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Hardcore Список групп раздела | oldschool, newschool, youth crew, beatdown, melodic hardcore, NYHC

Метки: hardcore, hardcore punk, melodic hardcore
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Непрочитано 06.11.2009, 22:22   #1
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Германия Way Down

Way Down - молодая немецкая группа, образованная из участников Power Rangers Of Hardcore. Только в этот раз взят намного более серьезный подход к музыке и текстам, да и основные влияния не самые последние - Verse, Have Heart и Modern Life Is War.
Группа, как я понял, из тусовки Lasting Traces и Reason to Care, что, собственно, сказывается и на музыке - играют добротнейший модерн хардкор. Дебютная ипиха вышла на I For Us Records (Nine Eleven, Endzweck).

Члены группы:
Rodi - вокал
Dani - гитара
Baster - гитара
Reso - бас
Felix - ударные

Ghost Please Die EP [2009] 320 kbps

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The Happiest Are Not The Richest

"we hope and live our way and even if we go alone we think it is right. we won..t get numbed by preachers. we search our way until this journey finds an end that we can accept."

Stand Still And Watch The Heaven Dusk
Like Notes Burns Up The Day Lasts Only In Our Thoughts
Forgetting The Start By Living The End
We Abandon all Hope By Breaking The Bend
That Is Keeping Our Ship From Sinking
Looking Forward With A Bitter Smile
And Step By Step We Reach The Door
We Never Doubt Not Even Once In A While

We Will Get Our Feet On Solid Ground
And Even If There Are Sticks And Stones
Dragons And Scary Whitches
We Wont Stop Cause We Wont Forget
The Happiest Are Not The Richest

I Know There Is An Island
Fullfilling All Our Dreams
It Is A Place On Earth
Where Honey And Milk Are Pouring On Chocolate Trees

We Dont Have To Bother
About A Heavens Gate
We Dont Have To Fear
An Almighty Old Man

Hearts Turn To Stone

"we don..t want materialism to to rise above the idea that people shouldnot harm each other in any way . live together instead of just beside each other. don..t battle with big cars or nice shiny bullshit. your things do not mean anything in the end. do something good for others. live your own way and support those you love or those who need to be supported. you must not embody this system and its society."

Stop Breathing
Close Your Eyes And Draw The Curtains
The Years Passed By
And You Are Still Fixed
Close To Your Face
Straight Through Your Brain
Consuming Everything
Focused On Tv
Consuming The World And Spend A Lifetime
With People You Hate
Disguise Yourself As A Better One
Hearts Turn To Stone In A Community That You Support
Where Do We Go From Here
What Has Happened To Us
It Is in Our Hands
Speak and Move On
To Form A Society
Where People Build Each Other Up
Where The Definition Of Freedom Is Not
Affected By Fake Instruction
Stand Your Ground With An Open Mind
Where Do We Go From Here?
What Has Happened To Us
It Is in Our Hands
Speak and Move On

Ghost Please Die

"love turns to hate turns to love turns to hate..."

Wasted Times Are That Whats Left
In This Solitude Between me And You
I Numb Myself Again

Real Life Just Has To Wait
No Chance to Explain myself
What Is Left do Say
Some Things Never Change

We Had Tried So hard
To Keep This Fucking Flame Alive
Again. Again. Again So many Times
Just A Thought Only A Word
Every Night Awake
Frightened By The Shadows Of My Past
Ghost please Die!

Every Breath You Try To Take Away Helps Me To Realise That Something Never Change
Ghost please Die!
Every Breath You Try To Take Away Helps Me To Realise That Something Never Change

Rain City

"we do not want to be a part of a hardcore scene that is nothing but a fashion show.
hardcore does not mean to have awesome tattoos or the biggest flesh tunnels. hardcore is having fun and express a way life and politics. so respect other ones like you want to be respected and stop looking at others like you don..t want them to be a part of your great scene."

An Unknown Hand Obstructs The Light.
In The City Behind The Deep Dark Wood.
Fathers Are Hding Under Their Blankets.
Are We Alive?

