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Punk Rock Список групп раздела | punk'77, streetpunk, pop punk, skate punk, ska punk, skacore, hardcore punk, oi!, folk punk

Метки: hardcore punk, punk rock
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Непрочитано 17.02.2012, 18:22   #1
six hundred sixty six
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Индонезия Sexy Pig

Kuki Rathermad (voice and lead guitar)
Beka (guitar,back voice)
Fordi (bass,back voice)
August (drums)

Панк рокеры из Южной Джакарты.
Записали 3 альбома:
United Devil Child (1999), The Bomb In My Head (2002), Band For The Punks (2006)
и участвовали в нескольких сборниках.

У меня давно уже валяется один (альбом), а остальные я найти не могу.

Sexy Pig - United Devil Child (1999)
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In this dead city, I can do anything, I wanna do something make me hapy, I wanna kill whoever hate my music, I hate people, I wanna kill,…..Kill them all

Be a murder 2x ( I wanna be a murder)
Be a killer 2x ( I wanna be a killer ), now

I hate people said I am is fuckin mad,I relly wanna kick they fuckin asshole,cause I am a dead man and I wanna live again I am thirty blood,sometimes be suck your neck

If you wanna be like a killer you must be kill someone do you thing perfect if you kill someone is not true,…..is not true…..is not true


Tell me, tell me, if you really go to die, I can kill you with fuckin weapon, tell me, tell me if punks is die, because I know punk never die

Punks not die,……..in INA 4x

Tell me, tell me, if punks is die, I want to kill you, I told u fuckin die, give me whatever can make me fucking die, I can dead but punks will never die


If u talk why never ever true, try a little tell something horny, im a bored with u fucking bullshit, u always thing to the fucking mismatch

Telling the truth, don't u fucking shit
Telling the truth, u never tell the truth
Telling the truth, one word in your life
Telling the truth, my fucking bullshit friend

In your life drunk it make u proud, proud of yourself, n u start to bullshit, we have to go if u came and lie, coz we just want to know the truth

Telling the true……Telling the true….4x


I don't wanna know u, because u hate my music, I don't wanna hear you, because u talk like a shit

I hate u (goddamn)
U are (son of a bitch)
Whatever (u need)
Take it to hell

Fuck U 3x (go to hell)
Fuck U 3x (son of a bitch)

When u ask me about, who the real are u, I said ask to yourself, before u ask to me


They fucking blame us, they wanna bang us, they always catch us, they fucking bastard in brown

Lets kill them all (bastard in brown)
Lets burn they cars (bastard in brown)
Please go to hell (bastard in brown)

Ooo….Kill the bastard 4x
Ooo….Bastard in brown

They use the guns, and fucking says, u under a rest, they fucking bastard in brown


Walk around in the nite, for missing headache in my head, search some drink for a drunk, is make me so happy know, meet some punks on the streets and we going to the shit, show some crime make me sick fuc off and we fucking care

We fuck and fun…………on the street's
Together we gots drunks………on the street's

On the street's ….on the street's 4 x


We are the Anarchyst ( we don't believe religion ), we are the devil child ( againts rulles from the street ), talk about the politic ( the politic real fuck off ), talk about the fucking law ( the fucking law is gonna die)

U talk about the fucking cops, the fucking cops must be destroy, u ask me about the anarchy, the anarchy is UDC

UDC…UDC ( united devil child )
UDC…UDC ( u fuckin know who we are )
UDC…UDC ( united devil child)
UDC…UDC ( udc's Anarchy)

U talk me about the president ( the president is son of a bitch ), talk about the government ( the government such a bullshit ) talk about the politic ( the politic real fuck off ), talk about the fucking law ( the fucking law is gonna die)


We are punkrocker, we fuckin like rock and roll, we hate racial, we love chaos, we playing music with emotion.
Punkrocker is my soul like Ramones and Sex Pistol with gaba gaba hey and the Anarchy every party we're pogo, we're chaos, we're scream

Swindle Revolucion…….3 x
Swindle Revolucion…….3 x

Swindle revolucion is syalalalala 4 x


Lets the fucking world (world to be destroy), still to be anarchy (they are fucking shit), lets de fucking asshole (to de fucking soul), lets the gun fucker (shoot are dick head)

We are the youth…….youth,youth mohican 4x

We wants it make u die (die infucking life),we wants your uniform(with your fuckin die),in the fucking animal (suck your fucking life),we wants the uni color (our fucking asshole)


When I watching the cowboy film, when I watching dananana 2x

When I turn on TV at home, I search cowboy film on TV, there's no good movies on TV, and I found movies on TV

Ooo…….im happy when I found that film
Ooo,……don't care anything

When I watch film on TV, my father call hey stupid come here, wash my car hey lazy boy or the television will be throw


U don't like what people do, when every body move u always hear, why why u want to know, why u can eazy in your life

When everybody move - u want to know
We drunk and fun - u want to know
Every little time - u want to know
u want to know - u want to know

Can u understand about us, we don't want u bother us, count down body just a little time, u know we start to kill you


