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Непрочитано 29.12.2011, 12:27   #1
акын Апокалипсиса
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США Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

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Пиво, пули, непруха и разбитые сердца. Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - оживший худший кошмар Нормана Рокуэлла. Посетите городок под названием Киллвилль, откуда не возвращаются живыми, и где лучшее, на что вы можете надеяться, - быстрая и безболезненная кончина.

Об этой группе очень много писали в Billboard, Stereo Review, Entertainment Weekly и прочих бумажонках. Но эти баллады об убийствах и истории о горестях не предназначены для того, чтобы читать о них в журналах. Их нужно слушать на полной громкости на хреновой магнитоле в быстрой машине, летящей по темному и безлюдному шоссе в никуда. Так что вы можете упиться и укуриться этой музыкой, расхохотаться, вдавить педаль газа в пол, сказать короткую молитву и наслаждаться поездкой.

С каждой песней количество трупов увеличивается, разбитые сердца и сломанные мечты громоздятся бесформенной кучей, а ты просто жмешь на газ еще сильнее. Хрипящее радио "Делко" выплевывает бесконечный поток мести, бесконечного проклятия, кидалова, и иногда - искупления. Со слезами на глазах, зажав банку пива между колен, ты смеешься, набирая скорость. Да, может быть, ты летишь в никуда, но это происходит очень быстро. Знаки на обочине превращаются в смазанные пятна, Сатана ухмыляется в зеркале заднего вида, а ты просто не можешь выбросить ее лицо из головы. Ты понимаешь, что ты не нужен в Раю, потому что Бог не слышит твои молитвы. Ты пытаешься опередить Дьявола, вдавив педаль в пол до предела, ты звонишь ей на сотовый и говоришь, что сыграешь ей самую печальную песню, что она слышала в своей жизни. И теперь уже не остановиться...

Более-менее достоверные факты:

Группа образована в 90-х годах на обломках нескольких панк-рок-коллективов в Истхэмптоне, штат Массачусетс, гитаристом и вокалистом Angry Johnny (который под этим именем записан даже в телефонной книге городка). Члены группы предпочитают называть свой родной город Киллвиллем и на этом построена даже своеобразная мифология. Курс с самого начала был взят на жесткое и злое альтернативное кантри с элементами блюграсса, для чего был даже изобретен термин "bloodgrass". Песни, по большей части, представляют собой истории о преступлениях, убийствах и несчастной любви. С момента начала деятельности группа записала три полноформатных альбома, один ЕР, а также имеется сборник всяческих редкостей на четырех дисках + три концертных альбома. С концертами Angry Johnny and the Killbillies выступают локально и практически неизвестны даже любителям кантри-музыки.


Angry Johnny - ритм-гитара, вокал
Colonel Sal Vega - ударные
Goatis T. Ovenrude - слайд-гитара, банджо, мандолина
Slabs Theilman - бас


1996 - Hankenstein

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1998 - What's So Funny?

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2004 - Killville Tales EP
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2005 - Puttin' the Voodoo on Monroe

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2006 - Killvile Auto Salvage Vol. 1-4
2009 - Warts and All (live)
2009 - More Warts (live)
2010 - Now! We Drink Like Apes! (live)

Эту песню могут узнать те, кто досмотрел до конца замечательное кино "11:14":

Я от себя скажу, что Энгри Джонни - чудовищно недооцененный и неимоверно несправедливо неизвестный исполнитель в рамках альтернативного/death country. Замечательная музыка (как боевики, так и баллады), великолепная лирика, и одно без другого существовать не может. Пожалуй, по крутости с Killbillies могут сравниться только Those Poor Bastards, но если "Ублюдки" такие мистически-мрачно-готичные, то это - песни злых, безрассудных, наглых реднеков, готовых жать на курок. Или песни отчаявшихся, разочаровавшихся в жизни реднеков с разбитыми сердцами, готовых схватиться за нож. Звучание тоже гораздо ближе к традиционному кантри, так что не ждите ржавых электрогитар, экспериментов с органом, воплей страдающих душ из Ада и тому подобного. Но когда нужен драйв - его хватает с лихвой, если требуется романтика и печаль, то они пронзительны донельзя, но это всё не главное. Больше всего подкупает искренность, сквозящая из каждой ноты и каждого слова. Джонни не поет песни, он их проживает, с такой достоверностью рассказывая о происходящем с его героями, что кадры из несуществующих дешевых триллеров и боевиков так и начинают мелькать перед глазами. Если желаете воскурить американского шансона - вам сюда.

А теперь, наконец-то, то, чего никогда еще не было в интернетах (всё - 320 кбпс, рипы с родных ЦД):

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Bang Bang Baby Bang Bang Merry Christmas (2010) (рождественский альбом; атмосфера вполне себе подходящая, но не ждите здесь стандартного уныния, которым славятся абсолютно все рождественские альбомы в любых стилях)

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Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Killville Auto Salvage Vol. 4 (2008) (4-ая, 5-ая и 6-ая части компиляции с разными редкостями, ауттейками и альтернативными дублями хорошо знакомых песен)

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Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Killville Auto Salvage Vol. 5 (2012)

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Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Killville Auto Salvage Vol. 6 (2012)

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Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - The Zekordings (2011) (треки с этих рекорд-сессий раньше выкладывались для бесплатного скачивания; теперь они собраны на одном CD)

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Angry Johnny and GTO - In the Nuthouse Now (2010) (Джонни с Козлятисом поют какбе детские песенки, - зная пацанов, можно сразу с уверенностью сказать, что детского там мало; честно скажу, альбом это весьма странный)

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The Killville Creep - Chappaquiddick Vacation (2010) (тоже какбе детские песенки, но эти два альбома The Killville Creep - самые старые архивные записи, 80-х годов)

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The Killville Creep - Hey Kids! It's Creepy Time! (2010)

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Добавлено через 1 час 21 минуту
И напоследок три сольника:

Angry Johnny - Bones (2010) (записан в 1993 году)

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Angry Johnny - One Bad Day in 93 (2008) (записан в 1993 году)

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Angry Johnny - Send More Beer (2008)

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Последний раз редактировалось Hellbound; 08.07.2014 в 07:08.
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132 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Непрочитано 29.12.2011, 15:08   #2
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

злости им не занимать, епт, судя по всему
именно то, чего не хватает после мерзкого дня

Banshee, спасибо
xKovAx вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
3 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
cunmark (12.04.2013), eugenedok (17.01.2013), turtler (09.05.2013)
Непрочитано 29.12.2011, 15:20   #3
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Да не за что. Если кому-то будет нужно, после Нового Года могу залить остальное, что у меня есть. Это шесть сольников и три части "Killville Auto Salvage".

