetal KRADA (Russia) “Àç åñüì îãîíü” (Volh records, 2009) Pagan / Black metal http://vk.com/warpaganblackmetal MOZERGUSH (Ukraine) CD in DVD box "Fairytale alcotrips" (A5 productions, 2011) Stoner / Doom metal / Sludge http://www.myspace.com/mozergush ANOREXIA NERVOSA (France) DIGI “Redemption process” (Listenable records, 2004) Symphonic black metal http://www.myspace.com/motheranorexia FOLKEARTH (International) “Valhalla Ascendent” (Stygian crypt productions, 2012) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/folkearth FOLKODIA (International) “Battles and Myths” (Stygian crypt productions, 2012) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/folkearth COVENANT (Norway) “Nexus polaris” (Nuclear blast records, 1998) Melodic black metal MUNRUTHEL (Ukraine) “Epoch of Aquarius” (Gardarika musikk, 2012) Symphonic black metal / Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/slavamunruthel |
04.03.2013, 09:47 | #4 |
mp3 56 kbps
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 4 ìàðòà
BALANCE INTERRUPTION (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Nuclear war for rescue” (Possessed productions, 2007) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/balanceinterruption COSMIC ATROPHY (USA) 30ãðí “Codex Incubo” (Suffering Jesus productions, 2012) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/atrophyhouston DECEPTION (Poland) 40ãðí CD in 7" foldout cover “Nails sticking offensive” (Old Temple records, 2007) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/deception667 INFERIS (Chile) 30ãðí 2øò. “Obscure rituals of death and destruction” (Old Temple records, 2013) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/inferischile EMBRIONAL (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò. “Absolutely anti-human behaviors” (Old Temple records, 2012) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/embrional EBOLA (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò. “Hell’s death metal” (Old Temple records, 2011) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/eboladeathmetal ABUSIVENESS (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò. “Trioditis” (Old Temple records, 2010) Death metal DEATHLUST (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò. “Deathlust” (Old Temple records, 2011) Black / Death metal http://www.myspace.com/deathlustofficial INFIDEL (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò. “Eviscerate Yourself” (Old Temple records, 2012) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/chaosbloodblasphemy SAD (Greece) 30ãðí 2øò. “Abandoned and forgotten” (Old Temple records, 2010) Black metal http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/thimios/ CONVENT (Poland) DIGI 40ãðí 2øò. “Abandon your lord” (Old Temple records, 2009) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/conventpl ARATHYR (Poland) 30ãðí “Curse man’s blame” (Old Temple records, 2008) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/arathyr PATHOGEN (Philippines) 30ãðí 2øò. “Forged in the crucible of death” (Old Temple records, 2012) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/pathogenonline BENIGHTED IN SODOM (USA) 40ãðí “Reverse baptism” ( BadMoodMan music, 2011) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/benightedinsodom EDVIAN (Russia) 30ãðí “2012” (Metal Scrap records, 2012) Progressive metal http://vk.com/edvian ÓØËÎ: ÒÅÌÍÎÂÐÀÒ (Russia) 30ãðí “Ãðàíü Áåñêîíå÷íîñòè” (More hate productions, 2012) Pagan / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/temnovrat LAMIA CULTA (Ukraine) 30ãðí ”Patre satane” (More hate productions, 2011) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/lamiaculta FFERYLLT (Russia) 40ãðí “Ïðîðèöàíèå” (Stygian crypt productions, 2012) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/fferylltgroup