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Other Список групп раздела | nu metal, rapcore, folk, country, classical, ethnic, cabaret, etc.

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Непрочитано 11.04.2014, 13:53   #1
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Германия Greg Haines

Greg Haines

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Biography in English


Greg Haines is an English musician and composer who has been living in Berlin since 2008. He was born in a small town in the south of England in the 1980s, where he began from a young age to develop an interest in sound and the devices used to create it. At this point, Greg began to develop his piano (and eventually cello) playing, alongside slowly finding his way around in the world of production, which led to assembling a rudimentary bedroom studio set-up and beginning to record tracks on his own. After some years of experimenting, eventually the album ‘Slumber Tides’ was created and released on Erik Skodvin’s Miasmah label in 2006. The album was critically acclaimed worldwide, leading to the opening track, ‘Snow Airport’, being used on the Universal/Point Music compilation ‘Reflections on Classical Music’, alongside compositions from some of the very composers who inspired it, such as Gavin Bryars and Philip Glass.

In the wake of his debut, Greg toured extensively and began to develop as a live performer, and in particular as an improviser with a wide range of various musicians. To date, Greg has toured throughout Europe, Japan, Australia and the USA.

In March 2010, Berlin’s Sonic Pieces label released ‘Until the Point of Hushed Support’, a forty- eight minute composition written for string quintet, church organ, piano, percussion, electronics and a whole array of other sounds and textures that were carefully constructed over two years. Later, in March 2012, “Digressions” was released on Australia’s Preservation label. The album includes performances by Peter Broderick and violinist Iden Reinhart, as well as an 18 piece student ensemble. The album was largely seen as a great success, with one reviewer for Fluid Radio writing “…Well over a month I’ve been listening to it, and I still cannot for the life of me work out why I think it is one of the best records I have ever heard, one that has clicked with me like few else recently. Music is subjective, and what is a masterpiece to me may sound like nothing of the sort to you; an assessment based solely on my opinion and little else. Still, if I was to put money on it, I’d say that ‘Digressions’ is going to be talked about for some years, and will in hindsight be the point where the Haines’ trajectory will be seen to trend sharply upwards.”

Since 2008, he has also been working regularly as a composer for dance, creating music for choreographers such as Meg Stuart (Berlin), Ina Christel Johannessen (Oslo), and the MD Collective (Cologne). In February 2012, Greg premiered a new work with contemporary Ballet choreographer David Dawson, the Holland Symfonia and the Dutch National Ballet as part of their 50th anniversary celebrations. Roslyn Sulcas for The New York Times wrote: “The work is dark, both literally and metaphorically, but also exquisitely, wrenchingly, beautiful; a world of its own that draws you ineluctably within.”

In 2011, The Alvaret Ensemble was formed. Based around improvisation, Greg Haines, Jan Kleefstra, Romke Kleefstra, and Sytze Pruiksma make up its core, and their debut album (featuring Peter Broderick, Hilary Jeffery, Iden Reinhart and Martyn Heyne) was released in December 2012 by Denovali records as a 2xLP or 2xCD. A few months later, another ensemble, called simply “The Group”, was formed around Haines, Peter Broderick, Casper Clausen (of Efterklang) and Francesco Donadello. Although also based on improvisation, the result is a very different palette of sounds and an ethos that aims to break down the audience/performer divide an re-establish music as a social, participatory experience.

2013 is set to be a big year. In May, Denovali will release “Where We Were”, a new album which focuses on synthesizers and percussion. In conjunction with this, a vinyl boxset consisting of Greg’s three previous albums will be released, so listeners can finally enjoy them in the vinyl format. Alongside work in various other projects that will be announced as the year continues, Haines will also be scoring the new ballet by David Dawson, to be premiered in November at the Royal Opera House in London, with The Royal Ballet.


Грэг Хайнс - британский композитор, ныне проживающий и работающий в Германии.



2006 - Slumber Tides

01. Snow Airport (4:59)
02. Submergence (9:51)
03. Tired Diary (Revised) (13:00)
04. Arups Gate (10:41)
05. Caesura (7:39)
Total time: 46:11
Music composed, performed and recorded by Greg Haines
Pump Organ – Dag Rosenqvist
Vocals – Kristin Evensen Giaever
Released 27 november
Mastered by Andreas Tilliander
Miasmah MIA 003

