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Metalcore Список групп раздела | metalcore, mathcore, mathmetalcore, deathcore, mainstream metal

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Непрочитано 29.05.2010, 21:30   #1
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США Deadwater Drowning

инфа: Formed in 2002 from the ashes of Chagrin. Decided to go in a much faster, heavier, grinder route. Played about a dozen shows around the New England area before heading out on their first and only tour with the Red Chord, Premonitions of War, and the Black Dahlia Murder. Members left. Members replaced. Continued to play shows around the northeast until eventually falling apart in the spring of 2004. Many of the members went on to other bands and projects. It's kind of a mess.

Seth rocked out with The Acacia Strain for a little while. Now he occasionally devotes his time to the almighty Buckhunter with Nate, and a few other high profile assholes from New Hampshire.

Jonny Fay played with The Red Chord for a little while. Instead of jumping off large PA's and shredding at high speeds, he now runs Backyard Studios in Milford, NH. Check it out. He's good.

Nate got real busy spreading his rock'n'roll seed anywhere he could. Doing time in Premonitions of War and the_network. He is now singing for Through the Eyes of the Dead.

Seth, Nate, and Steve went on to form The Final Battle with Moe, who also played drums in War On Our Shores with Nate, and 2 other Nates. Moe now spends his time between Mercury Switch and Running With Karma.

когда образовались: 2002
откуда: United States of America (Brookline, New Hampshire)
последний лэйбл: Black Market Activities
статус: Split-up

Nate Johnson - Vocals (Premonitions of War, The Final Battle, Through the Eyes of the Dead, Since The Flood, The Network, BuckHunter, Fit For An Autopsy)
Seth Coleman - Bass (The Acacia Strain, The Final Battle, The Dark Passenger, BuckHunter, Fit For An Autopsy)
Steve Whalen - Guitar (The Final Battle)

бывшие учасники
Jon Fay - Guitar (The Red Chord)
Jon Dow - Drums

Demo, 2002
Deadwater Drowning EP, 2003
Slap Her Ass and Ride the Wave In Single, 2004

Почему тут нет такой темы? Группа имеет культовый статус в своей среде! Это охуенный дэткор (у меня больше нет слов)
Всем быстро кочать бля!

Последний раз редактировалось Zloj; 11.10.2011 в 12:10.
OMG000 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
3 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Leg0 (29.05.2010), Sergio (29.05.2010), Zloj (30.05.2010)
Непрочитано 29.05.2010, 21:51   #2
nicely nicely
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Re: Deadwater Drowning

оформи нормально тему, ок?) подивись як інші оформлюють)
виділи розділи "состав" і тд жирним хоча б, нечитабельно)
Leg0 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 29.05.2010, 23:53   #3
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Re: Deadwater Drowning

OMG000, переведи пжлста био
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 01.06.2010, 11:37   #4
i kill for straight edge
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Re: Deadwater Drowning

Хорошая группо была.
Sacred Pledge вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Форум www.neformat.com.ua > Music > Metalcore

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