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Hardcore Список групп раздела | oldschool, newschool, youth crew, beatdown, melodic hardcore, NYHC

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Непрочитано 11.09.2009, 16:29   #1
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Австралия Sink Or Swim

melodic hardcore, Byron Bay, Australia


Отличный мелодик хардкор с родины PWD, австралийского Байрон Бэй. Не путать с xSink Or Swimx (hc-punk, Germany). не смог найти по ним никакой нормальной инфы, как только найду - добавлю. Парни выложили для свободного скачивания свой дебютный альбом "Polaroids", который уверен многих не оставит равнодушным, лично меня зацепил с первых нот, очень душевно и атмосферно...

2009 - Polaroids

1. Sinking
2. History
3. Suspense
4. Polaroids
5. A Million Miles
6. Closure
7. Never Forget
8. Interlude
9. Constellations
10. Legacy
11. Untitled

xBeauty and Breakdownx вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
16 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
ak (13.09.2009), bannon (23.04.2010), Fawkes (30.01.2010), Homer (31.12.2009), igorek-hxc (12.09.2009), Leg0 (30.12.2009), Pashtet (11.09.2009), q4er (30.12.2009), Sergio (11.09.2009), skittles (21.04.2010), Vegan (30.12.2009), whatisbestinlife ?! (01.12.2010), wisdom_pain (04.05.2010), xRAMONx (10.06.2010), young man blues (21.10.2009), Доброжелатель (08.08.2011)
Непрочитано 11.09.2009, 16:42   #2
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Re: Sink Or Swim

не могу щас спейс послушать? на кого похожи?
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 11.09.2009, 16:55   #3
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Re: Sink Or Swim

вокал жесткий. мне по общей эстетике напомнило почему-то Лов из ред, весьма приятно играют. просто модерн жесткий современный. без говна.
Triple Threat вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Sergio (11.09.2009)
Непрочитано 11.09.2009, 21:43   #4
i kill for straight edge
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Re: Sink Or Swim

Пиздатые,все как надо) Немецкая группа кстати тоже классная.
Sacred Pledge вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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Sergio (11.09.2009)
Непрочитано 12.09.2009, 13:32   #5
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Re: Sink Or Swim

вот при первом прослушивании хочется что-то сделать с вокалом, но потом понимаешь, что они и без того мелодичные и реально приятные
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 30.12.2009, 18:37   #6
nicely nicely
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Re: Sink Or Swim

блін. дуже кайфовий гурт. сподобались
Leg0 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 30.12.2009, 19:57   #7
spirit of the void
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Re: Sink Or Swim

да охуенные ребята, инфы по ним реально мало, да и развалились уже(
а жаль, очень приятно валили.
вокал кстати очень охуенный, а музычка оооочень приятная и душевная.
The Conqueror Worm вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 30.12.2009, 23:03   #8
vinyl 5"
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Жаль, что разошлись, но после такого альбома можно считать, что распались королями
Vegan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 30.12.2009, 23:25   #9
spirit of the void
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Re: Sink Or Swim

Жаль, что разошлись, но после такого альбома можно считать, что распались королями
это верняк)
The Conqueror Worm вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 03.01.2010, 11:36   #10
mp3 128 kbps
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Re: Sink Or Swim

отличная команда, очень понравились!
Homer вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 03.01.2010, 12:56   #11
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Re: Sink Or Swim

давно как-то скачала их по ошибке, думала, что это Sink or Swim, где Лариса на вокале. Какого же мое удивление было, когда я услышала мужской вокал)
xAntipodx вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 03.01.2010, 19:58   #12
now turn the other cheek and pretend
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Re: Sink Or Swim

Очень приятный и хороший лонгплей. Жаль, что распались.
denver вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.01.2010, 01:16   #13
vinyl 5"
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Sinking могу слушать бесконечно
And in the end these ships we sail will sink and wash away...
Vegan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.01.2010, 01:21   #14
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Re: Sink Or Swim