2010 - Until the Point of Hushed Support

01. Industry Vs. Inferiority (4:14)
02. Marc's Descent (10:46)
03. In The Event Of A Sudden Loss (14:07)
04. Until The Point Of Least Resistance (18:54)
Total time: 48:00Credits:
Cello – Anne Müller
Contrabass – Friedrich Störmer, Jaspar Libuda
Piano, Organ, Cello, Percussion, Guitar, Electronics – Greg Haines
Piano, Percussion – Nils Frahm Nils Frahm
Saxophone – Aimee Sheppard
Violin – Roland Satterwhite
Voice – Kristin Evensen Giæver
Realeased 26 march
Mastered by Nils Frahm
Sonic Pieces SP006

2012 - Digressions

01. Ernetti (3:48)
02. Caden Cotard (12:57)
03. 183 Times (9:08)
04. Azure (14:15)
05. Nueblo Pueblo (15:26)
Total time: 55:33Credits:
Alto Saxophone – Jacob Holroyd
Bass Guitar – Bradley Stokes
Bassoon – Maddy Stonehewer
Cello – Amy Rushent, Robbie Albinson-Watters
Clarinet – Alistair Haggis, Nick Atherton
Timpani – David Edwards
Viola – Kate Butcher
Violin – Rosie Phillpot, Selina Gale
Violin – Iden Reinhart
Voice, Violin – Peter Broderick
Percussion – Alex Hull, Tom Allison
Conductor - Stephen Henderson
Piano – Greg Haines
Mastered By – Greg Haines, Nils Frahm
Mixed By – Greg Haines, Nils Frahm
Preservation PRE034

2013 - When We Were

01 The Intruder
02 Something Happened
03 So It Goes
04 Trasimeno
05 The Whole
06 Wake Mania Without End II
07 Habenero
08 Habenero (Version)



Year: 2012
Edition(s): CD / LP
A short EP of piano music, recorded in one day and produced by Peter Broderick.
Download www.mediafire.com


Последний раз редактировалось Marlo Stanfield; 16.06.2014 в 21:34.
turok87 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
3 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
apfelstrudel (29.11.2014), bc_ranger (11.04.2014), Каспар Хаузер (12.04.2014)
Непрочитано 14.04.2014, 16:58   #31
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Re: Greg Haines

Naughty Lad, якісь аргументи щодо зв"язку поп-музики і Haines можна в студію? (енциклопедичні взагалі було б чудово)
turok87 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.04.2014, 18:17   #32
vinyl 7"
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Re: Greg Haines

Простота і передбачуваність музичної структури, легкість і доступність сприйняття плюс характерна для всієї лаунж/нью-ейдж/чілаут/пост-рок музики фоновість, приторна мелодійність і сентиментальність. Суджу по композиції "183 Times".
Marlo Stanfield вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.04.2014, 18:51   #33
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Re: Greg Haines

Naughty Lad, нічого спільного з аругментами вище написане це має. Це суто твої власні спостереження, уявлення і розуміння. Тому дійсно давайте вже припинимо тут обговорення (або перенесемо в окрему тему) і будемо чекати коли все таки хтось проникнеться музикою.
turok87 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.04.2014, 19:01   #34
vinyl 7"
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Re: Greg Haines

Сообщение от turok87 Посмотреть сообщение
Naughty Lad, нічого спільного з аругментами вище написане це має. Це суто твої власні спостереження, уявлення і розуміння.
А які аргументи тебе влаштували б? Посилання на яку-небудь статтю з вікіпедії?

Ну от, наприклад:

В XXI веке термин «неоклассика» часто используют как вариант (что является большим заблуждением) названия стиля Classical Crossover — своеобразного синтеза, гармоничного сочетания элементов классической музыки и поп-, рок-, или электронной музыки. Некоторые представители этого стиля — группа Elend, Ludovico Einaudi и Secret Garden.
Classical crossover (классикал кроссовер) — музыкальный стиль, представляющий собой своеобразный синтез, гармоничное сочетание элементов классической музыки и поп, рок, электронной музыки. Название официально утвердилось не так давно, войдя в список номинаций музыкальной премии Grammy, ежегодно присуждаемой Национальной академией звукозаписи США. Этот стиль настолько популярен, что Billboard создал для него отдельный чарт среди своих хит-парадов. Иногда применительно к вокальной музыке этого жанра используют название operatic pop или popera.
Marlo Stanfield вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.04.2014, 21:35   #35
спокойствие и превосходство
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Re: Greg Haines

turok87, перестань уже подкармливать, как молодой, честное слово.
bc_ranger вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 17.11.2014, 22:26   #36
mp3 56 kbps
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Re: Greg Haines

Прошу прощения, но по ссылке 2010 - Until the Point of Hushed Support получается опять-таки 2006 - Slumber Tides. Поправьте пожалуйста!
alex_kam14 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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