Правда, вот еще ссылка на Рутрекир, оттуда тоже можно.
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2 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Hell-wisher13 (22.07.2016), turtler (09.05.2013)
Непрочитано 29.12.2011, 15:25   #4
vomiting tractor driver
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Hankenstein'a услыхал достаточно давно впервые
обложки у Джонни, кстати, крутыыыыыые!!!!!! а лирика-то какая... матьего, аттитьюд!!!

Сообщение от Banshee Посмотреть сообщение
чудовищно недооцененный и неимоверно несправедливо неизвестный
ычич вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
6 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
13Tikis (04.01.2017), cunmark (12.04.2013), disvangust (14.05.2017), Hellbound (29.12.2011), iunknown (13.11.2012), leviathan (19.09.2012)
Непрочитано 29.12.2011, 16:26   #5
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Сообщение от ычич Посмотреть сообщение
а лирика-то какая... матьего, аттитьюд!!!
Вот в этом-то все дело. Для полноты эффекта лирику обязательно нужно знать. К сожалению, текстов на официальном сайте преступно мало. Я потихоньку снимаю на слух разные треки, уже пару десятков текстов таким образом запилил. Опять же, если кому надо, могу кинуть.

Ну и а аттитьюд: песни про простых мужиков для простых мужиков. Исполняются, как ни странно, простыми мужиками.

P.S. Обложки из предыдущего поста закинул в свой первый. Мне было лень их искать, а с офсайтом у меня проблемы, потому что Блогспот в Казахстане выпилен.
Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Пользователь сказал спасибо:
Біджо (09.09.2012)
Непрочитано 29.12.2011, 16:57   #6
vomiting tractor driver
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

тексты да, закинь
в принципе, многое понятно и на слух, но мне кажется, не так уж и просты реднеки-мужики несколько нездоровый замес из безумия и угара от самой американской глуши.
ычич вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 29.12.2011, 17:26   #7
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Тексты вот, те, что уже сделал:

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Funny Thing 'bout Heroes

Last time I saw Danny, he was having trouble breathing,
Bullet in his belly and a couple fingers gone,
I thought about him dying like a dog, as I was leaving,
He’s the one who always said “Take the money and run”.

Perfect plan is perfect up until something goes wrong,
Like a cowboy in a liquor store playin’ hero for the day,
Funny thing ‘bout heroes, they don’t last very long,
I said “Danny, you’re a goner, man, I’m sorry I can’t stay”.

Seventeen months later I’m drinking here in Tulsa,
Hear a voice behind me say “One move and it’s goodbye”,
Says “Jack I cannot tell ya’ how good it is to see you,
Remember me, you left me in that liquor store to die”.

Bartender stands frozen like a deer caught in the headlights,
I ask him for a couple shots for me and my old friend,
He pours a couple Bourbons, his old hands they are a-trembling,
I turn around real slow and I say “Danny, how’ve you been”.

He grins and takes the Bourbon, says “You know I’m gonna kill you”,
I drink my shot and I say “What the hell, it’s only fair”,
I tell him that I’m sorry I left him for the buzzards,
A pistol shot rings out, I see a cowboy standing there.

Danny’s on the floor bleeding heavy from his belly,
Last thing the cowboy hears is my Colt singing its song,
Bartender ain’t moving, he says “Man, I ain’t no hero”,
I tell him “Funny thing ‘bout heroes, they don’t last very long”.

Last time I saw Danny, he was dying there in Tulsa,
Money from the register got me over the state line,
Last thing I told Danny was “Man, it was good to see you,
When you feeling better, you should look me up sometime”.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - One Bullet Blues

Don’t cry for me, Mamma,
There was nothing you could do,
Don’t blame yourself, Mamma,
It’s not because of you,
Don’t worry, Daddy,
Everything will be okay,
I save one bullet,
They ain’t gonna take me away.

I couldn’t take the lone day,
I couldn’t take the pain,
First I started ??? drinking
And then I went insane,
I love the Daddy
More than anything I know,
I got one bullet left,
I think it’s time to go.

And when it’s all over,
Come on and take me home,
Say a prayer to the Father,
Say a prayer to the Son,
Lay me down in my coffin,
Put beyond the ground,
Devil not caring,
God, will he not be Heaven bound?

And when it’s all over,
Come on and take me home,
Say a prayer to the Father,
Say a prayer to the Son,
Lay me down in my coffin,
Put beyond the ground,
Devil not caring,
God, will he not be Heaven bound?

So don’t cry for me, Mamma,
There was nothing you could do,
And don’t blame yourself, Mamma,
It’s not because of you,
Don’t worry, Daddy,
Everything will be okay,
I save one bullet,
They ain’t gonna take me away,
I save one bullet,
They ain’t gonna take me away.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Walking Alone

I’m walking alone by the river,
I’m walking alone through the field,
I’m walking alone through my memories,
Where fate of this sinner is sealed.

Remember, you told me you love me,
And one day you would be my wife,
I’m walking alone to the graveyard,
I’m walking right out of this life.

No children have I that will miss me,
Nobody will notice I’m gone,
I still taste the last time you kissed me,
I still feel your hand in my palm.

Forever I’ll pay for my weakness,
Forever I’ll pay for my lies,
Forever the nightmare will haunt me,
About tears that I put in your eyes.

The man in the carriage is waiting,
Four horses are honest to ride,
But Jesus, I hope you forgive me,
Lord, I am so empty inside.

My breath’s making clouds in the moonlight,
The leaves crackle under my shoes,
I’ve been walking alone for a lifetime,
‘Cause darling, there’s no one but you.