Сообщение от Духобор Посмотреть сообщение
Sinking могу слушать бесконечно
And in the end these ships we sail will sink and wash away...
и еще A Million Miles

I've never felt like this before, heartless, hopless. Pushed to my limit for the last fucking time. I gave you everything and got nothing in return. Try and try and try again, but I know you'll never change. All the time I have wasted, all the blood, tears and tragedy. It was all for nothing, it was all so you could ruin me. Do you feel satisfaction when you bring someone to their knees? Now I have nothing left, not a thing for you to take from me. After all this time, you left me with nothing. How am I supposed to go on with nothing to hold onto? I put my everything in this, it never meant a thing to you. So many sleepless nights alone as the distance between us grew. Now you're a million miles away and I can't get through to you.
Kraft Holland вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.01.2010, 01:25   #15
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Re: Sink Or Swim

How am I supposed to go on with nothing to hold onto? I put my everything in this, it never meant a thing to you. So many sleepless nights alone as the distance between us grew. Now you're a million miles away and I can't get through to you.

с этих слов вообще аж за яйца хватает.
YMHL HMHC вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.01.2010, 01:29   #16
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Re: Sink Or Swim

тексты у них вообще все отличные

Down and out but never broken. Knocked off my feet and stood straight back up, I held the weigt of the world. And sometimes I thought I'd never smile again, it was killing me to know I'd forever lost a friend. I never had the chance to say goodbye because I never wanted to believe you had lost the fight. But I know it happened for a reason, I know you're watching over me, you've made me who I am today. I will never forget everything that you taught me. I will never forget my brother, my hero forever. I've learned I can't remeber all the bad things, because I know in the end, the good outweighs the bad. I will never forget you. I will never forget.
Kraft Holland вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.01.2010, 01:43   #17
vinyl 5"
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Сообщение от Dr. Cooper Посмотреть сообщение
эти намного лучше тех, там где лариса на вокале
Кстати да.
Vegan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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YMHL HMHC (12.01.2010)
Непрочитано 21.04.2010, 23:14   #18
mp3 96 kbps
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Re: Sink Or Swim

Подкиньте текстов пожалуйста)
Possessed вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 21.04.2010, 23:46   #19
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Re: Sink Or Swim

In the end, we have nothing. Nothing but the memories to keep us warm on the coldest nights. And in the end, these ships we sail will sink and wash away, to be forgotten.

7 years have passed and I still see the pain you keep inside, trying your best to deal with this feeling of emptiness. No mother should ever bury a child in their lifetime. He was taken from us all, and we'll never be the same. And mother, if I had half the strength and knowledge you possess, I would be a better man, a stronger man, a wiser man. And I know I've made mistakes, in the past I've let you down. But I've tried to be the strong one in this family. These wounds they will never heal, I'll take them to my grave. I want you to know. I've had some time to learn, I've had some time to grow. I know I can be a better man, I know I could stand alone. Sometimes I feel, I'm on my own and the world is bearing down. But all I need is to believe that I can do this with your help. I can do this with your help. I promise you with everything I've got, you won't see history repeat.

I can feel this all taking its toll on me, wearing me thin and breaking me down, no more fight left in me. What's done is done, I fucking give in. I'm so tired, I want to lose my eyes, and sleep forever now. Do you ever feel that you're lost? That you could walk alone forever? Do you ever feel living in suspense is tearing you apart? There are no answers; there is no hope for us. No rest as I sleep. I want to hate you for this. I've given you all the time in the world, and still no peace, no fucking answers, just more frustration. I've been waiting for this moment. Now I find it was all a game to you. This time it's fucking final, I give up on you. No more fucking waiting, no more wasting time.

"A Million Miles"
I've never felt like this before, heartless, hopless. Pushed to my limit for the last fucking time. I gave you everything and got nothing in return. Try and try and try again, but I know you'll never change. All the time I have wasted, all the blood, tears and tragedy. It was all for nothing, it was all so you could ruin me. Do you feel satisfaction when you bring someone to their knees? Now I have nothing left, not a thing for you to take from me. After all this time, you left me with nothing. How am I supposed to go on with nothing to hold onto? I put my everything in this, it never meant a thing to you. So many sleepless nights alone as the distance between us grew. Now you're a million miles away and I can't get through to you.