Последний раз редактировалось hatefastfood; 16.02.2015 в 20:21.
hatefastfood вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
11 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
4емодан (10.04.2012), bungbob (06.10.2016), cbihcity (04.04.2013), mps125 (28.12.2022), mucharif amin (30.06.2015), parsipop (03.04.2017), skomorohh (04.07.2012), stoop (24.09.2012), Vandals_Good (19.02.2012), ТОХ (28.05.2012), Фикрет (09.04.2016)
Непрочитано 19.02.2012, 08:56   #2
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Re: Sexy Pig

дада я слушал этот альбом, жгут ребята) вокал вообще сладенький
Vandals_Good вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 19.02.2012, 09:02   #3
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Re: Sexy Pig

Отличное вообще.
r0gi вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 04.03.2012, 20:14   #4
six hundred sixty six
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Репутация: 85
Re: Sexy Pig



In this dead city, I can do anything, I wanna do something make me hapy, I wanna kill whoever hate my music, I hate people, I wanna kill,…..Kill them all

Be a murder 2x ( I wanna be a murder)
Be a killer 2x ( I wanna be a killer ), now

I hate people said I am is fuckin mad,I relly wanna kick they fuckin asshole,cause I am a dead man and I wanna live again I am thirty blood,sometimes be suck your neck

If you wanna be like a killer you must be kill someone do you thing perfect if you kill someone is not true,…..is not true…..is not true


Tell me, tell me, if you really go to die, I can kill you with fuckin weapon, tell me, tell me if punks is die, because I know punk never die

Punks not die,……..in INA 4x

Tell me, tell me, if punks is die, I want to kill you, I told u fuckin die, give me whatever can make me fucking die, I can dead but punks will never die


If u talk why never ever true, try a little tell something horny, im a bored with u fucking bullshit, u always thing to the fucking mismatch

Telling the truth, don't u fucking shit
Telling the truth, u never tell the truth
Telling the truth, one word in your life
Telling the truth, my fucking bullshit friend

In your life drunk it make u proud, proud of yourself, n u start to bullshit, we have to go if u came and lie, coz we just want to know the truth

Telling the true……Telling the true….4x


I don't wanna know u, because u hate my music, I don't wanna hear you, because u talk like a shit

I hate u (goddamn)
U are (son of a bitch)
Whatever (u need)
Take it to hell

Fuck U 3x (go to hell)
Fuck U 3x (son of a bitch)

When u ask me about, who the real are u, I said ask to yourself, before u ask to me


They fucking blame us, they wanna bang us, they always catch us, they fucking bastard in brown

Lets kill them all (bastard in brown)
Lets burn they cars (bastard in brown)
Please go to hell (bastard in brown)

Ooo….Kill the bastard 4x
Ooo….Bastard in brown

They use the guns, and fucking says, u under a rest, they fucking bastard in brown


Walk around in the nite, for missing headache in my head, search some drink for a drunk, is make me so happy know, meet some punks on the streets and we going to the shit, show some crime make me sick fuc off and we fucking care

We fuck and fun…………on the street's
Together we gots drunks………on the street's

On the street's ….on the street's 4 x


We are the Anarchyst ( we don't believe religion ), we are the devil child ( againts rulles from the street ), talk about the politic ( the politic real fuck off ), talk about the fucking law ( the fucking law is gonna die)

U talk about the fucking cops, the fucking cops must be destroy, u ask me about the anarchy, the anarchy is UDC

UDC…UDC ( united devil child )
UDC…UDC ( u fuckin know who we are )
UDC…UDC ( united devil child)
UDC…UDC ( udc's Anarchy)

U talk me about the president ( the president is son of a bitch ), talk about the government ( the government such a bullshit ) talk about the politic ( the politic real fuck off ), talk about the fucking law ( the fucking law is gonna die)


We are punkrocker, we fuckin like rock and roll, we hate racial, we love chaos, we playing music with emotion.
Punkrocker is my soul like Ramones and Sex Pistol with gaba gaba hey and the Anarchy every party we're pogo, we're chaos, we're scream

Swindle Revolucion…….3 x
Swindle Revolucion…….3 x

Swindle revolucion is syalalalala 4 x


Lets the fucking world (world to be destroy), still to be anarchy (they are fucking shit), lets de fucking asshole (to de fucking soul), lets the gun fucker (shoot are dick head)

We are the youth…….youth,youth mohican 4x

We wants it make u die (die infucking life),we wants your uniform(with your fuckin die),in the fucking animal (suck your fucking life),we wants the uni color (our fucking asshole)


When I watching the cowboy film, when I watching dananana 2x

When I turn on TV at home, I search cowboy film on TV, there's no good movies on TV, and I found movies on TV

Ooo…….im happy when I found that film
Ooo,……don't care anything

When I watch film on TV, my father call hey stupid come here, wash my car hey lazy boy or the television will be throw


U don't like what people do, when every body move u always hear, why why u want to know, why u can eazy in your life

When everybody move - u want to know
We drunk and fun - u want to know
Every little time - u want to know
u want to know - u want to know

Can u understand about us, we don't want u bother us, count down body just a little time, u know we start to kill you

hatefastfood вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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