BASTARTH (Russia) 30ãðí “Ãëàñ ñóìåðå÷íûõ îçåð” (Yar productions, 2012) Pagan black metal http://www.myspace.com/bastarth CROWN OF AUTUMN (Italy) 30ãðí "Splendours From The Dark"(My kingdom music, 2011) Melodic death metal / Gothic metal http://www.myspace.com/crownofautumn CROWN OF AUTUMN (Italy) 30ãðí "The treasures arcane"(My kingdom music, 2011) Melodic death metal / Gothic metal http://www.myspace.com/crownofautumn EDENIAN (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Winter shades” (BadMoodMan music, 2012) Gothic metal / Doom metal http://www.myspace.com/edenian EVERLASTING DARK (Czech republic) 30ãðí ”Return to darkness” (Parat magazine, 2010) Symphonic doom metal http://www.myspace.com/everlastingdark TIMO TOLKKI (Finland) 30ãðí “Sanna – warrior of light, partI” (Scarlet records, 2008) Epic melodic metal |
17.03.2013, 15:18 | #5 |
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 17 ìàðòà
GARROTER (Poland) 30ãðí “Corporal punishment” (The spew records, 2009) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/garroter GORMENGHAST (Russia) 30ãðí “Resist or serve” (Stygian crypt productions, 2012) Death metal http://vk.com/gormenghastmetal (EchO) (Italy) 30ãðí “Devoid of illusions” (BadMoodMan music, 2011) Melodic death / Doom metal https://soundcloud.com/echo_official CEPHALIC CARNAGE (USA) 40ãðí “Conforming to abnormality” (Subordinate productions, 2005) Technical death / Grind http://www.myspace.com/cephaliccarnage MUCOPUS (USA) 30ãðí “Mulch!?!” (Amputated vein records, 2005) Brutal death / Grind http://www.myspace.com/mucopus MUCOPUS (USA) 30ãðí “Undimensional” (Nice to eat you records, 2007) Brutal death / Grind http://www.myspace.com/mucopus DOMINANCE (Italy) 30ãðí “Echoes of human decay” (Kolony records, 2009) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/dominancelegions KADAVAR (Italy) 30ãðí “Kadavar” (Punishment 18 records, 2009) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/smellthekadavar WASTEFORM (USA) 30ãðí “Designed by disgust” (Amputated vein records, 2010) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/wasteform DEATH HEAVEN (Italy) 30ãðí “Viral apocalypse” (Punishment 18 records, 2007) Death metal MALAMOR (USA) 30ãðí “Dead to the world” (Amputated vein records, 2004) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/malamor THE GROWL FAMILY (Uruguay) 30ãðí “Putrefixion” (Extreme zone records, 2009) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/thegrowlfamily DYSENTERY (USA) 30ãðí “From past suffering comes new flesh” (Amputated vein records, 2008) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/dysenterygrind TOOLS OF TORTURE (Italy) 30ãðí “Faith – Purification – Execution” (Despise the sun records, 2009) Brutal death http://www.lastfm.ru/music/Tools+Of+Torture CUMBEAST (Finland) 30ãðí “Gourmet of ill shit” (Pathologically explicit recordings, 2008) Brutal death / Groove http://www.myspace.com/cumbeast SEVERANCE (USA) 30ãðí “The truth in question” (Sevared records, 2011) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/severancemetal BURIAL (USA) 30ãðí “Divinity through eradication” (MWA records, 2009) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/burialmyspace ASTRAL SLEEP (Finland) 30ãðí “Unawakening” (Solitude productions, 2008) Death / Doom metal http://www.myspace.com/astralsleep AUTUMN (Russia) 30ãðí «Îñåíü – âå÷íà...» (Stygian crypt productions, 2003) Gothic / Doom metal DISINTER (USA) 30ãðí “Welcome to oblivion” (Deadsun records, 2000) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/disinter HORDE CASKET (USA) 30ãðí “Landscape of cadavers” (Pathologically explicit records, 2008) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/hordecasket WARSPITE (Germany) 30ãðí “Confrontation course” (G.U.S. records, 