Only The Dogs Left Alone in The Rain.
An Old Man Is Watering His White Orchids.
Never Grown Up Just A Seed.
He Was Lost In Reverie.

Walking On Wet Leaves.
No Hellos, No Goodbyes.
Just Killing Glances.
Instead Of Hearts We Have Got Rusty Engines.
Driven By All These Signs Of Hope.

We Always Want What We Cant Have.
But We Wont Be The Ones Who Bend.
In Days Of Night.
In This Cold World.
Where Hours Feels Like Years.

Donate Your Skin

"we hate the fur industry. we hate that animals suffer in cages. they get skinned or even skinned alive. it..s cruel to wear fur. and no one would buy fur if they would see the whole process. we hate people that want to stand out from others by showing their money with fur. fuck you and your money and fuck you for supporting this horrible fashion murder."

It’s not your right

Since the days our world began
We use creatures for some aim
Once for things necessary
Now for beauty for the fame

Hope the pictures haunt you
As you looked into their eyes
As they suffered in their cages
Without a place to hide

They have a dignity

Who gave you the permission
You don’t know the pain
Exchange your bodies
You would feel what we explain

Like we’ve heard
In our infancy
Do unto others
As you would
Have others
Do unto you

As long as we think that they cannot feel

they have to feel that we cannot think

Swim with the sharks fight with the bears

hope they would strike to justify their tears

tortured souls are left behind
to make your style with a mind thats blind

seasons change

"knowing what this life means. time won..t wait for you so don..t wait until your time comes. use what you have and make it valuable. you can make every moment a worthful moment but mostly we don..t realize it. we wait for the weekends or something special. we have to open our minds for every day and what it brings."

so many breaths i took numb

unconscious for what I have

day by day year by year

I lived apart from myself

buried under the sand of time

but still can I put upside down

I realised the worth of time

knowing that no second

will given back to me

going conscious through the day

at the end I wanna say

that I used what I had

for me my last day won..t be sad

the longer you wait

the more you miss

every moment has it..s worth

even if it seems so ordinary

living every single day

not waiting for a special one
waiting time is wasted time

try to get each day well done

some day you open your eyes

knock at the inside of your coffin

looking at your clock and yelling loud

at someone to turn back time into now

Sinking out of sight

burn down what we once called our home
without intention dead and gone
for some damn reason you've never told
forget, forgot, forgotten

i'm done

sinking out of sight, falling down a brittle plank
i wish you would drown by my side
watch the hours falling away
take a breath for one more time
no way back to homeport
no way back to homeport

i'm going down

against all reasons
it's my final wish
to see your bitter smile
one last time

i don't mind
let the matter rest
forget it once
and for all
2010 - Way Down & Lasting Traces split EP

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Последний раз редактировалось wanchope; 15.01.2011 в 03:59.
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
183 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Непрочитано 06.11.2009, 22:35   #2
случайно падать в фонтан - это очень ок
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Re: Way Down

епиха епиха
невероятнейшими усилиями добыл в нете только две песни,где ты его достал ума не приложу,но огромное спасибо))) когда там уже апрель
янаелся вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 08.11.2009, 19:09   #3
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Re: Way Down

тексты например

The Happiest Are Not The Richest

"we hope and live our way and even if we go alone we think it is right. we won..t get numbed by preachers. we search our way until this journey finds an end that we can accept."

Stand Still And Watch The Heaven Dusk
Like Notes Burns Up The Day Lasts Only In Our Thoughts
Forgetting The Start By Living The End
We Abandon all Hope By Breaking The Bend
That Is Keeping Our Ship From Sinking
Looking Forward With A Bitter Smile
And Step By Step We Reach The Door
We Never Doubt Not Even Once In A While

We Will Get Our Feet On Solid Ground
And Even If There Are Sticks And Stones
Dragons And Scary Whitches
We Wont Stop Cause We Wont Forget
The Happiest Are Not The Richest

I Know There Is An Island
Fullfilling All Our Dreams
It Is A Place On Earth
Where Honey And Milk Are Pouring On Chocolate Trees

We Dont Have To Bother
About A Heavens Gate
We Dont Have To Fear
An Almighty Old Man

Hearts Turn To Stone

"we don..t want materialism to to rise above the idea that people shouldnot harm each other in any way . live together instead of just beside each other. don..t battle with big cars or nice shiny bullshit. your things do not mean anything in the end. do something good for others. live your own way and support those you love or those who need to be supported. you must not embody this system and its society."