Remember, you told me you love me,
And one day you would be my wife,
I’m walking alone to the graveyard,
I’m walking right out of this life.
I’m walking alone to the graveyard,
I’m walking right out of this life.
I’m walking right out of this life.
I’m walking…

Angry Johnny - Three Questions

I wanna ask you three questions,
Three questions and then I’ll go,
I wanna ask you three questions,
Three things that I would like to know.

Number one: could you tell me how many?
Number two: could you tell me why?
Number three: did you ever love me
Or was I just another guy?

I wanna tell you four things,
Four little things and then I’ll go,
I wanna tell you four things,
Four things I think that you should know.

Number one: there was only you,
Number two: couldn’t tell you why,
Number three: I’ll love you forever,
Number four: I wanna thank you for the lie.

I wanna leave you with a memory,
A memory burned across your mind,
I’ll be the keeper of your nightmares,
The one you cannot leave behind.
I’ll be the keeper of your nightmares,
The one you cannot leave behind.
The one you cannot leave behind.

Angry Johnny - Long Lonely Winter

I still remember the last time that I saw you,
I still remember the tear drops in your eyes,
I still remember the last thing you were wearing,
??? me, I can’t remember why.

I still remember the promises you’ve made me,
I still remember the planning that we’d done,
I still remember the night that you betrayed me,
I still remember you telling me that I’d always be the only one.

It’s been a long, long lonely winter,
Gonna be a long, long lonely spring,
I remember it all, that awful day last fall,
But I bet you don’t remember a thing.

I’ve got a bullet just waiting in the chamber,
I’ve got a bottle of courage in my hand,
I tried so hard to forget but I remember,
I tried so hard to forget, but I’ll never understand.

It’s been a long, long lonely winter,
Can’t take a long, long lonely spring,
Nobody hears me praying, so there ain’t no point in staying,
Pretty soon I won’t remember anything.

I still remember the way your kisses tasted,
I still remember the feeling of your skin,
I close my eyes and all comes back too clearly,
But I’ll be damned, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna relive it all again.

I got my finger on the trigger,
And pretty soon we’ll both be free,
I’ll be riding that hearse, liberated from your curse,
And forever you’ll remember me.
I’ll be riding that hearse, liberated from your curse,
And forever you’ll remember me.
And then forever you’ll remember me.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - I Chose the Gun

I once had a love, her name was Lucinda,
We were to be wed, but the Lord struck her down,
I promised right there my allegiance to Satan,
I picked up my gun and I rode out of town.

Yes, I chose the gun instead of the Bible,
I killed and I robbed wherever I go,
Now the cold hand of death is pulling me down,
And no amount of praying can rescue my soul.

I know that (they/day?) killed my mother and father,
They died with the weight of my sins on their hearts,
They prayed for my soul, but their praying was wasted,
I ran from the light, I hid in the dark.

When I chose the gun instead of the Bible,
I killed and I robbed wherever I go,
Now the cold hand of death is pulling me down,
And no amount of praying can rescue my soul.

??? I never again see my Lucinda,
Cause Heaven has no room for evil like me,
My place is with Satan and all of his torment,
I miss my Lucinda for eternity.

Cause I chose the gun instead of the Bible,
I killed and I robbed wherever I go,
Now the cold hand of death is pulling me down,
And no amount of praying can rescue my soul.

Turned my back on the Lord and I cursed his sweet Heaven,
I cursed the Father and I cursed the Son,
If I had the chance I’d do it all over,
I’d pick up the Bible, I’d throw down the gun.

But I chose the gun instead of the Bible,
I killed and I robbed wherever I go,
Now the cold hand of death is pulling me down,
And no amount of praying, no amount of praying can rescue my soul.

Rescue my soul!
I chose the gun instead of the Bible!
I chose the gun instead of the Bible!
I chose the gun instead of the Bible!
I chose the gun instead of the Bible!

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Henry

This is a song about Henry.

Henry loaded up his Magnum
And he went downtown,
Steve was messing with his girlfriend,
He went to shoot them both down.
They were sittin’ in the diner
Eating burgers and fries,
Henry went in there to find them,
Shot them both between the eyes.

Henry cried.

When Henry walked out of that diner,
The cops were waiting outside,
They didn’t tell him to surrender,
They just opened fire.
Henry fell on the sidewalk
Gushing a fountain of blood,
I looked at the cops and they were laughing,
I guess that they knew they’d done good.

Henry died.
No one cried.
Henry died.
No one cried.
No one cried
When Henry died.

That was a song about Henry.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Lucky Day

It was not his lucky day…

He woke up in the morning, he’d found the note she left,
Said “I’m leaving with the dog and we’re heading way out West”,
And then he heard the knocking, it was the landlord at the door,
Said “You’re three months overdue, kid, so you don’t live here no more”.

It was not his lucky day…
It was not his lucky day…

He went down to the factory, the foreman said “You’re late”,
He called down for security to escort him to the gate,
Said “Don’t bother comin’ back, kid, don’t expect no severance pay”,
He’d lost his girl, lost his dog, lost his home, lost his job, it’s not his lucky day.

No, it was not his lucky day…
It was not his lucky day…

He pulled his Delta 88 up to a Phillips 66,
Pulled out his Ruger .44 and he walked in the front door,
Said “Give me all your money, sir, and I’ll be on my way”,
But he should have seen it comin’, it was not his lucky day.

No, it was not his lucky day…
It was not his lucky day…

It was not his lucky day…
It was not his lucky day…

The clerk apologized, said “There’s no money in the till,
A woman and a dog just robbed me, stole my last one dollar bill,
So put away that gun, the cops are on their way,
You ain’t done nothing wrong yet son, just turn and walk away”.

No, it was not his lucky day…
It was not his lucky day…

He cursed and he kicked the floor and then he walked back out the door,
It sounded just like thunder, seven shotguns dealt their roar,
His body danced and twisted just like a puppet on a string,
He came to rest in the bloody mess up against the Coke machine.

It was not his lucky day…
It was not his lucky day…

Angry Johhny - Tennessee Air Wars

Alice said to bomber: “Dear,
I think we’ve got a problem here,
I’m too tired, man, I can’t steer,
Someone get me out of here”.