2006) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/warspite FINSTERFORST (Germany) 40ãðí “Weltenkraft” (Prodisk music, 2007) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/finsterforst CARNAL DECAY (Switzerland) 30ãðí “On top of the food chain” (Sevared records, 2011) Death metal / Grind http://www.myspace.com/carnaldecay TENTACLES (USA) 30ãðí “Tentacles” (MWA records, 2010) Death metal / Grind http://www.myspace.com/nytentacles ARTERY ERUPTION (USA) 30ãðí “Driving my fist through her chest” (Sevared records, 2009) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/ARTERYERUPTION PSYCHOFAGIST (Italy) / HYBRID VISCERY (Belgium) 30ãðí “Selfless spite” (Amputated vein records, 2003) Brutal death / Grind http://www.myspace.com/psychofagist http://www.myspace.com/hybridviscery DECONFORMITY (USA) 30ãðí “From the end to inseminate” (Nice to eat you records, 2007) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/deconformity ÓØËÎ: DECEPTION (Poland) “Nails sticking offensive” (Old Temple records, 2007) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/deception667 ABUSIVENESS (Poland) “Trioditis” (Old Temple records, 2010) Death metal INFIDEL (Poland) “Eviscerate Yourself” (Old Temple records, 2012) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/chaosbloodblasphemy SAD (Greece) “Abandoned and forgotten” (Old Temple records, 2010) Black metal http://users.forthnet.gr/ath/thimios/ ARATHYR (Poland) “Curse man’s blame” (Old Temple records, 2008) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/arathyr BENIGHTED IN SODOM (USA) “Reverse baptism” ( BadMoodMan music, 2011) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/benightedinsodom BOKRAG (Armenia) "Mental sickness" (Vomit in silence, 2011) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/bokragarmenia |
12.04.2013, 16:11 | #6 |
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 17 ìàðòà
BORKNAGAR (Norway) 60ãðí â îòëè÷íîì ñîñòîÿíèè
“The Archaic Course” (Century media records,1998) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/borknagar HOLOCAUST (Spain) 30ãðí “Demoniac bible” (Hecatombe records, 2001) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/holocaustalmeria NAPALM DEATH (United Kingdom) DIGI 70ãðí â î÷åíü õîðîøåì ñîñòîÿíèè “Utopia Banished” (Earache records, 2012) Death / Grind http://www.myspace.com/napalmdeath NAPALM DEATH (United Kingdom) 50ãðí íåñêîëüêî ïîòåðò, íî èãðàåò îòëè÷íî. “Words from the exit wound” (Earache records, 1998) Àìåðèêàíñêîå èçäàíèå. Death / Grind http://www.myspace.com/napalmdeath KATALEPSY (Russia) 40ãðí “Musick brings injuries” (Soulflesh collector, 2007) Brutal death http://www.myspace.com/katalepsymoscow JE (France) 30ãðí “Un royaume de nuit” (Arx productions, 2010) Post black http://www.myspace.com/jemusical |
24.04.2013, 16:25 | #7 |
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 12 àïðåëÿ
OUTCAST (Belgium) 30ãðí “Massmurderfantasies” (Soulflesh collector, 2010) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/massmurderfantasies RABID DOGS (Italy) 30ãðí “Rabid dogs” (Hecatombe records, 2011) Grind MORTIFER RAGE (Brazil) 30ãðí “Murderous ritual” (Misanthropic records, 2008) Brutal death metal PENSEES NOCTURNES (France) 50ãðí “Grotesque” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2010) Black metal http://www.pnrecords-music.com/ PENSEES NOCTURNES (France) 80ãðí “Nom D’une Pipe I” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2013) Black metal http://www.pnrecords-music.com/ THE GREAT OLD ONES (France) 50ãðí “Al Azif” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2012) Ambient Black metal http://www.myspace.com/thegreatoldonesband EBONYLAKE (United Kingdom) 50ãðí “In Swathes of brooding light” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2011) Avant-Garde Black / Gothic metal http://www.myspace.com/ebonylakeofficialuk NUMEN (Spain) 40ãðí “Numen” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2011) Black Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/numenhorde CULT OF ERINYES (Belgium) 50ãðí “A Place to Call My Unknown” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2011) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/cultoferinyes WAY TO END (France) 50ãðí “Various Shades of Black” (Les Acteurs de l'Ombre Productions, 2011) Black metal http://waytoend.bandcamp.com/ |
