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Other Список групп раздела | nu metal, rapcore, folk, country, classical, ethnic, cabaret, etc.

Метки: acoustic, country, indie, rock, singer-songwriter
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Непрочитано 17.11.2012, 03:37   #1
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Канада Johnny Nocash

Хороший альбом и, судя по ласту, очень недооцененный. Случайно набрел среди стафпиков на вате. Решил поделиться, т.к. музыка показалась весьма самобытной и интересной, хотя и затрудняюсь с определением стиля, т.к. в принципе такое ранее не слушал. Кантри? Фолк? Уточняйте)

Проект одного участника - Люка Галло. На данный момент есть всего один полноценный релиз 2007 года, который, думается, будет и последним (на майспейсе еще пара уродских кантри треков, но есть сомнение относительно их отношения к данному исполнителю).

Описания на русском не нашел. Если кому-то попадется - бросайте, обновлю шапку. Пока же оставлю на английском - все же лучше, чем ничего.

Luke Gallo aka Johnny Nocash is a director/writer/actor and musician from New Market, Ontario, Canada. He recorded one album under the pseudonym Johnny Nocash and also contributed one song under that name to the 2008 horror film Trailer Park of Terror. He has also written and directed several independent short films in which he has often played lead roles. He founded a production company by the name of Deep-Rest Pictures Media.
А вот вроде как от создателя об альбоме 2007 года:
Way back not so long ago, when I was a little shit, I picked up the guitar. I didn’t want to take lessons since that would mean I’d be learning through someone else’s eyes using someone else’s ideas - so I basically taught myself. Playin’ by ear was the only way that I could learn the stuff that I liked to listen to. After a couple of years of closet playing, I got together with a buddy who played drums and we started turning out ‘some damn decent tunes’. Pretty soon we got a base player and formed the band Spitting Teeth. The band lasted four years – we had a lot of fun and had a great following - but like all good things, it came to an end. Ego’s got in the way and it disappeared like burnt paper.

Bands came and went but nothing seemed to match the chemistry and authenticity of Spitting Teeth. I decided to take a new approach. I put down the guitar, picked up a mic and learned about the vocal structure required to “pitch” a song. Overall though, nothing seemed to work for me musically – so I packed my bags and headed west.

By this time my taste in music had changed. It went from “crusty who gives a fuck if we’re in tune punk rock” to “brutally tight complex and technical metal”. I hitched up with a band out of Victoria where all the guys were serious about their music. This helped fine tune the live stuff and gave timing a whole new meaning. The band had a good sound and a respectable following, but again came a parting of ways.

Frustrated with the whole music scene, I set down the guitar & stopped singing. Odd jobs brought me a little money while I hung out with the bad and the ugly, the clowns and the crazies and saw a side of life that was in your face raw with no pretentious layers.

Finally, after 12 years of searching for who I was and what I wanted, came Dagger Road.
2007 - Dagger Road
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ps/ могу залить flac-исходник, если че
isexactly242 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
6 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Che_The_Cat (15.11.2013), djurassic (13.11.2013), El Hefe (15.05.2013), s1ndrom (18.11.2012), Toffu (23.02.2014), ЗлОЙ! (22.10.2013)
Непрочитано 18.11.2012, 19:48   #2
время прошло, так особо и не наступив
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Re: Johnny Nocash

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