Captain Charlie fires his guns,
His Mustang comes in from the sun,
Cuts the bomber right in half,
Buzzes by them with a laugh.

Captain Charlie’s flying high,
He’s the terror of the sky,
??? down in a spin,
Captain Charlie won again.

This ain’t a show, this is for real,
Got real bullets, got real steel,
Yeah, real screamin’, real cryin’,
Real people really dyin’.

Nashville is on fire tonight,
The sky is criss-crossed with spotlights,
The Grand Ole Opry ain’t no more,
Welcome to the Tennessee air wars.

In 92 the feds collapsed,
They don’t get all in the state’s labs,
Innocent army, Alabama border,
Birmingham said this playing’s over.

They hit Memphis before dawn,
By sun a half of that town was gone,
Smoke blocked up the morning sun,
The Tennessee air wars had begun.

Captain Charlie been an ace,
Another time, another place,
He’s turning 62 that fall,
But he could not ignore the call.

He led the raid thirteen days later,
Codename “Yellow Alligator”,
That was the day Birmingham died,
“This one’s for Elvis!” was the battle cry.

For years and years the war raged on,
Till most of what had been was gone,
Till no one could remember why
The planes are fighting in the sky.

On October 9th of ??? fall,
The last day of the big air war,
Captain Charlie’s Mustang caught some flak
And Charlie never made it back.

Three sons and four grand-sons too,
Charlie lost since 92,
He bowed his head and said a prayer
As the Mustang fell down from the air.

Tennessee air wars…
Tennessee air wars…
Tennessee air wars…
Tennessee air wars…

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Devil's Run

He was due at 7:30, but he never made it home,
She stayed up all night long staring at the telephone,
The sun’s already risin’ when she finally gets the call,
His rig went off the edge at Devil’s Run.

He was comin’ down the mountain hauling twenty tons of grain,
Mann had lost its brakes, some say, in the mud and in the rain,
Trailed off that heap and down for hundred feet to hell,
Another soul is lost to Devil’s Run.

Devil’s Run, Devil’s Run,
Skid marks tell the story about Highway 31,
Devil’s Run, Devil’s Run,
Say a prayer before you head down Devil’s Run.

Eleven miles of highway down the suicidal grade,
Lost count of the orphans and more widows in dismay,
Goin’ round these mountains gonna waste an extra day,
Just one way through these hills is Devil’s Run.

At the bottom of that hell pit lies a twisted pile of steel,
Silent rusty coffins used to roll on eighteen wheels,
Ain’t no way to raise them, so they stay just as they lay,
In memory of the men from Devil’s Run.

Devil’s Run, Devil’s Run,
Skid marks tell the story about Highway 31,
Devil’s Run, Devil’s Run,
Say a prayer before you head down Devil’s Run.

If you don’t respect the mountain,
You are nothing but a fool,
The day that you meet Satan
You’ll be bleeding diesel fuel.
Your children ask your widow:
“Mamma, where has Daddy gone?”,
Say “Never made it back from Devil’s Run”.

Devil’s Run, Devil’s Run,
Skid marks tell the story about Highway 31,
Devil’s Run, Devil’s Run,
Say a prayer before you head down Devil’s Run.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Kill Again

There’s some bodies in my basement, but I don’t remember why,
I’ve been looking for replacement ever since you said goodbye,
There’s a little demon laughing, dancing on my window sill,
Got my hand wrapped 'round that bottle tryin’ to drown this urge to kill.

Someone’s knockin’ at my door but I pretend that I’m not home,
Don’t know what they want me for, but I would rather be alone,
I don’t want to talk no more so don’t bother to call,
My phone ain’t workin’ anyway, I tore it off the wall.

There’s a woman in a pickle jar with ribbons made of lace,
I think I must have known her, but I can’t quite place her face,
She doesn’t look too happy, on her face she wears a frown,
It must get pretty lonely, havin’ nobody around.

There’s some bodies in my basement, but I don’t remember why,
I’ve been looking for replacement ever since you said goodbye,
The demon jumps down from the sill and takes me by the hand,
Just put away that bottle, boy, it’s time to kill again.

He says it’s time for me to kill again,
He says it’s time for me to kill again,
But I don’t wanna, don’t wanna kill again,
Lord, I don’t wanna, don’t make me kill again.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - The Joneses

Daddy got the shotguns,
He’s out there waiting in the truck,
We gonna do some hunting,
Oh, Mamma wish us luck.

We gonna end it, gonna end this feud today,
Me and my Daddy are gonna blow the Joneses away.

Well, we can’t take little brother,
See, he’s been gone for a year,
If it wasn’t for them Joneses,
My little brother’d still be here.

We gonna end it, gonna end this feud today,
Me and my Daddy are gonna blow the Joneses away.

Well, my Daddy got the shotguns,
He’s out there waiting in the truck,
We gonna do some hunting,
Oh, Mamma wish us luck.

We gonna end it, gonna end this feud today,
Me and my Daddy are gonna blow the Joneses away.

It’s time to end it, time to end this feud today,
Me and my Daddy are gonna blow the Joneses away.

Angry Johnny - Death Is Driving a Pontiac

Death is driving a Pontiac tonight,
66 Catalina with a rusted tainted lights,
Pulling into Barney’s and that convenience store,
Left a poor clerk lying beheaded on the floor.

??? no money left in the drawer,
Death is driving a Pontiac evening of the score,
Rolling across Wyoming on a mission from their Lord,
Death is driving a Pontiac for sure.

The freak behind the wheel, Cowboy is his name,
He’s killed in all over 48, he likes to claim,
His partner’s name is Eugene, can’t wait to kill again,
Only thing he’s good at, he’s been killing since he’s ten.

Death is driving a Pontiac on a mission from their Lord,
The devil don’t drive Mopars and the devil don’t drive Fords,
Shotgun blast is fast but a straight razor hurts more,
They skin them while they’re living till it’s death they’re begging for.

They answered to a higher power, old Satan down below,
He speaks to them directly through their Delco radio,
Sometimes he sounds exactly just like David Allan Coe,
Sometimes Bobby Darin, sometimes Barry Manilow.