06.05.2013, 20:48 | #8 |
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 6 ìàÿ
RAXA (Russia) 30ãðí “Oxlahun ti Ku” (Stygian crypt productions, 2006) Folk / Ambient / Doom metal http://www.realmusic.ru/raxa/ RAXA (Russia) 30ãðí “Rabinal Achi” (Musica productions, 2007) Folk / Ambient / Doom metal http://www.realmusic.ru/raxa/ RAXA (Russia) 30ãðí “Mezovedic” (Mazzar records, 2008) Folk / Ambient / Doom metal http://www.realmusic.ru/raxa/ REVILEMENT (Taiwan) 30ãðí “Pillars of Balance” (Coyote records, 2011) Brutal death metal http://www.myspace.com/revilement SEPTIC MIND (Russia) 30ãðí “The Beginning” (Solitude productions, 2010) Funeral doom metal http://septicmind.bandcamp.com/ SEPTIC MIND (Russia) 30ãðí “Èñòèííûé Çîâ” (Solitude productions, 2011) Funeral doom metal http://septicmind.bandcamp.com/ ABNORMYNDEFFECT (Moldova) 50ãðí DIGI “Curtea Suprema” (Eclectic productions, Imbecil entertainment, 2013) Death metal / Grind http://www.myspace.com/abnormyndeffect KHORS (Ukraine) 60ãðí DIGI 3øò. “Abandoned leaves” (Eclectic productions, 2013) Black / Dark metal http://www.myspace.com/khorspagan AD HOMINEM (France) 30ãðí 2øò. “Dictator” (Hollehammer propaganda, 2010) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/adhominemhq STRIBOG (Croatia) 40ãðí 2øò. “U okovima vjechnosti” (Murderous productions, 2010) Pagan / Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/stribogslava CRYFEMAL (Spain) 40ãðí 2øò. “With the help of the devil” (Black saw records, 2010) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/cryfemal HIPOXIA (Spain) 30ãðí “Hipoxia” (Feretro records, 2012) Doom / Drone / Sludge http://hipoxia.bandcamp.com/ AMBIVALENCE (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Silicone magic” (Gormageddon productions, 2010) Death metal / Grind http://www.myspace.com/ambivalencedeath ABYSSPHERE (Russia) 30ãðí “Òåíè è ñíû” (Endless desperation productions, 2010) Melodic doom / Death http://www.myspace.com/abyssphere ODAR (Bosnia and Gerzegovina) 30ãðí “Zavjet dalekom snu” (Sonic Temple records, 2009) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/odarband CANNIBE (Italy) 30ãðí “The mind is collapsed” (Goressimo records, 2012) Death metal / Grind http://www.myspace.com/cannibe CANNIBE (Italy) / GUTALAX (Czech republic) 30ãðí “Mondo cadavere / Telecockies” (Human discount records, 2010) Death metal / Grind http://www.myspace.com/cannibe http://www.myspace.com/gutalax TUMOUR / CANNIBE (Italy) 30ãðí “Diary of the deranged / Files of a mental disturbed” (Goressimo records, 2011) Death metal / Grind http://www.myspace.com/cannibe EXTERMINAS (Italy) 30ãðí “Seventh demoniacal hierarchy” (Metallic media, 2012) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/exterminas/ INHEIN (Russia) 30ãðí “Pestrapture” (Antichristian front records, 2010) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/inhein ASTARIUM (Russia) 30ãðí “Wyrm of melancholy” (Metallic media, 2012) Symphonic black metal http://www.myspace.com/astarium FECUND BETRAYAL (USA) 30ãðí “Depths that buried the sea” (Metallic media, 2012) Funeral doom http://www.myspace.com/583357923 WRATHFUL PLAGUE (USA) 40ãðí “Thee within the shadows” (Metallic media, 2013) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/wrathfulplague ABYSMAL DEPTHS (Mexico) 40ãðí “The pain