Its hard to think the things I thought would never cross my mind. I always thought I'd turn around and you'd be right behind me. But now I know to trust in few and always keep my distance. How does it feel to know that it's your fault I'll never trust again? This is when we find out words are just fucking words. And I should have known better than to let my guard down. You've taken from me, my pride, my dignity. This is when we find out words are just fucking words. Lets call this the final chapter in a book entitled "Closure", I'm done with all the headaches, and I'm tired of all the heartache. What we shared was beautiful, and I'll always remember you. But its time for me to turn the last page and walk away for good. I'll never make the same mistakes again.

I never gave a fuck about the faults and inconsistencies until the writing on the wall was screaming in my head. I don't think I can take another day of living hell, I can't believe that this is all happening again. We danced and sang for nights on end. When did everything I love start to feel the same? When did my reflection turn to someone that I hate? Life, it seems, has taken everything I had to give, and once again I find myself alone and asking "why?". Many nights I watched the stars and felt like I belonged, but now I'm feeling more alone than I ever have before. And there's no cure for the sleepless nights. No medication for wasted time. Pick up the pieces and just move on. It's easier said than done. Polaroids in my mind. Polaroids. I have tried for so very long to forget this all and just live for myself, but these memories, they won't wash away. I have to get out, forget the memories. Polaroids.

"Never Forget"
Down and out but never broken. Knocked off my feet and stood straight back up, I held the weigt of the world. And sometimes I thought I'd never smile again, it was killing me to know I'd forever lost a friend. I never had the chance to say goodbye because I never wanted to believe you had lost the fight. But I know it happened for a reason, I know you're watching over me, you've made me who I am today. I will never forget everything that you taught me. I will never forget my brother, my hero forever. I've learned I can't remeber all the bad things, because I know in the end, the good outweighs the bad. I will never forget you. I will never forget.

You pick me up from the ground, always there when I need you the most. You picked me up off the ground and helped me leave the past behind. And my only wish now is to be there for you in your hour of need. Because of you I'm not afraid to face tomorrow. Because of you I have direction. And now I know that when I'm lost, you will find me. When I can't see, you will find me, stars will take me home. I never said we'd live forever, but I swear to you I'll be by your side until my last dying breath. Take my hand and never look back. Walk through this with me into a new day. You never have to walk alone.

It's not about how far we go, but the footprints we leave behind. Our legacy, our hopes and dreams, our lines in the sands of time. There is no fate, no destiny, just the future we make ourselves. It's how we choose to be remembered, and only time will tell if I will leave my mark for the world to see. Won't be another waste, not just another face. This my, my legacy.

Waking to another day, the sunshine at my windows. Starting new and moving on, leaving yesterday behind. I've had enough of holding on, I've had enough frustration. Its time to be there for myself, time to believe in me again. I can't believe I let it go this far, it makes me sick that I let you have that power over me. Never again. This time I call the shots, because this my life and I'm in control. I've ground my knuckles down against this old brick wall. I've stained the concrete with blood and tears in a spiral of depression. No more feeling sorry for the way I let you treat me, mistakes were made and lessons learned, and now I'm so much stronger. Its time to burn the bridges, its time to let this go. Its time to start all over and put this all behind me. I will set fire to every photograph, let go of every memory, I will burn it all. And I'll burn it all.
Kraft Holland вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
2 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
skittles (22.04.2010), Доброжелатель (08.08.2011)
Непрочитано 22.04.2010, 14:32   #20
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Re: Sink Or Swim

Спасибо большое.
Possessed вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 04.05.2011, 16:03   #21
mp3 128 kbps
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Re: Sink Or Swim

вот демка 2008года ещё у них:

forwardsneverlookback вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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