Death is driving a Pontiac tonight,
The heads in the back are stinking, but the boys think it’s alright,
They love the smell of death, it makes them feel alive,
Just slam another lucky and drop it into drive.

They’re killin’ for a livin’, they have an ugly time,
Diggin’ shallow graves and coverin’ bodies up with lime,
They think they’ll be rewarded by Old Scratch for all their crimes,
But the devil can’t be trusted, he’s gonna screw you every time.

The Delco’s barkin’ orders while Eugene loads his gun,
The Dixie Cups sing "Go down to the chapel, have some fun",
The bride she looks so lovely as she crumbles to the ground,
The wedding part is over and death has come to town.

Raisin flowers flyin’ as that scattergun does sing,
A little boy is cryin’, he’s still carrying the ring,
Cowboy stands before him, his devil eyes aflame,
Sits him on the altar and then shotgun sings again.

Cowboy and his new bride with her scarlet wedding gown,
They’re riding in the back and Eugene drives them out of town,
The news is on the radio, the countryside is in fear,
The honeymoon is over, let’s bury her right here.

Death is driving a Pontiac on a mission from their Lord,
The devil don’t drive Mopars and the devil don’t drive Fords,
Shotgun blast is fast but a straight razor hurts much more,
They skin them while they’re living till it’s death they’re begging for.

I know these monsters all too well just like I know myself,
You see, I too have been to hell, at Satan’s feet I’ve knelt,
Then Gabriel enlisted me in the army of the Lord,
I traded my damnation for Dan Wesson .44.

Death is driving a Pontiac tonight,
If you see them comin’, you’d best run for your life,
There was a time I rolled with them to my everlasting shame,
But I’ll send their souls to hell when we finally meet again.

Death is driving a Pontiac tonight.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Waltzing on Air

A bottle of whiskey, a heart full of sorrow and hatred is what brought me here,
I left a man dead on the floor of that bar, in blood and a piss and a beer,
They took me away, they said “You gonna pay”, they asked me what I’m laughing for,
I said “I’m laughing ‘cause my true love done left, and I killed a man what took that whore”.

Now I’ll be waltzing on air, waltzing on air, trying to choke back the tear,
Waltzing on air, darling, hope that you’re there, I haven’t felt this good in years.

The judge looked at me and said “How do you plea?”, I told him where he could go,
I’m guilty of many a treacherous deed, so man, let’s get on with the show,
Either give me the noose or just let me loose and stop wasting everyone’s time,
Before he unraveled, he slammed down the gavel, said “Hang him on Friday at night”.

He’ll be waltzing on air, waltzing on air, trying to choke back the tear,
Waltzing on air, darling, hope that you’re there, I haven’t felt this good in years.

I saw out of my window that gallows are swaying in front of the laughing full moon,
Tomorrow I’ll dangle as they play the “Star-Spangled”, while children play and women swoon,
A preacher will pray for my soul on that day when I’m standing on the metal trap door,
But I’ll spit in his bible and laugh in his face and tell him to pray for your whore.

While I’m waltzing on air, waltzing on air, trying to choke back the tear,
Waltzing on air, darling, hope that you’re there, I haven’t felt this good in years.

Now the hour has come, seems my story is done, and looks like ???
I’m hitting the Hades to dance with the ladies, forever I pay for your crimes,
I hope that you’re crying while I’m up here dying, I wish I could bid you farewell,
I’d twist your sweet neck till I heard it go “crack!” and take you with me down to Hell.

We’ll be waltzing on air, waltzing on air, trying to choke back the tear,
Waltzing on air, darling, hope that you’re there, I haven’t felt this good in years.

Waltzing on air, waltzing on air, trying to choke back the tear,
Waltzing on air, darling, hope that you’re there, I haven’t felt this good in years.

Angry Johnny - I Don't Like Russel

Oh, I don’t like Russel,
I’m gonna kick his ass,
I said I don’t like Russel,
I wanna kick his ass,
No, I don’t like Russel,
You see, I got my reasons,
I’m gonna kick his ass,
‘Cause it will be Almighty pleasing.

Oh no, I don’t like Russel,
I think I’ll fuсk him up,
No, I don’t like that Russel,
I think I’ll fuсk him up,
No, I don’t like that Russel,
Don’t like his face, don’t like his hair,
Don’t tell me Russel’s alright, baby,
‘Cause I don’t fuckin’ care.

I’m gonna make poor Russel
Sorry he ever met me,
I’m gonna make poor Russel
Sorry he ever met me,
I’m gonna take out Russel
And put that fucker in his place,
I’m gonna wipe that shit-eating grin
Right out Russel’s face.

Russel’s hands are wandering,
And his lips are too,
Russel’s hands are wandering
All over you,

I wish I didn’t see it,
But I saw it just the same,
I’m gonna fuсk up Russel,
Even although you are to blame,
I’m gonna take poor Russel
And cut off his pretty blonde curls,
I’m gonna do him a favor,
‘Cause he looks like an ugly girl.

Next time you’ll see Russel,
He’ll be hard to recognize,
I’m gonna take old Russel
And cut that fucker downsize.

You skinny little fuсk, you’ve run out of luck,
The game’s over, you’re all done,
You weepy little prick, you’re makin’ me sick,
Now I’m finally gonna have some fun,
You rottenlittle bastard, you better run faster,
That you’ve ever run before,
‘Cause I gotta hit something and you’re better than nothing,
And when I’m through I’m gonna hit you some more… because

I don’t like Russel,
I’m gonna kick his ass,
I know I don’t like Russel,
I’m gonna kcik his ass,
No, I don’t like Russel,
And maybe you’re the only reason,
I’m gonna kick his ass,
‘Cause it will be Almighty pleasing.

Angry Johnny - What Are We Gonna Do About Mamma?