Stop Breathing
Close Your Eyes And Draw The Curtains
The Years Passed By
And You Are Still Fixed
Close To Your Face
Straight Through Your Brain
Consuming Everything
Focused On Tv
Consuming The World And Spend A Lifetime
With People You Hate
Disguise Yourself As A Better One
Hearts Turn To Stone In A Community That You Support
Where Do We Go From Here
What Has Happened To Us
It Is in Our Hands
Speak and Move On
To Form A Society
Where People Build Each Other Up
Where The Definition Of Freedom Is Not
Affected By Fake Instruction
Stand Your Ground With An Open Mind
Where Do We Go From Here?
What Has Happened To Us
It Is in Our Hands
Speak and Move On

Ghost Please Die

"love turns to hate turns to love turns to hate..."

Wasted Times Are That Whats Left
In This Solitude Between me And You
I Numb Myself Again

Real Life Just Has To Wait
No Chance to Explain myself
What Is Left do Say
Some Things Never Change

We Had Tried So hard
To Keep This Fucking Flame Alive
Again. Again. Again So many Times
Just A Thought Only A Word
Every Night Awake
Frightened By The Shadows Of My Past
Ghost please Die!

Every Breath You Try To Take Away Helps Me To Realise That Something Never Change
Ghost please Die!
Every Breath You Try To Take Away Helps Me To Realise That Something Never Change

Rain City

"we do not want to be a part of a hardcore scene that is nothing but a fashion show.
hardcore does not mean to have awesome tattoos or the biggest flesh tunnels. hardcore is having fun and express a way life and politics. so respect other ones like you want to be respected and stop looking at others like you don..t want them to be a part of your great scene."

An Unknown Hand Obstructs The Light.
In The City Behind The Deep Dark Wood.
Fathers Are Hding Under Their Blankets.
Are We Alive?

Only The Dogs Left Alone in The Rain.
An Old Man Is Watering His White Orchids.
Never Grown Up Just A Seed.
He Was Lost In Reverie.

Walking On Wet Leaves.
No Hellos, No Goodbyes.
Just Killing Glances.
Instead Of Hearts We Have Got Rusty Engines.
Driven By All These Signs Of Hope.

We Always Want What We Cant Have.
But We Wont Be The Ones Who Bend.
In Days Of Night.
In This Cold World.
Where Hours Feels Like Years.

Donate Your Skin

"we hate the fur industry. we hate that animals suffer in cages. they get skinned or even skinned alive. it..s cruel to wear fur. and no one would buy fur if they would see the whole process. we hate people that want to stand out from others by showing their money with fur. fuck you and your money and fuck you for supporting this horrible fashion murder."

It’s not your right

Since the days our world began
We use creatures for some aim
Once for things necessary
Now for beauty for the fame

Hope the pictures haunt you
As you looked into their eyes
As they suffered in their cages
Without a place to hide

They have a dignity

Who gave you the permission
You don’t know the pain
Exchange your bodies
You would feel what we explain

Like we’ve heard
In our infancy
Do unto others
As you would
Have others
Do unto you

As long as we think that they cannot feel

they have to feel that we cannot think

Swim with the sharks fight with the bears

hope they would strike to justify their tears

tortured souls are left behind
to make your style with a mind thats blind

seasons change

"knowing what this life means. time won..t wait for you so don..t wait until your time comes. use what you have and make it valuable. you can make every moment a worthful moment but mostly we don..t realize it. we wait for the weekends or something special. we have to open our minds for every day and what it brings."

