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Emo Список групп раздела | emo, screamo, post-hardcore, midwest emo

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Непрочитано 11.06.2010, 22:23   #1
double CD
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Сингапур My Precious

My Precious

Чуваки из Сингапура, собрались в 2001-ом. Влияние: Fingerprint, Envy, Walls of Jericho, Fugazi, At The Drive In, Born Against, Unwound, Refused, Melt Banana.

Состав: Dyn - Guitars | Zool - Bass | Hairil - Drums | Rina - Vocals | Kyn - Vocals

Биография (с myspace на английском)

Hailing from Singapore, My Precious was formed sometime late December 2001 or early January 2002. Dyn and Ronny, both formerly from the local band Kindred, decided to get together to play Kindred-type music again. They roped in Dinslife to play bass and Kyn (Janicide) and Rina (Obstacle Upsurge) as vocals. As a whole, the band had a familiarity and connection through Kindred songs. Sometime in 2002, Dinslife left the band and Zool (Standardised) stepped in to play the bass. It was around this time that the band actually was able to break away from the Kindred mould.
It is hard to really say what their sound is really like. As a band, they enjoy a wide range of music; anything from classical to thrashcore. Their influences include bands such as Fingerprint, Envy, Walls of Jericho, Fugazi, At The Drive In, Born Against, Unwound, Refused, Melt Banana and many more! People have described their sound as thrashcore, emocore, screamo, emo violence, metalcore, etc..
Amusingly, My Precious calls their sound “no-core” as they feel that they don’t exactly fit into any of the above genres. They feel that their sound is distinct as a result of experiments done simply out of passion for fast / melodic songs with a punch.
They released their first album, My Precious S/T in 2003 under the colaboration of Jahil Records (now Thrash Steady Syndicate Records) and Karatekore Records (Malaysia).
In December 2004, they have been blessed with an opportunity to tour with the band, Gauge Means Nothing in Japan! In conjunction with the Japan Tour, these two bands released a split cd ep titled, "Missing Tom" under the label, endless/nameless Records.
In April 2005, the band was invited by King Ly Chee to play in Hong Kong with many awesome Hong Kong bands. However, that very gig also proved to be the last show Ronny played drums for them. After the show, Ronny announced that he was leaving the band due to personal commitments. The band has since welcomed a new drummer, Hairil.
In September 2005, the band went on an Australian tour with Steve Towson and The Conscripts and The Wastas, to promote the split cd ep titled, "The Venom in My Veins" with Aussies, Steve Towson and The Conscripts.
In June 2006. the band went on a short Indonesian tour playing in cities such as Semarang, Bandung, Solo and Cianjur.
They had released (August 2006) their discography titled, “Everything So Far” under local label, Thrash Steady Syndicate Records. This is a compilation of all their work from year 2003-2005. This special release also serves as a photographic tribute to all their friends and supporters worldwide!
Last year (2008), they went on their second Australian Tour with Meaningless Existence. They played alongside some awesome bands such as CRUX, Ampere and ABC Weapons.
My Precious is currently promoting the release of their second album, The Fine Line.