What are we gonna do about mamma?
Help me darling ‘cause I can’t goddamn think
What are we gonna do about mamma?
But better do something pretty quick, she’s starting to stink

I’m going to the shed to get the shovel and the chainsaw,
My daddy’s getting ’in from Portland around 4…

Don’t worry love, I’ll take care of your daddy,
I’m gonna give him both barrels when he walks in the front door…

What are we gotta tell Charlie and Samantha?
You know it’s Tuesday, they will be droppin’ in around 9…
You better get diggin’ ‘cause we're runnin’ out of daylight,
We need four holes now, so better stop wastin’ time…

Mamma why’d you have to call the names?
You know you only got yourself to blame…
I can’t think about it no more, it’s a goddamn shame,
Mamma can’t hear you, mamma don’t feel no pain…
Mamma can’t hear you, mamma don’t feel no pain…
You better get diggin’ and I’ll clean up the stains…

What have we done to our happy family?
(What have we done? What have done?)
What have we done to our happy home?
(What have we done to our home?)
What did we do? What did we do? Son of a bitch, I wish I knew,
I can still hear her saying: “Just wait till your daddy gets home”…

What do we say when somebody comes lookin’?
(What do we say? What do we say?)
What do we tell uncle Jimmy when he drops by?

Don’t worry Charlie, we'd shut up and tell him nothing,
And if he gives us any trouble, uncle Jimmy will be number five…
Now go and dig these holes and I’ll put on some soft porn,
And tonight I’ll wear my black lace negligee…
I’m gonna miss ‘em all, but darling, I gotta tell you something,
I think we gonna be happier this way…
I think we gonna be happier this way…

Mamma I’m sorry this time I couldn’t restrain,
But I told you what would happen if you talked to her like that again…
Mamma I miss you, mamma, I’m so ashamed,
Mamma can’t hear you, mamma don’t feel no pain…
Mamma can’t hear you, mamma don’t feel no pain…

Angry Johnny - Mary Lou

I met a girl named Mary Lou in 1987,
I met her through a guy I knew, a guy that they called Kevin.
The three of us got cocked one night and we robbed a liquor store,
And once we got the taste for it, we only wanted more.

Grocery stores and gas stations became our favorite prey,
And one night Kevin blew a checkout girl away.
After that they were never happy with just the money,
They seemed to think that blowing folks away was pretty funny.

I knew I had to get out ‘cause they were both quite waxed,
But I knew that if I walked away, they’d shoot me in the back.
Then one night Mary Lou asked me over for some fun,
I knew I couldn’t trust her, so I brought along a gun.

She mixed me up a drink, she told me it would taste real groovy,
I took one sip and then everything looked like a 3-D movie.
As I staggered ‘round the room I saw two of Mary Lou,
They both pulled out their pistols, so I pulled mine out too.

Her bullet hit the sofa, my bullet hit her head,
And her body staggered back and fell down sprawled out on the bed.
Just as she was falling, Kevin walked inside,
My revolver was the last thing that he saw before he died.

The first shot hit him in the face, right below his nose,
The second and the third ones, they just were extra for the road.
As his brains dripped down the wall, I grabbed myself a beer,
And drank to Kevin and Mary Lou: “So long, it was quite a year”.

I stepped over his body and I walked down the stairs,
I knew someone would find them, but I knew no one would care.
As I got in my car, there was nobody around,
I headed the direction that I’d seen the sun go down.

Angry Johnny - Wish I Had a Car

I wish I had a car,
So I could just get in it driving,
I could leave this all behind,
I could go out and clear my head.

I wish I had a gun,
So I could go out and have some fun,
And I could live life on the run
Or I could shoot myself instead.

I wish I had a plan
And I wish I could stop time,
So I could get a chance to breathe,
Sometimes I wanna disappear.

Wish I had a crystal ball
And maybe I could see it all
And I would know which road to take,
I wish this cloudy sky would clear.

I wish I had, I wish I had, I wish I had, I wish I had
I wish I had, I wish I had, what a wonder what I’m wishing for,
Wish I didn’t feel so sad, I wish I didn’t feel so bad,
I wish I didn’t wish I had, wish I didn’t have to wish no more.

I wish I had solutions
To the problems that I’m facing,
Wish I could stop my mind from racing,
Everybody wants a piece of me.

I wish I could sit back,
Take myself a long vacation,
Cause I think that this frustration
Just might be the fucking death of me.

I wish I could just run,
Leave my problems in the dust,
I think my body’s goin’ to rust
If all this rain keeps pouring down.

I wish I was invincible,
I wish I was disposable,
I wish I was invisible,
So I could not be found.

I wish I had, I wish I had, I wish I had, I wish I had
I wish I had, I wish I had, what a wonder what I’m wishing for,
Wish I didn’t feel so bad, I wish I didn’t feel so sad,
I wish I didn’t wish I had, wish I didn’t have to wish no more.

Wish I could go back in time
Knowing all that I know now,
Maybe I wouldn’t change a thing
But it be nice to know I could.

I wish that I could talk to God
And we could shoot a game of pool,
I bet that I would be real cool
And I wonder if he’s any good.

I wish I had a car,
So I could just get in it driving,
Feel the wind blow through my hair,
Wish I was glad to be alive.

And I wish that you were here
And we could drink a couple of beers
And I could cry a couple of tears
And you could wipe them from my eyes.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Jerry Lynn

When I last left Jerry Lynn, she was crying at the bar,
Had to go down to the city, had to move a couple cars
For old Shelburne Montgomery and his partner Alomar.
Jerry Lynn kept crying, she begged me “Please don’t go,
Alomar and Shelburne are bad trouble, don’t you know”,
I said “I owe them one last favor, I’ll be dead if I say no”.

Jerry Lynn, Jerry Lynn,
I found you, I thought I’d finally win,
Now you’re gone, gone like the wind,
Jerry Lynn.

Up on the Chesterfield Highway the blue lights all came on,
I looked for Alomar and Shelburne but they were both long gone,
Just me and a trunk of cocaine and a bunch of stolen guns.
Jerry Lynn deserves so much better of a man,
Would’ve come out with gun to blaze ‘em, would’ve made my final stand,
But I knew that I would never gonna see your face again.

Jerry Lynn, Jerry Lynn,
I found you, I thought I’d finally win,
Now you’re gone, gone like the wind,
Jerry Lynn.