shows in dead woods” (Metallic media, 2013) Depressive black metal http://abysmaldepths.bandcamp.com/ ASTAROT (Mexico) 30ãðí “Raw sensation of nostalgia and nihilistic” (Metallic media, 2012) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/astarot-mex CRUADALACH (Czech republic) 30ãðí “Agni – unveil what’s burning inside” (Parat magazine, 2011) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/cruadalach SYMBOLYC (Italy) 30ãðí “Engraved flesh” (My kingdom music, 2008) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/symbolyc IN ARTICULO MORTIS (Czech republic) 30ãðí “The day after the darkest day” (Nice to eat you records, 2009) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/inarticulomortiscz |
17.05.2013, 20:15 | #9 |
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 17 ìàÿ
TYRANT (Japan) 30ãðí 2øò. “Grimoires” (Musica productions, 2006) Symphonic Black metal ÑÌÓÒÀ (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò. “Ìîð” (Sound Age productions, 2010) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/smutaband ÑÌÓÒÀ (Russia) 30ãðí 2øò. “Õìåëüíàÿ ïåñíü âîéíû” (Sound Age productions, 2008) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/smutaband ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Ãåðàè÷íû ýïàñ” (Sound Age Productions, 2008) Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Êåëèõ Êîëà” (Sound Age Productions, 2008) Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Ñÿðýäíÿâý÷íàÿ äûñêàòýêà” (Sound Age Productions, 2008) Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Verbum” (Sound Age Productions, 2008) Folk ÑÒÀÐÛ ÎËÜÑÀ (Belarus) 30ãðí 2øò. “Bip” (Sound Age Productions, 2008) Folk GOAT THRON (Poland) 30ãðí 2øò. “Ultra Humiliate’ (A5 Productions, 2012) Dark ambient / Noise http://www.myspace.com/goatthron POLYMORPH (Germany) 30ãðí “Disgraceful supper” (G.U.S., 2005) Death http://www.myspace.com/polymorph666 BUTTERFLY TEMPLE / ÍÅÂÈÄÜ / ÏÓÒÜ ÑÎËÍÖÀ / ÎÌÅËÀ (Russia) 30ãðí “Ýôôåêò áàáî÷êè” (Sound Age productions, 2009) Pagan metal http://www.myspace.com/nevidmusic http://www.myspace.com/butterflytempleofficial http://www.myspace.com/psolnca http://www.myspace.com/omela2009 NOMENMORTIS (Slovakia) 30ãðí “Forget Arcadia” (Darzamadicus records, 2011) Brutal death / Grind http://www.myspace.com/nomenmortis DER GALGEN (Russia) 30ãðí “Willkommen Auf Die Todesstrafe” (Sound Age productions, 2008) Folk metal http://www.myspace.com/dergalgen V / A 30ãðí “Goregrind Cafe” (Moon records, 2004) Grind CHERNOBOG (Russia) 30ãðí “Vlidoxfato” (Sound Age productions, 2004) Black metal ÒÎÏÜ (Russia) 30ãðí “Ëåòåëè Âîðîíû” (Sound Age Productions, 2011) Folk / Black metal http://vk.com/club27957735 CAPITOLLIUM (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Engraved Fear” (More Hate Productions, 2005) Symphonic black metal http://www.myspace.com/capitollium ÄÐÓÆÈÍÀ (Russia) 30ãðí “Îïðè÷íèê” (Sound Age Productions, 2011) Folk / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/druzhina BOG-MOROK (Russia) 30ãðí “Stadiae II” (More Hate Productions, 2005) Death / Doom http://www.myspace.com/bogmorok CEMETERIAL (Russia) 30ãðí “Ñàäû Áåñïðîãëÿäíîãî Ìðàêà” (Musica Productions, 2011) Symphonic Black metal http://www.myspace.com/cemeterial SCREAMING FOREST (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Black Kingdom Of Lust” (More Hate Productions, 2008) Black metal GODLESS CRUELTY (Germany) 30ãðí “Gott....Im Chaos Gestorven” (Nordsturm Productions, 2007) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/godlesscruelty HOSTILE CALM (Russia) 30ãðí “Hostile Calm” (Musica Productions, 2007) Gothic metal http://www.myspace.com/hostilecalm PERVERSUS STIGMATA (Russia) 30ãðí “Interstellar Hatred Void” (More Hate Productions, 2008) Black metal http://www.myspace.com/psodium ÂÐÀÒÀ ÒÜÌÛ (Russia) 30ãðí “Âîéíû