01. Astrid
get with it, gotta get with it bear with it, gotta bear with it reach into my hungry soul weaning on my lost desires screening of the sharpened ghost playing out to death's attire steering out of darker waters supported by some serenade a whiff of your attractive visions deliverance of controversies demagnetise this horror act and bite the lip of separation desensitise this pregnant heart slap away the feeling hand living on borrowed oxygen breathing is to seek out blood planting bubbles in my veins infiltrate the silent walls
02. Bliss Holler to the fatal sound of…. Broken dreams…. Numb to the stillness of…. Silent screams…. Grant me strength, to stay numb Give me brains, to stay dumb Lend a hand, keep me down High above, let me drown Searching hoping for the light Darkness shining oh so bright Screaming wailing this silence Whispering freezing this violence Repeat everything again Hail to loneliness Shouts out to emptiness Singing sad happiness Crying
03. Thy Lord Is She i am thy lady, my army i will lead thy army, my men from dungeons of misery, I will flee from dragons and demons, we will free thou art fathers [to family] thou art saviour [to country] for she is thy army draw out thy swords, [beneath thee] underneath my commands, [lay thee] banish thy lords, blasphemy from ye elves of hills and standing lakes, I draw i call forth thee, weak masters to my battlegrounds between virtue and vice i am thy lord, my army she who tempt thee to attractive sins she, who contradicts claims of mercy and justice she, is thy army for your lord is a she
04. Dark Light Turn on the light (x3) Wanna see your face again What I'm for What I am What I've done When I'm wrong Turn off the light (x3) I don't wanna see the mirror What I see What I feel What I've done When I'm right Fill me up light Drown me in darkness Turn off the light (x3) I don't wanna see your face Turn off the light (x3) I don't wanna see the mirror!
05. I Love Daddy (For Baghdad) Deface…… Annihilate….. Undermine….. Detain….. Spare my father This is home Spare my father Here he belongs Banished. Dethroned. Humiliated. For his strength….. Betrayed. Disowned. Assasinated. For his home….. Hiding in his isolation He will pray….. For the safety of his children He will stay….. Take the veil off your eye, take a good look at them x4 Our loss your celebration Your rejoice is pure satisfaction Where the hell were you Picked up pieces of our lives
06. Ego Or I ego (concept) complex (impression) volatile (distinction) trouble making up my mind of whom (to like) workout (your own) salvation (diligence) alterable (expression) succeed, the other, another, unaltered, imagine, a picture rejection, register, silver screen, theatre, your ego, to flatter Ego or I?
07. Engine people are saying it's not the best example of human behaviour how can someone's emotional desires be controlled by others I will do what I desire and stick to my belief
08. Fly Have you ever got out of bed And you found yourself so hateful When will I get to try And learn how to get by Cut the strings loose tonight Get ready to fly Reach out soar Raise the floor Take my flaws Gonna spread my wings, I'm ready to soar.....
09. For Virgin's Sake my sanity (x3) forsaken my dignity (x3) taken why, tell me why, why you robbed me off my sinking hope why, tell me why, why I'm twisted in those hands of yours you never saw me [cry] you won't believe I [tried] and how I willed to [die] my hands are always [tied] by tomorrow, I would know, when I see you walk out that door, that you never, meant to stay.. Hey, you looked at me and I wonder why, you lied…. And I knew you'd walk away, you lied…..
10. Hippy Song (I'm Sorry) I'm sorry (x2) for running away I'm begging (x2) for you to stay ferry me to the port of lucy golden straw-like hair so groovy dragon scoop of heaty madness fly so high courageous I see her with a pot of honey crackle noise lalas in my lalala stop to flee in stronger sorry I needed friends to black me out
11. My Oil Lamp Place the oil lamp by you So I can read with tears What's your life with me Written upon your face Let me take a good look Take a good look at you Before both my eyes Shut forever... I wouldn't want you to be Stranger (x2) Not knowing this would be Danger (x2) I know the lamp wouldn't lie Drink your love, leave me high These tears of mine wouldn't dry Drink your love, leave me high
12. Save Me Save me from this unconditioned world Free me from the clutches of the damned Take me to the valley of the dead Save me from this unconvincing world The cuts come on easy The days seem not to need me Yet I'm bloodless in this fight
13. Spitting Eyes I scorn your salvation your naked eyes spit wishful thinking and uncertainty weakened hearts, centered to the core promise of friendship, you whore cult of standard, I'm bitter thanks but i'm not buying arouse and cramp their minds gathering that refute mindless politics go public, don't let your outcry defeat your exploitation in the future fuck, this is strange i'm not too sure did they feel the same?
14. Things I Get You things are getting out of hand you are something I can't stand like a leech you're stuck to me suck the life out! I don't need you anymore don't tell me life's not fair you're an eyesore such a sore die I won't care! leave me be by myself leave me, leave me, leave me be I don't need you anymore leave me, leave me, leave me be get the hell out of my life lest you got reason to stay my pool of feelings you took a dive love has gone decay! you invade my peaceful thoughts make me blow up in a rage cause me nothing but more pain make me go insane! you invade my peaceful thoughts make me blow up in a rage cause me nothing but more pain
15. Things I Get You things are getting out of hand you are something I can't stand like a leech you're stuck to me suck the life out! I don't need you anymore don't tell me life's not fair you're an eyesore such a sore die I won't care! leave me be by myself leave me, leave me, leave me be I don't need you anymore leave me, leave me, leave me be get the hell out of my life lest you got reason to stay my pool of feelings you took a dive love has gone decay! you invade my peaceful thoughts make me blow up in a rage cause me nothing but more pain make me go insane! you invade my peaceful thoughts make me blow up in a rage cause me nothing but more pain"