They offered me a deal but I didn’t say a word,
Three months into my sentence that’s when I finally heard,
‘Bout my darlin’ Jerry Lynn and what they’d done to her.
Took me to the office, warden sat me down,
Told me that our trailer heaven burned down to the ground,
The car was in the river but her body was not found.

Haven’t told nobody what I know for seven years,
Tomorrow at 11, finally walkin’ out of here,
Walkin’ to that valley, I ain’t got no fear.
Tell Montgomery and Alomar that I’ll be dropping by
Tell ‘em hell is comin’ and there ain’t nowhere they could hide,
And if Jerry Lynn is out there, someone tell her please “Don’t cry”.

Jerry Lynn, Jerry Lynn,
I found you, I thought I’d finally win,
Now you’re gone, gone like the wind,
Jerry Lynn.

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Thank Your Lucky Stars

If you knew the whole sad story,
I guarantee it’d make you cry,
But you just know bits and pieces,
So you sit and wonder why.
No point in both of us feeling down,
I’m sure that you agree,
So just thank your lucky stars
That you ain’t me.

If you wonder why I’m sittin’ here
Alone most every night,
Smokin’ cigarettes and drinkin’ beer
Until the morning light,
It’s because I lost my one true love,
She ??? and set me free,
So just thank your lucky stars
That you ain’t me.

You ain’t me and you ain’t dyin’
Just a little more each day,
You ain’t me and you ain’t cryin’
‘Cause your darling went away,
You ain’t me and you don’t drink yourself
Into a stupor every day,
You’re as lucky as ???
‘Cause you ain’t me.

So just leave my by my lonesome,
Don’t let my heartache bring you down,
And I won’t hold it against you,
If you stop comin’ around,
‘Cause as far as she’s concerned,
I mention history,
So just thank your lucky stars
That you ain’t me.

So get on with what you’re doin’,
And just leave this poor fool be,
And thank your lucky stars
That you ain’t me.
And just thank your lucky stars
That you ain’t me.
Just thank your lucky stars
That you ain’t me.

Если какая-то конкретная песня интересует, могу сделать.
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5 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
-Borh- (30.12.2011), Bebeja (18.01.2012), domestos (08.01.2012), missionair (08.03.2012), Суперковен (02.01.2012)
Непрочитано 02.01.2012, 21:11   #8
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

А ещё что круто в текстах, я понял - это то что Жонне раздаёт имена героям песен и получаются реальные истории про реальных людей. Про ёбнутых, напрочь отмороженных психов Ковбоя и Юджина, капитана Чарли, Джерри Линн, Мэри Лу и её дружка Кевина, неудачника Генри (и поделом ему), а также проклятого мудака Рассела, которому после песни "I Don't Like Russel" самому хочется подойти и уебать.
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3 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Hellbound (03.01.2012), Біджо (09.09.2012), ычич (05.01.2012)
Непрочитано 03.01.2012, 08:31   #9
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Капитан Чарли, кстати, реально реальный человек.
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Непрочитано 05.01.2012, 14:21   #10
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

А что касается имен, есть еще Джонсы, которые мне всегда почему-то представлялись какими-то мутантообразными отморозками, типа как в "Повороте не туда" и прочих "У холмов есть глаза". Потом два брата-ебаната Чарли и Ричи МакКрейны и их сестра Сьюзан из "49", алкаш с белой горячкой Эдди и шлюха Салли из "Sent Him Home", а еще Дэйви и Джинни (вот эта песня просто эпичнейший вин). А вообще, полно их, героев.
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3 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
-Borh- (05.01.2012), Суперковен (05.01.2012), ычич (05.01.2012)
Непрочитано 05.01.2012, 22:13   #11
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Сообщение от Banshee Посмотреть сообщение
Капитан Чарли, кстати, реально реальный человек.
О, интересно, а поподробнее?
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Непрочитано 06.01.2012, 08:42   #12
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Где-то я видел ссылку на Зал Славы ВВС Теннесси или что-то в этом духе. Надо поглядеть. Вот. Ищем там внизу CAPT. CHARLIE R. SMITH, M.D.

"Captain Charlie's been an ace, another time, another place" - это, я так понимаю, про Корею.
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Суперковен (06.01.2012)
Непрочитано 07.01.2012, 19:06   #13
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Крутые поцоны, и Джонни в одиночку тоже клевый. Пока послушал только "Че смищного?" и "И где сейчас твой Джизас". Прям просится в названия альбомов какое-то крепкое словцо
Седьмой вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Hellbound (07.01.2012)
Непрочитано 07.01.2012, 20:18   #14
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Кстати, забыл я сказать, что сольники тематические. Из тех, что у меня есть, "Finally Gave Up Missin' You Today", "Overcome with Lonely" и "The Highway and the Rain" посвящены страданиям и разбитому сердцу, "Hoppin' Mad" и "Razor Blade Suit" - мясо и криминал, а вот "Where's Your Jesus Now" про Сотону, Б-га, ну и в целом вопросы веры.
Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
3 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
-Borh- (03.03.2012), Hell-wisher13 (22.07.2016), Суперковен (02.03.2012)
Непрочитано 02.03.2012, 19:28   #15
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Killville TV с гордостью представляет, свежее, и самое что ни на есть официальное видео на песню Only Make You Cry.

Суперковен вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
4 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
-Borh- (03.03.2012), missionair (08.03.2012), Доброжелатель (08.03.2012), ычич (02.03.2012)
Непрочитано 08.03.2012, 09:38   #16
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

А вот, дамы и господа, самая нестандартная песня для AJatK. Гаражный панк FTW.



I’m the nuclear man, I’m the Son of Sam,
I’m Peter Pan, I'm Sirhan Sirhan,
I don’t get no sun, I don’t want no tan,
I’m the nuclear man.

I once believed in love, but not no more,
Now I believe in hate and even the score,
I gave you my love but you wanted more,
Your daddy is filth and your mom is a whore,
I’m the nuclear man.

Now I pray for death and I kill for fun,
I don’t need no knife, I don’t need no gun,
I just need a reason and I got me one,
I watch the Western sky swallow up the sun,
It needn’t rise no more when I am done,
I’m the nuclear man.
I’m the nuclear man.