Ñåâåðíîé Çåìëè” (More Hate Productions, 2004) Pagan / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/gatesofdarkness KIJU (Italy) 30ãðí “Ignite The Revolt” (Controtempo Produzioni, 2011) Thrash / groove metal http://www.myspace.com/kiju FILIVS MACROCOSMI & CHARIDRIIFORM (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Ex. Vivo” (A5 Productions, 2012) Dark Ambient WARHAMMER (Germany) 30ãðí 2øò “The Winter Of Our Discontent” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Death / Thrash / Doom http://www.myspace.com/warhammerdeathmetal ANGEL BUTCHER (Brazil) 30ãðí 2øò “25 Years Bleeding Ears” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Thrash / Crossover http://www.myspace.com/angelbutcher APOKALYPTIC RAIDS (Brazil) 30ãðí 2øò “The Third Storm” (Dead Center Productions, 2012) Black / Death / Thrash http://www.myspace.com/apokalypticraids CORPSET (Finland) 30ãðí “Ruins” (Violent Journey records, 2011) Death metal http://www.myspace.com/corpsetmetal NEAR (Italy) 30ãðí “The opening of the primordial whirl” (De Tenebrarum Principio, 2010) Black metal TEARS OF MANKIND (Russia) 30ãðí “Memoria” (Bad Mood Man Music, 2011) Melodic gothic / doom metal http://www.myspace.com/tearsofmankind TENOCHTITLAN (Russia) 30ãðí “Ñîòâîðåíèå ìèðà” (Bad Mood Man music, 2012) Doom metal / Folk / Ambient http://www.myspace.com/tenochtitlanofficial ËÈÕÎËÅÑÜÅ (Russia) 30ãðí “Èçâå÷íîå êîëîâðàùåíèå” (Stygian crypt productions, Neofolk http://vk.com/club1024672 DVD LITTLE DEAD BERTHA (Russia) 40ãðí “Dead Years Of...Live” (MSR Productions, 2009) Symphonic Death / Black http://www.myspace.com/ldbertha |
31.05.2013, 16:09 | #10 |
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 31 ìàÿ
EXUMER (Germany) 50ãðí “Rising From The Sea” (Fono, A5 Prod, Metal Scrap Records, 2013) Thrash metal http://www.myspace.com/exumerwakingthefire EXUMER (Germany) 50ãðí 2øò. “Fire & Damnation” (Fono, A5 Prod, Metal Scrap Records, 2013) Thrash metal http://www.myspace.com/exumerwakingthefire EXUMER (Germany) 50ãðí “Possessed By Fire” (Fono, A5 Prod, Metal Scrap Records, 2013) Thrash metal http://www.myspace.com/exumerwakingthefire ÎÒÊÐÎÂÅÍÈß ÄÎÆÄß (Russia) 30ãðí “Ìðàìîðíûå Òîíà Îò÷àÿíèÿ” (Solitude Productions, 2007) Melodic Doom / Death metal http://www.myspace.com/revelationsofrain ÎÒÊÐÎÂÅÍÈß ÄÎÆÄß (Russia) 30ãðí “Îòêðîâåíèÿ Äîæäÿ” (Solitude Productions, 2009) Melodic Doom / Death metal http://www.myspace.com/revelationsofrain BESTIAL SUMMONING (Netherlands) 50ãðí “The Dark War Has Begun” (Supremacy Through Intolerance, 2011) Black metal FUNERAL (Norway) 40ãðí “To Mourn Is A Virtue” (Solitude Productions, 2011) Funeral Doom metal http://www.myspace.com/doomfuneral DIORAMA (Germany) 50ãðí “Pale” (Irond, 2004) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth http://www.diorama-music.com/ DIORAMA (Germany) 50ãðí “The Art Of Creating Confusing Spirits” (Irond, 2004) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth http://www.diorama-music.com/ DIORAMA (Germany) 50ãðí “Repale” (Irond, 2005) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth http://www.diorama-music.com/ DIORAMA (Germany) 50ãðí “Amaroid” (Irond, 2005) Synth-Pop / Electro-Goth http://www.diorama-music.com/ INFECTED (Ukraine) 40ãðí “Infected Creation” (A5 Prod, Metal Scrap Records, 2012) Brutal Death metal http://www.reverbnation.com/infectedua NORTH / GROMOWLADNY (Poland) 40ãðí “Lechia, Stawia, Aria” (Eastside, 2005) Pagan / Black metal http://www.myspace.com/northpl http://www.myspace.com/gromowladny TWO WITCHES (Finland) 40ãðí “The Singles Collection” (Shadowplay, 2005) Goth Rock http://www.myspace.com/twowitches DENSE VISION SHRINE 60ãðí CD + DVD in DVD case “Time Lost In Oblivion” (First Fallen Star) Dark Ambient ASTROWIND (Latvia) 40ãðí DIGI çàïå÷àòàí “Kaidanovski” (Greytone, 2012) Dark