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Hazzard's Cure
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wF_XF6jQie...blogheader.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BWjreV6gfe...Rc/s1600/5.jpg Как пишет Heavy Planet - "...Сцена Сан-Франциско,вот уже 30 лет не слышала чего-либо новаторского,треш 80х в рамках стонер-дума,здесь и сладж,и хардкор,и дэт повороты..." По поводу вокала че пишут,не понял,но по слуху нормальный дэтовский,вокалист предложенных разнообразий не шугается и не проваливается.На бэндкампе можно прослушать весь концерт. "Heavy Planet" about "Hazzard's Cure"Hazzard's Cure are revitalizing the Bay Area sound, by incorporating the significant 80's thrash into doom and stoner rock. The San Francisco scene has not heard something quite this ground-breaking in thirty years. The production quality is gritty (albeit well done), the thrash is fast paced and angry (just like we want thrash to be), and the lows are just down right sludgy. Add well placed blast beats and vocals that mix between hardcore shouts, blackened shrieks, and cleanly sung melodies and we have a blueprint for metal success. This may all seem like a confusing mash-up, but Hazzard's Cure, and their supreme orchestration have devised a truly cohesive battle plan. If that isn't enough to sale Hazzard's Cure, they have played with some of HP's favorites, Red Fang, Black Cobra, and Giant Squid.
[свернуть] Состав: Chris Corona - Guitar Clint Baechle - Drums Leo Buckley - Guitar Shane Bergman - Bass Heavy Planet Bandcamp Web Hazzard's Cure 2011 http://f0.bcbits.com/z/32/40/3240551341-1.jpg Нажмите на кнопку "Спасибо", чтобы увидеть ссылку (нужна регистрация) Возможно, потребуется перезагрузка страницы. |
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