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Electronic Список групп раздела | noise, ambient, 8-bit, IDM, hardcore techno, breakbeat, darkwave, industrial, experimental electronic, trip-hop, etc.

Метки: 8-bit, electronic
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Непрочитано 24.03.2008, 17:14   #1
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Швеция GO! With Fourteen O

Для тех кто ещё не в курсе этой группы. Просто о*уенные ребята, одни из лучших кто играет подобную музыку. е*анутые и энергичные, под них хер усидишь на месте. слушать и смотреть видео на ютубе подефолту.
We are Simon and Dennis. Also known as Go! With Fourteen O. We try to mix old technology with new ideas, creating a passionate, noisy, bleepy, aggressive, pushy and genuine 8bit-Screamo-Hardcore mixdown, to our knowledge never before seen or heard.

What started as an obscure side project has now, as with so many bands before, grown to a hard hitting and full fledged band and we're always trying to elevate our musical- and on-stage performances to new levels. Gone are the pseudonyms and the secretive nature of this project and what constitutes GWFO right now is an honest, naked reflection of our views about the world, artistic energy, bottled up emotions, great determination, love and vast discontent.

What we offer you is an alternative, both concerning ideology and musical preferences, to the soul slaughtering structures that operates our current society.
What we are immensely thrilled about is the great response and the love we've been getting from fans all over, and we'll continue to nurture our unstoppable urge to bring you all that we can give in the studio and live.

When the weight of the system is pushing you down, try to remember the stuff that matters.
Remember art. Remember passion.
Remember to question EVERYTHING. Remember to strive.

Последний раз редактировалось Доброжелатель; 23.09.2011 в 15:48. Причина: оживил фото + добавил кнопки
lok вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
15 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Andyouandyour (25.06.2017), Cyclophosphamide (25.03.2008), Maddox (02.07.2009), Nook (24.03.2008), oggi (26.04.2008), SilverRocket (09.10.2009), simply_nicky (01.05.2013), stay weird (27.03.2008), SubwaySun (25.03.2008), xDEMIKx (16.01.2013), Zimbabva (24.03.2008), Аліксандєр (02.06.2009), Доброжелатель (23.09.2011), Никита (25.03.2008), Саша (31.10.2008)
Непрочитано 16.01.2013, 11:53   #31
mp3 56 kbps
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Re: GO! With Fourteen O

Ребят, нет ли у кого альбомчика TRASIG!?
iunknown вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Форум www.neformat.com.ua > Music > Electronic

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