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Crust Список групп раздела | crust punk, anarcho-punk, d-beat, crashercrust, neocrust/dark hardcore

Метки: crust, hardcore, stenchcore
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Непрочитано 20.04.2010, 22:01   #1
vinyl 12"
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Великобритания (Англия, Уэльс, Шотландия, Северная Ирландия) Bullet Ridden


Сырой и грязный бристольский краст. Мощный саунд в духе Extinction of Mankind, Instinct of Survival и им подобным, английский акцент, темное пиво, все дела.
В сети гуляет их дебютный альбом Songs Written Before Jumping Out Of An Eight Storey Window 2009 года, выпущенный на UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT.




Retards backed by rich cowards
Degenerate claims of supremacy
Those real traitors to those who died,
Are entranced by an Austrian worm
Mein Kampf mit
meiner Lust
für meine Nichte,
und meine Liebe
für Jüdische Komponisten
Ihre Liebe ist blind…

Meaningless wastes of life and time
When they had used you
They would dispose of you

Spurious attempts to rationalise hate
When they had used you
They would dispose of you

Closet perverts and sociopaths
When they had used you
They would dispose of you

Long knives


We go now kill

I don’t share a mind with those others
Now I've tasted of that despair
There’s a black shape inside my head
That’s eating its way into the light

I’ve seen the deep abysmal truth
Where it all goes quiet and slow
My lips are flecked with the salt of tides
That washed away all I know

No, no…we go now kill


The scrying of right wing scholars
Is guiding unsteady old hands
As we move into the end of all times now
It’s best that we make the plans
To talk peace would be against god
This book can show us the way
Four horsemen stand at the gates now
We must bomb open the seals

Peace up a rope
Behold a pale horse


Opened the door to a suicide note from god
His writing betrayed no hints of loss
So I waved goodbye to all the happy things
Though what they were now seems quite unclear
“Why this is hell nor am I out of it”
My picture is framed now in a different way
I move within final parameters
The spotlight on me is a cone of black

Getting down to those knife at wrist blues
Settling in for the gun at temple blues
Holding the pin for the grenade in hand blues
Clutching the bottle for those pill in mouth blues

No one will ever know
No one can ever know


Partake of the holy bread
Feed those who feed the rats
Partake of the bloody wine
That fills the craters and the trenches
Plough the bodies back into the mud
Plough it to the back of your mind
Ask yourself are these really all bodies
Or are they the symbols of the bodies

Ask yourself are they really all dead
Or are they just symbolic of death
Ask yourself is this the body of Christ
Or is this just symbolic of Christ
Ask yourself is this really murder
Or is it just symbolic murder
Ask yourself is that blood on your hands
Or is it only wine that was spilled



Leave me to the dogs
I dont want to know
Leave me to the dogs
Fuck this hellish charade

This world is red in tooth and claw
And they wonder why it fails
But we are falsely instructed
By those unfit to our know our lives
Blame us when we rage against
Against when it falls apart
Stand at odds with the whole of this world
Can no longer accept its charge

We are on the outside
But not looking in
Let the curs rip and tear it away
Let them gorge on weary meat
It all means nothing, nothing at all


The Light is retreating
Superstition evolved
Ritualised fear of unknown
Sacrifice demanded
Hecatomb of the young
Fodder for the altars
Replace the animal with the human
And ensure war gods appeased

Battlefields of burnt offerings
Death claims victory on both sides

Blood once made our crops grow
Blood once made the sun rise
Blood now makes the oil flow
Blood now makes our machine run


It’s an easy step to pile on the bodies
The flames were so strong and beguiling
Your cause bays next for the author
The air is so heady and tense

To you it feels like your doing the right thing
Written words are the voices of the dead
Skin lifts away just like paper
And you made mouths fall silent

To ensure no one is reading
Then No one is thinking
Then nothing is moving
You want to make history …………stop

End all discussion
Make yours the one truth
To Silence debate
All thought must ………………….stop

Skin lifts away like paper
Paper drifts away like skin


Whet the scythe
And all of this is rent in twain
Whet the scythe
Your Money turns back to trees
Whet the scythe
All of this collapses in
To a single point
A single point that ends with you

Culling blade for your straw dogs
Your horizons red rises to meet you

Whet the scythe
Blood that drives your little machine
Whet the scythe
Gets emptied out into little streams
Whet the scythe
All of this is gone forever
False life you built
Torn asunder returned to ash


Rise with the flags
Go down at the guns
Bombarded to fuck
Cast into the void

Bullet ridden
Pound human beings into hell
Bullet ridden
Immersed in the killstorm

Its never ever enough
No overkill will do
Murderous hard-on
Everyone gets done

No one knows you’re here
Until you don't turn up for work
Until you don’t pay your bills
Until you fail to comply

Just fall on that sword
Let red tears forge the path
Clutch those snakes to your breast
The exits are blocked
Your exits are blocked
Except one


They are pulling out your guts
Targets have failed to be met
They are pecking out your eyes
The caress of your wife’s gone cold
They are dragging you around the clearing
The children see no love in your arms
Eye sockets pool with moonlight
Your stories make “friends” turn away

Fof the

Dead meat for the wilderness
The caw caw and squabble for scraps
Dead meat for the wilderness
Feral burial bones scatter and gleam

I call on the beasts from the woods
To oversee and maintain your despair
Put my fingers to the switch in your head
Turn off all your hopes and dreams

Reach for the throat
Reach for your throat
I am the Voider

What am I against the dollar?
What value is assigned to me?
What am I against the dollar?
Where do you stand against the mighty cabal?

Capstone is lowering
Capstone is lowering
Capstone is lowering
Capstone is lowering

Economy of blood robots, gears of industry grind over your bones
We all swallow the pill and we all tread the mill
Useful idiots or useless eaters
All absorbed by the great machine

BULLET RIDDEN - 2009 - Songs Written Before Jumping Out Of An Eight Storey Window
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Zimbabva вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
55 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Непрочитано 21.04.2010, 22:53   #2
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Re: Bullet Ridden

Сообщение от Zimbabva Посмотреть сообщение
ощный саунд в духе Extinction of Mankind, Instinct of Survival и им подобным, английский акцент, темное пиво, все дела.

Добавлено через 7 часов 7 минут
у гитариста татуировки дико крутые!
ictus вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 10.05.2010, 19:12   #3
vinyl 12"
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Репутация: 662
Re: Bullet Ridden

Сообщение от ictus Посмотреть сообщение
у гитариста татуировки дико крутые!
ну забит да, забит четко
Zimbabva вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 17.05.2010, 21:40   #4
Allah Obama
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Re: Bullet Ridden

ахуенніе если че, на подріве такие
To what end? вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 01.11.2012, 23:33   #5
mp3 128 kbps
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Репутация: 3
Re: Bullet Ridden

toxidermy вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Форум www.neformat.com.ua > Music > Crust

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