The Fine Line (2008)
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Everything so far (2006)
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My Precious / Steve Towson & The Conscripts
Venom In My Veins split (2005)


My Precious / Gauge Means Nothing - Missing Tom (2004) Split
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My Precious “S/T” (2003)

Последний раз редактировалось valmakar; 12.08.2013 в 11:53.
vacuum вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
29 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Bjol (12.06.2010), caffeinevsnicotine (19.04.2019), dazfafara (17.10.2015), farewe1llnote (04.09.2014), Humus rebellis (15.09.2013), japanrules (22.07.2012), Jesus_in_vegas (17.12.2012), Johnny?Johnny! (05.07.2014), La (10.10.2013), LifeHatesMe (28.10.2013), Marina Melnik (11.09.2012), MoM0N (30.09.2013), NamelesS (12.08.2013), polonezzz (04.10.2014), quaerens (29.10.2013), samosvalov (09.02.2011), Sin (14.10.2015), Snake999 (26.03.2012), soulpacan (14.10.2013), Stannum-119 (12.02.2015), The number 12 (13.08.2013), valmakar (12.08.2013), View (24.07.2015), Vinterskogen (13.07.2016), xillogicalx (25.11.2013), xrsmx (06.12.2012), Рудольф (27.11.2013), СаШШ (13.11.2014), яшикарен (12.06.2010)
Непрочитано 12.06.2010, 11:18   #2
слишком крутой для персонального статуса
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Re: My Precious

Я очень люблю эту группу, как минимум за два женских вокала. Хотя тема и оформлена скажем так, скромно, всё равно спасибо что создал тему. (Добавил в шапку, некоторые тексты, био, на английском, пока что так, и обложки уменьшил).
vacuum, в след. раз, создавай темы более аккуратно.
яшикарен вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.06.2010, 11:22   #3
без статуса
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Re: My Precious

одни из моих любимых
igorek-hxc вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.06.2010, 11:45   #4
double CD
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Re: My Precious

Phil Cosby, в каждом разделе свои правила.
Я думал, все любят большие обложки.
vacuum вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.06.2010, 11:49   #5
слишком крутой для персонального статуса
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Re: My Precious

не обязательно большие, в меру и не в разброс, а то просто не эстетично выглядит. Раз нравится группа, и делаешь тему, так делай её с
яшикарен вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.07.2010, 02:51   #6
vinyl 10"
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Re: My Precious

група, з якою я провів минуле літо. настільки різні, шо аж не віриться, шо так класно грають.

