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Rock Список групп раздела | art rock, post-rock, prog-rock, indie rock, noise rock, math rock, southern rock, post-punk, britpop, space rock, garage rock, etc.

Метки: post-rock
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Непрочитано 20.01.2008, 18:09   #1
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Великобритания (Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия, Северная Ирландия) Souls Vibrating In The Universe

Souls Vibrating In The Universe

post rock

Біографія тіки на англ. з ластефем
There are very few bands who create a sense of atmosphere and emotion purely through their music yet on their ambitious, epic debut it’s exactly what Chelmsford post-rock, trio Souls Vibrating In The Universe set out to do. 'All These Worlds Are Yours' is an aural journey through sweeping sonic soundscapes, delicately beautiful melodies and huge, brooding crescendos, creating spectacularly atmospheric walls of noise.

Forming in 2002 from the ashes of the fast-fading Essex scene, Souls Vibrating In The Universe came of age with their original demo 'The Inevitable Sadness'. Off-kilter song structures and subtle, downbeat dynamics showed a band willing to experiment and the end result defined the band's original, easily recognisable sound. 'All These Worlds Are Yours' takes the blueprint of their earlier work and expands it in every direction possible. Taking influence from art-rock titans Sigur Ros and Godspeed You! Black Emperor as well as nods towards Radiohead and even Snow Patrol, Souls Vibrating In The Universe are an experience not to be missed.

R. Loader - Vocals & Guitar
G. Zucker - Bass, Keyboard, Vocals.
S. Mitchell - Drums

All These Worlds Are Yours



Недавно переслуховував, дуже прикольні) порівнювати до когось мабуть не буду....але деколи нагадує iLiKETRAiNS

Последний раз редактировалось Лунный самогон; 26.09.2011 в 22:29.
untitled вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 20.01.2008, 22:36   #2
vinyl 12"
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Re: Souls Vibrating In The Universe

Сообщение от blindblindblind
але деколи нагадує iLiKETRAiNS
чем именно? вокалом?
fog! вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 21.01.2008, 11:35   #3
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Re: Souls Vibrating In The Universe

untitled вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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