Ambient http://www.astrowind.net/ MIND & FLESH 50ãðí DIGI çàïå÷àòàí “Martyr Generation” (Force Majoure, 2012) Electronic, Industrial, Experimental CORVUZ (Russia) 60ãðí DIGI çàïå÷àòàí “Íåâèäèìûå Ïåéçàæè” (Self Release, 2012) Dark Ambient ASBAAR (Australia) 40ãðí DIGI Çàïå÷àòàí “Corona Veli Aurei” (Black Drone, 2010) Dark Ambient, Drone, Industrial http://www.myspace.com/asbaar SECRET DRUID SOCIETY (Australia) 40ãðí DIGI çàïå÷àòàí “Restless” (First Fallen Star, 2010) Dark Ambient http://www.myspace.com/secretdruidsociety MINAMATA 40ãðí DIGI çàïå÷àòàí “Nigata” (Zone De Confusion, 2007) Noise, Industrial http://www.myspace.com/minamata.tiburce COLD BODY RADIATION 50ãðí DIGI “Deer Twillight” (Dusktone, 2011) Shoegaze, Black Metal, Post Rock |
21.01.2014, 14:29 | #11 |
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Re: Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå CD è DVD Îáíîâëåíèå îò 21 ÿíâàðÿ
7 H.TARGET (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Fast-Slow Demolition” (Coyote Records, 2012) Technical Brutal Death SEPTORY (Russia) Digi çàïå÷àòàí 40ãðí “Seductive Art Profane” (Coyote Records, 2011) Death ANAL NOSOROG (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Gazavat” (Coyote Records, 2009) Grind AVULSED (Spain) Digi çàïå÷àòàí 50ãðí “Nullo” (Coyote records, 2009) Death COPROBAPTIZED CUNTHUNTER (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Failure Prosthesis” (Coyote Records, 2010) Grind :TREMOR (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Chantera Pas” (Coyote Records, 2012) Grind KAMAEDZITCA (Belarus) Digisleeve çàïå÷àòàí 40ãðí “Äçåöi ëåñà” (Lesskog, 2010) Pagan Folk Black KAMAEDZITCA (Belarus) Digisleeve çàïå÷àòàí 40ãðí “Ïÿðóíå” (Lesskog, 2010) Pagan Folk Black COLD DESIGN (Russia) DIGI 40ãðí “Ñêîðî Ëåòî” (Electrica Caelestis, 2012) Electro Goth ÎÏÐÈ×Ü (Russia) / ÏßÐÝÂÀÐÀÖÝÍÜ (Belarus) / ×ÓÐ (Ukraine) DIGI 40ãðí “Òðèåäèíñòâî” (Casus Belli Musica, 2012) Pagan / Folk ORÄER OÔ VICTORY (Russia) Digisleeve 40ãðí “Nemo Oblivioni Tradita Est Nihil Oblivioni Tradita Est” (Casus Belli Musica, 2013) Martial / Neo Folk ÎÏÐÈ×Ü (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “Íåáî Áåç Ïòèö” (Casus Belli Musica, 2013) Folk metal HAGL (Russia) Digi 40ãðí “In The Heart” (Casus Belli Musica, 2013) Pagan / Black “O QUAM TRISTIS...” (France) 30ãðí “Les Chants Funestes” (Place Of Worms Records, 2008) Modern Classical / Electro TU CARNE (Spain) 30ãðí “Desmembrados” (Coyote Records, 2013) Goregrind ANCIENT NECROPSY (Colombia) 30ãðí “Sanctuary Beyond The Infinite...” (Nice To Eat You Records, 2011) Brutal Death SMASHING DUMPLINGS (Czech Republic) 30ãðí “Gastrogrind” (Coyote Records, 2011) Grindcore MORTAL TORMENT (Greece) 30ãðí “Resuscitation” (Coyote Records, 2011) Brutal Death MINDLY ROTTEN (Colombia) 30ãðí “Proliferation Of Disaster” (Coyote Records, 2011) Technical Brutal Death S.C.A.T. (Russia) 30ãðí “Apopatophobia” (Coyote Records, 2011) Goregrind SYNERGISM OF HUMANITY (Russia) 30ãðí “Incantated Self Destruction” (Coyote Records, 2011) Death / Grind BOWEL STEW (Italy) 30ãðí “Necrocoital Amputorgy” (Coyote Records, 2010) Brutal Death POSTHUMOUS BLASPHEMER (Belarus) 30ãðí “Fracture The Worship” (Coyote Records, 2008) Technical Death MASS MASSACRE (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Repentance In Gangrene” (Coyote records, 2010) Brutal Death ABORTED FETUS (Russia) 30ãðí “Goresoaked Clinical Accidents” (Coyote Records, 2008) Brutal Death VAGINAL DIARRHOEA (Czech Republic) 30ãðí “Well Fuck Me Dead” (Coyote Records, 2009) Goregrind CENOTAPH (Turkey) 30ãðí “Reincarnation In Gorextasy” (Coyote Records, 2008) Brutal Death CENOTAPH (Turkey) 30ãðí “Putrescent Infectious Rabidity” (Coyote Records, 2010) Brutal Death ANGEL OF DISEASE (Georgia) 30ãðí “Hypercube” (Coyote Records, 2009) Progressive