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Thrash Zone Список групп раздела | thrashcore, fastcore, crossover, powerviolence, japanese hardcore, etc.

Метки: crossover, hardcore punk, heavy metal, thrash metal
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Непрочитано 06.03.2013, 15:23   #1
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США White Pigs

Инфо: Образовались в Коннектикуте в 1980. Свой первый релиз выпустили в 1984 "WHITE PIGS s/t 7". Музыка представляла собой олдскульный сырой хардкор панк. Немного позже, в 1985, вышло в свет демо Hit Bonanza, на котором группа сменила стиль и заиграла офигенный припанкованный хэви/кроссовер,. В 1989 вышел полновес Songs of Sin в который перекочевало большинство треков из предыдущей демки.


Band History compiled by Keith Grave

The White Pigs formed in 1980 out of the ashes of Zak and the Soda Boys. Lead singer Dave Death came up with the name as a goof on a neighborhood dog that used to shit all over the place. That line up did one Shamrock Pub show, then because of inner band problems disbanded.

In 1982 singer Brian Ripthroat and original founding member bassist Keith Grave agreed to reform the band, but it took until the summer of 1983 to locate drummer Deorge Butterrick (formerly of the Seperates) and guitarist Chuck Duncan, to get the band rolling again. Influenced by the Misfits, Black Flag, Choatic Dischord, the Vandals and other early aggressive bands, the band's first self-titled 7" EP on Switch Kwilson Productions showed a band with a sense of humour and "fuck it if they can't take a joke" attitude. The band spoofed 30-second thrash songs as well as the under current nazi movement.

In 1984 the Pigs released their seceond 7" EP, this time on their new Songs of Sin label. Evil Stalks the Innocent was recorded live at an outdoor anarchist festival, and saw the beginnings of the death metal spoofing by the band. Lots of Hail Satan's etc. on this one, with a new guitar player, Mike Morbey, to boot.

By the end of 1984, Morbey and Cutterrick were gone, and out of desperation Grave and Ripthroat located neighborhood metal boys Steve Bertrand, an exceptionally gifted guitar player, and the metal double bass drumming of Pete Clarke. Inner musical direction clashes between Grave and Bertrand and Clarke found Keith fired from his own band by the summer of 1985. The band in the meantime appeared on the Mystic Records Let's Die compliation from the Songs of Sin demo Grave recorded with the band before his departure.

With a new bass replacement, Dave Flannerty, the band re-recorded four songs off the Songs of Sin demo along with two new tunes. These six songs were released by Combat Records in 1987 on their Bootcamp 12" EP series. Unfortunately, that was the band's last release while the band was still operating. By '88 the band was finished.

Posthumous releases include an appearance on the 1984 the Fourth compliation LP in 1990 - the restored original Songs of Sin entire LP that was released by Chicago's Walkthrufyre label, and the Retch Records UK White Pigs/Sanity Assassins split CD Dead Man's Hand that featured unreleased songs from the band's last '88 demo, plus the Mystic Super Seven-Hit Bonanza 7" EP.


1984 - White pigs ep
1984 - Evil Stalks the Innocent ep
1985 - Songs of Sin demo
1985 - Hit Bonanza demo tape
1986 - White pigs ep
1989 - Songs of Sin LP
1995 - Dead Man's Hand (split)
2004 - Hardcore from the Early Days (split)



Ссылки: МеталАрхивы

Начинать знакомство с ними лучше с демо, так как, на нем есть треки и хардкор периода их творчества и более поздние, металлизированные композиции, которые в сочетании с довольно сырым звуком, временами напоминают великих и ужасных G.I.S.M
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Clipping Roses (07.07.2013), gism666 (09.08.2014), kalashnikov (06.03.2013), orbit_1992 (24.08.2013), VictimDark (07.03.2013), Чайка (18.11.2013)
Форум www.neformat.com.ua > Music > Thrash Zone

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