so many breaths i took numb

unconscious for what I have

day by day year by year

I lived apart from myself

buried under the sand of time

but still can I put upside down

I realised the worth of time

knowing that no second

will given back to me

going conscious through the day

at the end I wanna say

that I used what I had

for me my last day won..t be sad

the longer you wait

the more you miss

every moment has it..s worth

even if it seems so ordinary

living every single day

not waiting for a special one
waiting time is wasted time

try to get each day well done

some day you open your eyes

knock at the inside of your coffin

looking at your clock and yelling loud

at someone to turn back time into now

Sinking out of sight

burn down what we once called our home
without intention dead and gone
for some damn reason you've never told
forget, forgot, forgotten

i'm done

sinking out of sight, falling down a brittle plank
i wish you would drown by my side
watch the hours falling away
take a breath for one more time
no way back to homeport
no way back to homeport

i'm going down

against all reasons
it's my final wish
to see your bitter smile
one last time

i don't mind
let the matter rest
forget it once
and for all
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
3 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
ak (10.04.2010), Kilbeyn (27.03.2010), янаелся (08.11.2009)
Непрочитано 14.11.2009, 10:24   #4
mp3 96 kbps
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Re: Way Down

аще понраились.умнички немцы=)
ananas вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 18.11.2009, 19:33   #5
mp3 128 kbps
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Re: Way Down

сегодня ценил их майспейс, понравились. спасибо за демку!
xShooriqx вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 27.12.2009, 20:33   #6
Nvllivs in verba
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Re: Way Down

За тексты спасибо отдельное, до апреля надо вызубрить)))
wanchope вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 28.12.2009, 13:03   #7
случайно падать в фонтан - это очень ок
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Re: Way Down

wanchope, ахаха полностью солидарен,уже распечатал)) но сначала Ластинг Трейсес
янаелся вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 28.12.2009, 17:10   #8
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Re: Way Down

ждем в апреле у нас - в туре с ластинг трейсис
igorek-hxc вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 15.01.2010, 14:38   #9
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Re: Way Down

Apr 8 2010 8:00P
Apr 9 2010 8:00P
igorek-hxc вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 20.01.2010, 01:09   #10
mp3 56 kbps
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Re: Way Down

есть сылка на скачку?
Flibuster вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 20.01.2010, 01:13   #11
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Re: Way Down

а в шапке что например?
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 13.03.2010, 23:47   #12
сапай вазоны
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Re: Way Down

на майспейсе кста новый трек.хооороший

Добавлено через 43 секунды
ого.даже два
checkpoint вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.03.2010, 13:08   #13
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Re: Way Down

Leor вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.03.2010, 14:06   #14
mp3 256 kbps
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Re: Way Down

Послушал ещё пару дней назад новый трек...понравился!
Но вот только не понял прикола, нахрена было под чистую пиздить начало интро The Carrier - Unloved
ShEkeL вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 16.03.2010, 19:53   #15
mp3 128 kbps
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Re: Way Down

а выложите новые треки кто-нибудь ?
2netzz вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 22.03.2010, 20:00   #16
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Re: Way Down

Сообщение от Sergio Посмотреть сообщение
клетчатые рубашки?
ictus вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 22.03.2010, 20:47   #17
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Re: Way Down

и твидовые пиджаки
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
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massmord (22.03.2010)
Непрочитано 13.04.2010, 23:34   #18
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Re: Way Down

Lasting Traces & Way Down - 2010 - Split EP

скрытый контент Нажмите на кнопку "Спасибо", чтобы увидеть ссылку (нужна регистрация)
Возможно, потребуется перезагрузка страницы.
igorek-hxc вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
40 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
ak (14.04.2010), apelsin (05.10.2010), Ars (21.06.2010), BotanikRock (14.04.2010), checkpoint (14.04.2010), dima.kg3 (05.10.2010), disbeavis (15.04.2010), F**kdan (14.04.2010), Fawkes (14.04.2010), Final Expression (20.04.2010), Fyfnjkbq (27.04.2010), hcXcat (30.10.2010), holland (04.05.2012), Homer (13.04.2010), jajabinks (25.04.2010), Kiev Strangler (14.04.2010), kmb (25.11.2010), Leor (13.04.2010), lovepeacevegansxe (18.11.2010), lynch law (05.11.2010), mr.d4rky (14.04.2010), N1111 (14.08.2017), RaDeman (26.05.2010), s1ndrom (14.04.2010), san-san (25.08.2010), scott_summers (14.04.2010), Sergio (13.04.2010), skittles (14.04.2010), spitfast (14.04.2010), SPOON (14.04.2010), SveeX (20.05.2010), telkaXwrongHole (04.05.2010), Tohich (07.01.2011), TotoroXx (11.11.2010), wanchope (14.04.2010), x (16.04.2010), x Xoxol (25.05.2010), Xerces Vicersys (13.04.2010), young man blues (14.04.2010), Капитан Треники (28.04.2010)
Непрочитано 14.04.2010, 00:54   #19
сапай вазоны
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Re: Way Down

