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Непрочитано 16.12.2012, 23:47   #1
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Speigas Festival: ambient/drone/noise/power electronics

Морозные выходные февраля мы приглашаем вас провести в Вильнюсе, на фестивале SPEIGAS.


KABLYS bar (Kauno g. 5, Vilnius) http://tinyurl.com/bumltqz

|||||||| 08.02.2013 drone / ambient ||||||||

JIKU55 (Japan) http://www.mariajiku.info/jiku/JIKU55
DANIL AKIMOV (Russia) http://soundcloud.com/danilakimov
WOUTER JASPERS (Netherlands) http://www.wouterjaspers.nl/
SOVIJUS (Lithuania) http://sovijus.wordpress.com/
SALA (Lithuania) http://alas23.blogspot.com/
vj: STAN STENCIL (Canada) http://www.stanstencil.com/

|||||||| 09.02.2013 noise / power electronics ||||||||

GRUNT (Finland) http://www.cfprod.com/fa/grunt.htm
MAAAA (Poland) http://www.maaaa.org/
JAAKKO VANHALA (ex-Zoät-Aon)(Finland) http://vanhala.tumblr.com/
OORCHACH (Lithuania) http://soundcloud.com/oorchach
POGROM (Lithuania) http://terror.lt/
+ Djs


Festival SPEIGAS, for the fourth time returning to Vilnius with post-industrial electronic music soundscapes, this February presents two evenings with 11 brilliant dark ambient, drone, noise and power electronics projects from Finland, Netherlands, Russia, Japan, Poland, Canada, and of course, Lithuania. Frosty days will be dedicated to expanding the knowledge of sound art while visiting lectures and workshops.

From the very first festival in 2010, SPEIGAS was an unique audiovisual experience not only in Lithuania, but also in all Eastern Europe. On 8th and 9th of February, 2013, we will hear sick Finnish power noise from GRUNT, get lost in the noise loops made by JAAKKO VANHALA (ex-Zoät-Aon) and Polish-Carelian project MAAAA, get chills while listening to Japanese duo JIKU 55 and feel mesmerized by Lithuanian projects OORCHACH and GIRNŲ GIESMĖS. And that is just a few names, which will take you out to the wry alternative realities - see full line-up above.

Evolving is important for each and every festival. This SPEIGAS will also include a touch of education – sound art workshop from WOUTER JASPERS and lectures from Mikko Aspa of GRUNT and DANIL AKIMOV. These three performers will not only play live - they are willing to share their experience, gained through passionate work in the experimental / noise scene.

Each SPEIGAS tries to be not only a soundtrip, but also an audiovisual adventure – that is why the venues for every festival are hand-picked. This time, the festival will happen in legendary KABLYS – a former cultural center of railway workers, famous for hosting some of the first alternative events which happened in Vilnius. It have kept the authentic spaces and untouched, raw energy, essential for sound experiments, which will take place during the festival.

Ticket info:

Ticket for two days:
40 LTL (12 euros) before the 1st of February
50 LTL (14 euros) after the 1st of February

One day ticket, available only at the entrance : 30 LTL (9 euros)

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