Yes I have met the king of sleaze
And he knocked me down on my knees
And he says “Smile and say “Cheese””,
His icing stare, it made me freeze,
But never again.

I’ve got the .357 and the 12-gauge double,
All ready to die, I don’t want no trouble,
Should the world be saved or reduced to rubble,
Had a talk with Satan, (hit that) nothing or double,
I’m the nuclear man.
I’m the nuclear man.

Your fingertips are stained with blood
And my hungry lips are caked with crud,
And your bubble bath is what I sought,
And you feel real cool in your hip new Dodge
‘Till you see me comin’ on your path,
You start to run and I start to laugh,
Now you’ll answer for your past,
Your fate is sealed, the die’s been cast
By the nuclear man!
By the nuclear man!

May be you’ve had the best of me,
But now you get the rest of me,
Because I am your destiny,
So close your eyes and bow your head
And you’ll see red and you’ll be dead
And hungry maggots will be fed
And I’ll clean my mind with red-hand …,
‘Cause I’m the nuclear man.

I’m the nuclear man, I’m the Son of Sam,
I’m Peter Pan, I'm Sirhan Sirhan,
I’m the …, … of Sam I am,
This isn’t jelly, this is jam,
Don’t want no sun, don’t need no tan,
I am the sacrificial lamb,
Life and love’s just one big scam,
I’m the nuclear man.
I’m the nuclear man.
I’m the nuclear man.
I’m the nuclear man.


Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
4 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
missionair (08.03.2012), Доброжелатель (08.03.2012), Седьмой (08.03.2012), Суперковен (09.03.2012)
Непрочитано 12.03.2012, 18:41   #17
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Шыкарное выступление Жонне и Киллбиллей на Блади Рутс в 4-х частях, с отличное звуком и качеством записи аж все 720p.

Get Angry

Суперковен вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
5 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Hellbound (12.03.2012), missionair (28.08.2012), WhiteGreenTail (13.03.2012), Седьмой (12.03.2012), ычич (13.03.2012)
Непрочитано 17.05.2012, 21:52   #18
mp3 56 kbps
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Эх, респектище огромное за альбомы и инфу. За тексты - отдельное спасибо. Эти ребята ох**нны!
Сообщение от Banshee Посмотреть сообщение
Если кому-то будет нужно, после Нового Года могу залить остальное, что у меня есть. Это шесть сольников и три части "Killville Auto Salvage".
Было бы весьма кстати.
Soren87 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Hellbound (21.05.2012)
Непрочитано 17.05.2012, 21:59   #19
a reckoning is not to be postponed indefinitely
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Дальше дебютника особо не продвинулся, но он очень крут
Лунный самогон вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Hellbound (22.05.2012)
Непрочитано 21.05.2012, 13:45   #20
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Сообщение от Soren87 Посмотреть сообщение
Было бы весьма кстати.
Наверное, проще с рутрекера тянуть, у меня что-то канал на отдачу совсем скурвился, по 2 кбпс льет

Лунный Самогон, "What's So Funny?" и "Монро" уступают дебютнику в плане трушности саунда, но сам материал там бесподобный.
Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 21.05.2012, 16:45   #21
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Сообщение от Banshee Посмотреть сообщение
Наверное, проще с рутрекера тянуть, у меня что-то канал на отдачу совсем скурвился, по 2 кбпс льет
Лунный Самогон, "What's So Funny?" и "Монро" уступают дебютнику в плане трушности саунда, но сам материал там бесподобный.
Ну да, я уже оттуда все скачал, что было

А в плане саунда больше всего, хотя сложно сказать, почему, радует Killvile Auto Salvage Vol.3 Nuclear man - просто восхитительна
Soren87 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Hellbound (22.05.2012)
Непрочитано 22.05.2012, 15:39   #22
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Сообщение от Soren87 Посмотреть сообщение
Ну да, я уже оттуда все скачал, что было
А больше, собственно, ничего и нет в интернетах. Есть еще куча всяких клевых релизов, доступных на дисках на заказ, но из стран бывшего Союза их возят только в Беларусь.
Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 27.08.2012, 18:09   #23
mp3 56 kbps
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Сообщение от Bansheerie Посмотреть сообщение
А теперь, наконец-то, то, чего никогда еще не было в интернетах (всё - 320 кбпс, рипы с родных ЦД)
Благодарствую. Решпект!
Soren87 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 27.08.2012, 18:51   #24
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Да незошто!!111
Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 02.09.2012, 11:40   #25
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Killville Auto Salvage Vol. 4 - още. Последняя песня про Диксилэнд охуенна, плюс Жяба и Помирай-гора - в фавориты сразу.

Добавлено через 21 час 20 минут
Сообщение от Bansheerie Посмотреть сообщение
Angry Johnny and GTO - In the Nuthouse Now (2010) (Джонни с Козлятисом поют какбе детские песенки, - зная пацанов, можно сразу с уверенностью сказать, что детского там мало; честно скажу, альбом это весьма странный)
Суперковен вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 05.09.2012, 08:04   #26
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Ойбля, "Kittens" такая жуткая песня.
Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 08.09.2012, 13:15   #27
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

fantastic band!!!! hugely underrated! thanks
dd_dynamite вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 05.11.2012, 06:58   #28
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Angry Johnny and the Killbillies - Anna

Бля, я наконец-то понял, о ком эта песня.

I love my Anna!
Hellbound вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Суперковен (05.11.2012)
Непрочитано 05.11.2012, 08:56   #29
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Отличная песня (кажется, новая) про проклятый холодный новембер.

Добавлено через 2 минуты
Сообщение от Bansheerie Посмотреть сообщение
I love my Anna!
Всё равно поуку, например, хит про ракуна никак дико не сдивнуть из моего топа песен Жонне.
Суперковен вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Hellbound (05.11.2012)
Непрочитано 05.11.2012, 09:41   #30
акын Апокалипсиса
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Re: Angry Johnny and the Killbillies

Ну для меня тащемта главный дико хит все-таки "Last Rebellion", например. И все равно... Анна - это Анна, тащемта
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