отличный сплит
совсем недавно искал его
checkpoint вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.04.2010, 09:43   #20
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Re: Way Down

сплит шикарный и мне очень понравилось как он оформлен
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 14.04.2010, 16:49   #21
mp3 256 kbps
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Re: Way Down

ох,спаси6о 6ольшое
skittles вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 27.04.2010, 19:27   #22
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Re: Way Down

в общем, была когда-то такая группа Power Rangers Of Hardcore, но даже исходя из названия, не имела ничего общего с Международными Супергероями, потому что играли шикарнейший и очень эмоциональный мелодик хардкор. В составе были:
Dani - гитара (Way Down)
Felix - ударные (Way Down)
Sascha - бас
Kriz - вокал (ныне фронтмен Rebarker)

Не хочу создавать отдельную тему, поэтому единственный их релиз пусть будет здесь, ведь из этой группы выросла Way Down

Power Rangers of Hardcore - Fixed Life Broken Shelter EP (2007)
скрытый контент Нажмите на кнопку "Спасибо", чтобы увидеть ссылку (нужна регистрация)
Возможно, потребуется перезагрузка страницы.
Sergio вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
26 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
apelsin (05.10.2010), Ars (21.06.2010), bind mouse1 kill (13.01.2011), bloodriver (06.10.2010), blud8686 (13.06.2014), da1tro (27.04.2010), Fawkes (27.04.2010), Final Expression (05.11.2010), igorek-hxc (27.04.2010), julyroses (23.10.2010), Lazy4 (05.11.2010), lynch law (12.10.2010), me_hungry (09.11.2010), Morning (13.01.2011), mr.d4rky (28.04.2010), Oleja (04.11.2010), RaDeman (26.05.2010), scott_summers (13.01.2011), skittles (28.04.2010), telkaXwrongHole (04.05.2010), wanchope (04.10.2010), x Xoxol (25.05.2010), Вовкась (19.12.2013), Дени (10.08.2013), Капитан Треники (28.04.2010), я (04.05.2010)
Непрочитано 04.10.2010, 21:28   #23
vinyl 5"
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На спейсе новая песня.
Vegan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
2 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Sergio (04.10.2010), skittles (04.10.2010)
Непрочитано 04.10.2010, 21:43   #24
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Re: Way Down

крутая песня
skittles вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.10.2010, 01:11   #25
vinyl 5"
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Вторая пошла.
Vegan вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 12.10.2010, 10:18   #26
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Re: Way Down

Новые песни просто отличные!
kingstreet вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 05.11.2010, 19:35   #27
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Re: Way Down

“hey eastern europe! see you again in 2011 :)”

Read more: http://www.myspace.com/waydownhc/#ixzz14QViLwRj

Lazy4 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
2 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Final Expression (05.11.2010), янаелся (05.11.2010)
Непрочитано 05.11.2010, 20:26   #28
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Re: Way Down

igorek-hxc вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 09.11.2010, 03:24   #29
mp3 v0
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Репутация: 25
Re: Way Down

Oleja вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 13.01.2011, 13:58   #30
Nvllivs in verba
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Репутация: 2445
Re: Way Down

Way Down
TODAY: we are done ! Down is dead.
28 Декабрь 2010 г. в 21:48
wanchope вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Форум www.neformat.com.ua > Music > Hardcore

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