Death DUODILDO VIBRATOR (Russia) 30ãðí “Acockalypse Now” (Coyote Records, 2013) Grind SANATORIUM (Slovakia) 30ãðí “Celebration Of Exhumation / Internal Womb Cannibalism” (Coyote Records, 2007) Brutal Death CHRIST DENIED (Spain) 30ãðí “... Got What He Deserved” (Coyote Records, 2006) Death MORTAL TORMET (Greece) / DEMONIACAL GENUFLECTION (USA) / HATRED (Italy) / CENOTAPH (Turkey) 30ãðí “The Quadrum Plague Split” (Coyote Records, 2013) Death / Brutal Death SAPANAKITH (Laos) 30ãðí “Collapsing Of Immortal Traditions” (Coyote Records, 2012) Brutal Death AGATHOCLES (Belgium) 30ãðí “Senseless Trip” (Coyote Records, 2007) Grindcore ZOEBEAST (Russia) 30ãðí “Gore Dancefloor” (Coyote Records, 2013) Death / Grind INTESTINAL DISGORGE (USA) / SMALLPOX AROMA 30ãðí “The Abysmal Morgue” (Coyote Records, 2012) Brutal Death / Noise ANAL GRIND (Belarus) 30ãðí “Born To Porn” (Coyote Records, 2010) Porno Grind ANAL GRIND (Belarus) 30ãðí “Chronic Pornoholic” (Coyote Records, 2012) Porno Grind INOPEXIA (Russia) 30ãðí “Myocardical Biopsy Hada Lethal Outcome” (Coyote Records, 2012) Grindcore GUTSLIT (Indian) 30ãðí “Skewered In The Sewer” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death STALINO (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Seven Voices” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death EBANATH (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Fot Those Who Still Believe... In Nothing” (Coyote Records, 2013) Grindcore GASTRORREXIS (Equador) 30ãðí “The Taste Of Putrefaction” (Coyote Records, 2013) Brutal Death FUNERAL DEPRESSION (Poland) 30ãðí “Pure Depression” (Deleting Soul Records, 2010) Black / Ambient DEVIATOR (Ukraine) 30ãðí “Voice Of The Native Blood” (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black / Death MARGG (Iran) 30ãðí “Balkhorno Horn” (Margin Art Records, 2011) Black EMPTINESS (Russia) 30ãðí “Emptiness” (Deleting Soul Records, 2010) Depressive Black ILLNESS (Poland) / SIRS (Poland) 30ãðí “Drowning In Schizophrenic Depression” (Nihil Art Records, 2011) Dark Ambient / Schizophrenic metal SHATTENSPIEL (Germany) 30ãðí “Follow The White Rabbit” (Nihil Art Records, 2010) Dark Ambient ABISMO (Brazil) 30ãðí “Ultimo Canto Ciclico Do Sol” (Nihil Art Records, 2010) Industrial / Dark Ambient MOLOCH (Ukraine) 30ãðí “ Nur die Berge erinnern sich der Winde die hier ihren Anfang fanden vor so langer Zeit„ (Nihil Art Records, 2010) Dark Ambient ÑËÅÏÀß ÅËÀÍÜ (Russia) 30ãðí “Íåèçáåæíîñòü” (Nihil Art Records, 2009) Industrial / Dark Ambient DISINFECT (Germany) 30ãðí “Screams of Pleasure” (Vomit In Silence, 2011) Death DEPICTING ABYSM (Russia) / WINDBRUCH (Russia) / GMORK (Russia) 30ãðí “Silentium!” (Deleting Soul Records, 2013) Atmospheric Black ÕËÀÄÍÎÂÇÎÐ (Russia) / ×ÅÐÍÛÅ ÎÇÅÐÀ (Russia) / ETERNAL APATHY (Russia) 30ãðí “O” (Deleting Soul Records, 2013) Depressive Black WULFGAR (Germany) 30ãðí “ Ewigkeit Des Ubels“ (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black LYCANTHROPY (Russia) 30ãðí “Cerberus Werewolves II” (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black GOL (Australia) 30ãðí “Appaller” (Margin Art Records, 2010) Black / Death FROZEN OCEAN (Russia) 30ãðí “Vestigial Existence” (Deleting Soul Records, 2011) Black |
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Òåìà | Àâòîð | Ðàçäåë | Îòâåòîâ | Ïîñëåäíåå ñîîáùåíèå |
Îáíîâëåíèå ôîðóìà | Nook | Neformat | 2374 | 14.06.2024 18:55 |
Ïðîäàì Ïðîäàì CD/DVD (ôèðìà/ëèöåíçèÿ/ïèðàòêà) | jorn | Bulletin Board | 0 | 16.06.2013 19:27 |
Ïðîäàì Ïðîäàì ôèðìåííûå 3-CD ëèìèòèðîâàííûå èçäàíèÿ àëüáîìîâ ãðóïïû Death (2000 êîïèé, digipak, made in USA). | severn2001 | Bulletin Board | 0 | 08.04.2013 21:54 |
Îáíîâëåíèå BIOS | Òðåíò ìàçàôàêà | Hardware & Software, Tech & Devices | 10 | 06.02.2013 00:26 |
Òåêóùåå âðåìÿ: 18:01. ×àñîâîé ïîÿñ GMT +3.