п.с. ніхто не знає, де можна знайти оце?
My Precious / Steve Towson & The Conscripts
Venom In My Veins split (2005)
valmakar вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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emo_otaku (07.07.2018)
Непрочитано 14.12.2012, 10:52   #7
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Re: My Precious

Я мало что нашёл, но и это пригодится в шапке:
My Precious / Gauge Means Nothing - Missing Tom (2004) Split
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The Fine Line (2008)
скрытый контент Нажмите на кнопку "Спасибо", чтобы увидеть ссылку (нужна регистрация)
Возможно, потребуется перезагрузка страницы.
Gello вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
13 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
caffeinevsnicotine (19.04.2019), emo_otaku (07.07.2018), Jesus_in_vegas (17.12.2012), LeDesespoir (29.12.2012), MoM0N (30.09.2013), NecronusDestroyer (14.07.2018), newdayrising_x (14.12.2012), nomorehope (17.02.2013), Simon_24 (22.03.2013), Sin (14.10.2015), Sonic (29.09.2013), valmakar (14.12.2012), СаШШ (13.11.2014)
Непрочитано 14.12.2012, 13:57   #8
A train full of optimists crashing into reality
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Re: My Precious

Вот все недостающее.

Everything so far (2006)
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01. ...Spitting Eyes
02. Dark Light
03. Engine
04. My Oil Lamp
05. Save Me
06. Fly
07. You Are My Breakfast
08. Hippy Song I'm Sorry
09. Ego Or I
10. Astrid
11. For Virgins Sake
12. Things I Get You
13. Thy Lord Is She
14. Lost In Transition
15. I Love Daddy For Baghdad
16. Bliss
17. My Life Is Weird
18. Stars
19. Middle Finger Jeopardy
20. Keigo

Track 1-13 taken off self titled CD 2003.
Track 14-16 taken off missing tom split CD EP with Gauge Means Nothing 2004.
Track 17 taken off This Is Your Life compilation 2004.
Track 18-20 taken off the Venom In My Veins split with Stephen Towson and The Concipts 2005.
Lights Out вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
17 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Borman95 (31.07.2013), caffeinevsnicotine (19.04.2019), dazfafara (17.10.2015), emo_otaku (07.07.2018), igorek-hxc (12.08.2013), Jesus_in_vegas (17.12.2012), LeDesespoir (29.12.2012), LifeHatesMe (28.10.2013), mauveflwrs (17.09.2014), MoM0N (30.09.2013), newdayrising_x (14.12.2012), nomorehope (17.02.2013), Simon_24 (22.03.2013), Sin (14.10.2015), valmakar (14.12.2012), xPASHENbKAx (14.07.2013), СаШШ (13.11.2014)
Непрочитано 12.08.2013, 11:31   #9
vinyl 10"
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Re: My Precious

Вчора заїхав додому на один день і набрав компактів із собою, щоб на роботі слухати. Заодно взяв і дивну демку My Precious, записану на цд-р у Стамбулі місцевим панком, і запаковану в поліетиленовий саморобний пакетик. Чому тільки три пісні (Dark Light, For Virgins Sake, Thy Lord Is She), чому в досить низькій якості (очевидно, записано з мп3 128 кбіт), і взагалі, як ця демка народилася так далеко від Сингапуру - для мене загадка. Цей диск, як і багато інших, було привезено Володею кілька років тому з його відрядження у Туреччину.

Але це все зовнішнє. А головне - музика цих скажених 5ти людей. Я дуже давно не слухав My Precious, і тепер цих три пісні - як зустріч зі старим добрим товаришем. Вони дуже впізнавані, однаково як і несхожі на всіх інших. Тут і панк, і хардкор, і емо, і трохи скрімо, й поп-мелодії - відразу чути, що люди живуть у відкритому музичному просторі й не соромляться будь-яких впливів. Їх хороший музичний смак і професіоналізм просто не дозволяють пропустити щось слабке.

Добавлено в 11:31 / Предыдущее сообщение было написано в 11:29

valmakar вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
2 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
TearAway (12.08.2013), Хмурый (12.08.2013)
Непрочитано 12.08.2013, 15:56   #10
mp3 256 kbps
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Re: My Precious

NamelesS вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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